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以前加拿大的老板们不鼓励办公室恋情,但是,2009年的一个调查发现,现如今同学们更看得开了,认为,办公室恋情没啥大不了的。甚至上级与下级有办公室恋情都可以;很多同学甚至认为: 双方都已婚,或者其中一方已婚,也可以陷入办公室恋情,没啥不好。(哎呀)。

A 2009 study published in the Journal of Business and Psychology and authored Cole, looked at the attitudes of 100 employees and students at Ryerson University. Most respondents said they felt workplace romances are “inevitable” Cole says.

In fact, respondents said it didn’t matter whether the two people dating were in a hierarchical relationship or not.

“That was a little surprising, but it shows how the younger generation may be perceiving things,” says Cole.

Perhaps a little more surprisingly, most respondents said it didn’t matter whether one or both of the people dating were already married and having an office affair.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 【看着办。办公室恋情似乎是趋势了。】数据显示, 美国有百分之五十的同学承认有过办公室恋情;而英国2002年的数据显示: 每十个英国同学里,就有七个有办公室恋情。
    According to Stephanie Losee and Helaine Olen, authors of the book Office Mate: The Employee Handbook For Finding — And Managing — Romance On The Job, about 50 per cent of workers in the U.S. admit to having dated co-workers. The British payroll company Portfolio Payroll revealed in 2002 that seven out of 10 of their workers had a romantic relationship.
    • work from home咋办?
      • find moonlighting jobs from home
      • Get yourself back to office?
      • 虚拟办公室恋情
      • 办公室戈壁恋情
      • 你有COCO ~~ busy enough?
      • from coworker's home?
      • 只好恋上自己了 +1
        • looooooooooool
        • lol
        • He already did.
        • 怪不得老猫那么自恋
          • :)
      • 大家一下子给了这么多解决方案,真是太激动了
        • 我的建议是不是最好的?你选哪个了?去过你们在STEELES/PHARMACY的那个总部几次了,没有看到有多少美女,帅哥还是有的。
      • 邻居最危险
    • 诠释办公室恋情现象的作者们说, 有些公司对办公室恋情开绿灯鼓励,因为老板认为: 办公室恋情可能会提高员工的生产力,也会让员工们对公司更忠心耿耿。
      According to the authors, some companies might even encourage dating because productivity and commitment to the company may increase.
    • 这太正常了。。你想想你和同事的时间估计比和老公的时间多吧
      • 而且与同事聊天的时候都非常礼貌,有分寸,互相尽量给对方好感。比在家里吆喝的感觉好多了
        • 嗯。。家里的结婚前也是这感觉
          • 强烈反对婚姻合法化!
            • loooooooool
    • 以前加拿大的老板们不鼓励办公室恋情,但是,2009年的一个调查发现,现如今同学们更看得开了,认为,办公室恋情没啥大不了的。甚至上级与下级有办公室恋情都可以;很多同学甚至认为: 双方都已婚,或者其中一方已婚,也可以陷入办公室恋情,没啥不好。(哎呀)。
      A 2009 study published in the Journal of Business and Psychology and authored Cole, looked at the attitudes of 100 employees and students at Ryerson University. Most respondents said they felt workplace romances are “inevitable” Cole says.

      In fact, respondents said it didn’t matter whether the two people dating were in a hierarchical relationship or not.

      “That was a little surprising, but it shows how the younger generation may be perceiving things,” says Cole.

      Perhaps a little more surprisingly, most respondents said it didn’t matter whether one or both of the people dating were already married and having an office affair.
      • 难怪同性恋婚姻合法会在加拿大全面实现,而不是在美国。加拿大土老帽这么开放,有些吃惊了都。
    • 看来我得换工作了,现在的办公室除了中年老太太就是gay. +2
      • :)
      • 也可以换性取向
        • 不容易,没有换工作容易。
    • 我更关心, 结果怎样呢? ~~~ 会不会遍体鳞伤? ~~
      • 周瑜打黄盖,我觉得。
        • 不要象市长那样动真情~~~
          • 市长动情了?不是回归家庭了吗?
            • 动情了就得离家吗? 那啥电影你没看~~ 动情了还得回家, 你不觉得更可悲吗?~~
      • 毛先生说“想要知道梨子的味道,就要亲口尝一尝”
        • 不喜欢梨~~
        • 污蔑毛先生吧?他那么忙,还对办公室恋情发了言?啊?
          • 窑洞里的恋情
    • 【投票】否则,不给你们午饭吃。
      • 立题就错, 这也有合不合适一说?~~
        • 看你们的觉悟。:)
        • 66.7%的ROLIA同学认为合适。你看吧。
          • 家 坛已经苦哈哈了, 你这一折腾, 更热闹了~~~lol
            kidding kidding ~~
      • 投了 吃饭去 +1
    • 在天朝这个是100%
      • +100 想起了白主管~~~