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关于有骨关节炎的老人的膝关节的resistance exercise加拿大和美国都有guidline。我不知道怎么把guideline 的pdf文档传上来。发一两篇摘要吧。The initiation,

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛progression, and severity of knee osteoarthritis (OA) has been associated with
decreased muscular strength and alterations in joint biomechanics. Chronic OA pain may lead to
anxiety, depression, fear of movement, and poor psychological outlook. The fear of movement
may prevent participation in exercise and social events which could lead to further physical and
social isolation. Resistance exercise (RX) has been shown to be an effective intervention both for
decreasing pain and for improving physical function and self-efficacy. RX may restore muscle
strength and joint mechanics while improving physical function. RX may also normalize muscle
firing patterns and joint biomechanics leading to reductions in joint pain and cartilage degradation.
These physical adaptations could lead to improved self-efficacy and decreased anxiety and
depression. RX can be prescribed and performed by patients across the OA severity spectrum.
When designing and implementing an RX program for a patient with knee OA, it is important to
consider both the degree of OA severity as well as the level of pain. RX, either in the home or at a
fitness facility, is an important component of a comprehensive regimen designed to offset the
physical and psychological limitations associated with knee OA. Unique considerations for this
population include: 1) monitoring pain during and after exercise, 2) providing days of rest when
disease flares occur, and 3) infusing variety into the exercise regimen to encourage adherence.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 【帮PETER同学劝一下老古巴】首先介绍一下照片里的这位男医生:周志明医生((CHOW, CHI MING),香港移民,现在是多伦多市中心St. Michael's Hospital的心脏科医生。这是上次在多伦多的Heart & Stroke Foundation活动上拍的,



    • 看起来年轻,是吧?但他每次给我们讲课都会说:我其实很老了。:)但因为我坚持骑自行车上班,坚持练瑜伽,而且上班时不坐电梯,都是走路上下医院的楼梯,所以我身体好,关节都没有问题。
      • 而且有时讲课,他会现场示范他的一些瑜伽动作,比较高难度的,确实是长期练瑜伽的主才可以达到的水平。
        • 欢迎一起练瑜伽,我已经坚持了4年,LG坚持了5年.
          • 看你们的旅游照片就看得出来,你们俩都很FIT,一看就不是坐着不动的主,肯定热爱锻炼。旅行很耗体力的。
      • 人家是医生嘛。你看那个永远不老的"甲骨文"。估计这小子有70多了吧? 上天入地下海。人家是亿万富翁
        • 不知道甲骨文是谁啊。但刚开始见到周志明医生时,还以为他才30多,因为近距离看,也充满活力,皮肤,神色,动作简直就一年轻人嘛。之后他告诉我们他的年龄,我们才哗然了一下。
          • 连他也映射不出来,问IT 们吧。 老农完成任务了, 下课
          • 应该在50左右吧
            • 反正看起来就不是他的实际年龄。每次都告诉我们:”我很老了。“ 大家一下子笑开了花,非常幽默。
    • 周志明医生说过:年龄大的人不要做特别剧烈的运动,可以上下楼梯,但前提是:如果你的关节没有任何问题,可以上下楼梯。如果你的关节本身有问题,那么可以不上下楼梯。所以,老古巴,你真不应该那么使用你的关节了,运动量太大。
      • 医生的话都给你了,你看着办了。你的太太和小古巴他姐也不劝一下你。如果我老爸这么折腾自己的关节,我是不会袖手旁观的。
        • 舞王的理解不对,他跳舞用的是小肌肉群。最难动起来的大肌肉群。 你的大肌肉群会保护你的膝盖。你不信去问皱医生
          • 问题是,你都说了你的关节有问题,积水,是不是?如果你不说这个,我都不会加入这个劝阻你的队伍的。如果你从年轻时就这么大运动量,可以理解,但是如果是半路出家,我感到还是有些TOO MUCH。
            • 谢谢你。。恰恰是为了保护膝盖,不得不这样做。 嘿嘿。。这里理科生太多。 如果以机械原理为基础课的工科生,不会这样理解的。。午饭还没着落
              • 人家医生都说,如果关节有问题,就不要太劳动强度大。给你,午餐。


                • 那不跟死了一样,活着还有啥意思? 真是年轻人,能吃这么油的东西
                  • 可以做其他的运动嘛,比如学国标?你不是说你爸妈都拿过国标老年组奖状吗?你得学。减肥,保持FIT,还没有你这个累,伤筋动骨。
                    • 这下你可领教了什么叫一条道儿走到黑的人了 +1
                      • 其实,你,老古巴,还有我,都是一条道儿走到黑的主,难道不是?反正我是一条道儿走到黑的。比如我从来不喜欢跑步,所以,从来就不怎么跑步。
                        • 这要看人,千年的王八万年的龟。有的人安静管了,新陈代谢就慢一点。顺势而为。我就闲不住,不去gym浑身不舒服,不管多累,身体不舒服,一进gym,都好了
              • 理科生只管相信一些reasonable的话,而不管是否testable。我经常给儿子灌输这样的理念,现在我告诉他什么气温该穿什么衣服他都不听,非要自己先跑到阳台上试一试再决定。
                • 小小朵V5.:)
          • 老古巴说的是对的。不同关节面和面之间有不同的空间,在运动专科医生指导下锻炼关节周围肌肉群,对关节的磨损并不会比慢走还要厉害,相反关节周围相对薄弱的肌肉得到加强后会保护站立和行走时对关节的损伤。
            • 所以你支持老农目前的锻炼方法了
              • 哎呀,问了同样的问题了。
              • 我不指导老农目前是什么样的锻炼方法,但是根据他说的,他是咨询过运动专业医师的,并且有personal trainer指导,所以我不会为他的运动方式担心。如果你练过瑜伽你就指导,看起来一模一样的动作,姿势非常细微的差别所使用的肌肉群就不一样。
            • 你支持老古巴?
              • 关于有骨关节炎的老人的膝关节的resistance exercise加拿大和美国都有guidline。我不知道怎么把guideline 的pdf文档传上来。发一两篇摘要吧。The initiation,
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛progression, and severity of knee osteoarthritis (OA) has been associated with
                decreased muscular strength and alterations in joint biomechanics. Chronic OA pain may lead to
                anxiety, depression, fear of movement, and poor psychological outlook. The fear of movement
                may prevent participation in exercise and social events which could lead to further physical and
                social isolation. Resistance exercise (RX) has been shown to be an effective intervention both for
                decreasing pain and for improving physical function and self-efficacy. RX may restore muscle
                strength and joint mechanics while improving physical function. RX may also normalize muscle
                firing patterns and joint biomechanics leading to reductions in joint pain and cartilage degradation.
                These physical adaptations could lead to improved self-efficacy and decreased anxiety and
                depression. RX can be prescribed and performed by patients across the OA severity spectrum.
                When designing and implementing an RX program for a patient with knee OA, it is important to
                consider both the degree of OA severity as well as the level of pain. RX, either in the home or at a
                fitness facility, is an important component of a comprehensive regimen designed to offset the
                physical and psychological limitations associated with knee OA. Unique considerations for this
                population include: 1) monitoring pain during and after exercise, 2) providing days of rest when
                disease flares occur, and 3) infusing variety into the exercise regimen to encourage adherence.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • The Ottawa panel clinical practice guidelines for the management of knee osteoarthritis. Part two: Strengthening exercise programs
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Abstract
                Objective: To identify effective strengthening exercise programs and provide rehabilitation teams and
                patients with updated, high-quality recommendations concerning traditional land-based exercises for knee
                Methods: A systematic search and adapted selection criteria included comparative controlled trials
                with strengthening exercise programs for patients with knee osteoarthritis. A panel of experts reached
                consensus on the recommendations using a Delphi survey. A hierarchical alphabetical grading system
                (A, B, C+, C, D, D+ or D-) was based on statistical significance (p < 0.5) and clinical importance (⩾15%
                Results: The 26 high-quality studies identified demonstrated that various strengthening exercise
                programs with/without other types of therapeutic exercises are generally effective for improving knee
                osteoarthritis management within a six-month period. Strengthening exercise programs demonstrated a
                significant improvement for pain relief (four Grade A, ten Grade B, two Grade C+), physical function (four
                Grade A, eight Grade B) and quality of life (three Grade B). Strengthening in combination with other types
                of exercises (coordination, balance, functional) showed a significant improvement in pain relief (three
                Grade A, 11 Grade B, eight Grade C+), physical function (two Grade A, four Grade B, three Grade C+)
                and quality of life (one Grade A, one Grade C+).
                Conclusion: There are a variety of choices for strengthening exercise programs with positive
                recommendations for healthcare professionals and knee osteoarthritis patients. There is a need to
                develop combined behavioral and muscle-strengthening strategies to improve long-term maintenance of
                regular strengthening exercise programs.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                • 这两篇文章说的不错。一定要适量运动。而老农在冲击极限
    • 嗯。怎么看都也就60来岁吧。是显年轻。 +1
      • 嗯,肯定是没有胖子小年轻,因为胖子的皮肤普遍比瘦子的显年轻。所以,人还是得像胖子小这么胖才好,显得年轻。:) +1
        • 难道不是?他到底多少岁?小胖子不是显得年轻,是本身就年轻。
          • 你到底多少岁?你告诉我,我才告诉你他的年龄。
            • 偷偷告诉你。。。。
              • 授受不亲,授受不亲。不能偷偷。LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL笑倒了。
              • ha ha ha
                授受不亲 

                • 怎么还上起课来呢
    • 头发这么好,不会有多老。
      • 人家才不老呢。而且生机勃勃。天天骑车上班(除了下雪),而且资深瑜伽同学,还是多伦多CYCLING 俱乐部的成员,热爱体育,高尔夫网球都很不错。:)
        • 嗯。。你看他满脸都是阳光。老农一个远方朋友是专科医生。 我把他拉下水成了球友。 这小子上瘾的时候,把病人的约会取消,一周去会高美美好几次,几次后,被一群鬼佬投诉。。嘿嘿。。笑死人 +1
          • 不仅满脸阳光,说话活蹦乱跳的,总之没有一般祖国医生那种陈腐,很年轻,心态,动作。。。。
            • 没办法, 现在做一台手术有时要十几小时,没体力,撑不下来。祖国的医生,没有银子(比北美),自然就就白暂和陈腐。那脸上的阳光代表着金钱和时间
              • 他不是外科动手术的心脏科医生,不给病人开刀的。
    • 肯定比我年轻!90年大学毕业,97年拿执照,怎么会老
      • 人家根本不老。胖子小就是嫉妒人家。他小时候是移民到Montreal,所以,他的法语也不错。他说,他是在Montreal学的普通话,很勤奋。
      • 这里医生拿到执照最早也要三十岁出头,如果是专科通常是三十五以上。 +1
        • 84年大学毕业,还是我老
          • 少年班的
      • 他是在McGill读完 comp science master后才读医生的,年龄可以算的大概的啊。
        • Undergraduate degree in computer science from Brown University, Doctor of Medicine (1990) at McGill University and a Masters of Science in Epidemiology at McGill University (1997).
    • 跟隔壁的励志故事对照着看,这些养生的小trick跟画国画比起来,啥都不是。
      • 啊?隔壁?画国画是锻炼身体?锻炼哪部分?手指? +1
        • "齐白石57岁时,娶了18岁的胡宝珠为妻,宝珠又生了7个孩子..白石老人83岁时,宝珠又怀孕了,在生第8个时却因高龄难产逝世 ..
          • 这是他的基因好,还是画国画画出来的?太离谱了吧?有几个画国画的是这样老当益壮?如果一半以上都是,我就信国画是好的锻炼方式。如果千年就出了他这一个奇葩,我感到有些啼笑皆非。
      • 在成都看到的一个书法家的工作室。不知道为什么,见过的几个祖国的书法家,基本都是秃顶。难道练书法会导致秃顶?


        • 他的工作室在这个知名景点,买他书法的游客不少,现场写,现场卖。可以告诉他你喜欢什么样的字,内容是什么,当场搞定。