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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

When the bus stopped at service area, we didn't have to put on our own shoes. Flip flops were prepared.

该图片系通过手机程序Rolia Moment (枫下时光)上贴
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / Hello Saigon! +2
    该图片系通过手机程序Rolia Moment (枫下时光)上贴
    • 呵呵,勾起了我的美好回忆。Enjoy, stay safe. +1
    • Long distance sleeper bus. Very clean. Everyone puts their shoes in a plastic bag. +1
      该图片系通过手机程序Rolia Moment (枫下时光)上贴
      • 奇怪了,照道理越南也是前共产国家啊,怎么在这方面能做这么好
        • It's still a communist country. But it used to be a French colony, and was influenced by US a lot before the South was occupied by the Communists.
        • 人家木有经历文化大革命。没有经历过连亲人都得出卖以保全自己保全孩子的政权。
    • When the bus stopped at service area, we didn't have to put on our own shoes. Flip flops were prepared.
      该图片系通过手机程序Rolia Moment (枫下时光)上贴
    • There were a few young kids and a baby on the bus. Interestingly, they all behaved very well! I didn't notice the baby as he/she was so quite. This is a cute girl on the bus. +1
      该图片系通过手机程序Rolia Moment (枫下时光)上贴
      • how did you communicate with them? +2
        • 这么久不见,你的游记哪?
        • Surprisingly Vietnamese are quite open to English.
    • 这个地方太热le +1
      • Haha, just good for me.
    • 期待更多后续!
    • 你在那旅游?好亲切的摩托车哈
    • 看照片就知道够脏够乱的。我一个越南同事回去三礼拜,居然在家乡一个餐厅被倒下来的镜子打中头背,缝了不少针,当地医疗条件落后,几天能上飞机就逃回来了。
    • 加精,加精!