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If you are blocked, you are not able to type your text at all.

You said you saw 主贴不存在, that's a different situation, as described below:

User A posts a posting #1.
You see posting #1, you want to reply. You click the reply button and start to type your text.
User A deletes posting #1.
User A posts posting #2, with the same text, or slightly different text (more likely, usually User A wants to change something)
You finish your typing, you click submit.
Your reply is for #1, which does not exist anymore, so the system tells you 父帖不存在。
However, you see the posting is still there. You don't realize that it's in fact a DIFFERENT post. You think mistakenly that you are blocked. No, you are not.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑电信 / 老大, 你那屏蔽功能可以改进下不? 应该根本不允许被屏蔽人回贴, 省得被屏蔽人还在那码字, 做无用功~~~ +1
    • 现在不就是不允许被屏蔽人回帖吗?现在不就是,你点reply没反应吗?你究竟能不能回zz的贴呀,我怎么觉得你作为it人员有点糊涂呢 -lanblue(蓝); 18:19 +1 reply
      • 我可以点REPLY, 但SUBMIT 的时候不行~~ -littlebird09(小小鸟); 18:20
        • 难道我这个不是被拉黑?~~
          • 网络弛缓
    • 恩,网络经常有这样的,忙了半天,最后提交的时候说你没有权限,气死人。LOL
      • 真是, 我试了几遍还, 太浪费我精力和感情了~~
        • 什么感觉?
          • 满足你, 试吧~~LOL
          • 试的如何?~~
    • 黑了就黑了吧
      • 问题是, 我不知道, 还使劲码字, 最后告诉我主贴不存在~~~
    • 这口气咽不下去了~~~~ +1
      • 这是个讲究效率的时代~~
    • 你是不是sign out的时候回帖?照理不会啊,应该是点击reply后,没反应才对啊,。。。
      • 我可以REPLY, 就是SUBMIT 不出去~~说主贴不存在~
        • 看来不同的browser,response不同,,老大又有活儿干了。。。
          • extra-job (☆_☆)
      • 对,小鸟啦完后根本点不进回复了。
        • 我的就不同啊, why why why ~~
          • 可能你是VIP用户 凸^-^凸
          • 肯定是藕断丝连~~~LOL +1
            • 吓人~~
          • 可能因为就是因为firefox。
    • 那谁, fan-fan 试好没, 我UNBLOCK 你了哈~~
      • 试玩了,replay根本木反应。
        • 你用的哪个BROWSER, 我用FIREFOX~~
          • ipad
          • 我用的也是firefox
            • 老大特意害我?~~
              • 需要平反昭雪
                • 包大人在哪?~~
            • 为什么对待不同
              • 喜欢小鸟呗。。。 +1
                • 啊, 浪费我精力感情, 还是对我好, 哪讲理去?~~
                  • 小男生喜欢小女生,都是喜欢拿毛毛虫吓唬她的 +1
                    • 不要乱说话, 我已经被人抓辫子了~~~
                      • 小鸟我策反你一下吧,你看你来中坛,多热闹呀,随手发2个帖子都是热点,你回来吧,别在梦坛混了,你难道不想我们这些老朋友么? +1
                        • 话多错多, 今天已经被人抓小辩子了, 你得罩着我, 我一直都在啊, 到处流窜~~~
                          • 你怕什么,你也不看抓你小辫子的人是谁?
                            • 我都不敢回那贴去看~~~:D
                        • 哈哈,你可真直接,说出了我的心里话,,我大赞你一下。。。 +1
                          • 给我加一点赞呀,我要50个+1。。。去给我买点赞机去 +1
                            • +100,行不。。。 +1
                              • 熊抱你俩~~ +1
                                • 别听她们的!你要是再走怎么行呢!老农和荡木叔叔要是不在时,你忍心看人家天天无休无止地自己顶帖吗? 没有一点儿怜悯之心啊。
                                  • 我到处流窜~~~ -littlebird09(小小鸟);
                                  • 不实事求是了哈,可不止那2个人哈 +1
                                    • 他俩都是我的好网友,看到他们开心我就高兴。
    • 应该没屏蔽你吧,就是bug,让老大修一下。小鸟这么温柔可人的谁还能舍得block啊?
      • 艾玛, 爱妃来了, 我胆也大了~~ 哇卡卡~~
    • If you are blocked, you are not able to type your text at all.
      You said you saw 主贴不存在, that's a different situation, as described below:

      User A posts a posting #1.
      You see posting #1, you want to reply. You click the reply button and start to type your text.
      User A deletes posting #1.
      User A posts posting #2, with the same text, or slightly different text (more likely, usually User A wants to change something)
      You finish your typing, you click submit.
      Your reply is for #1, which does not exist anymore, so the system tells you 父帖不存在。
      However, you see the posting is still there. You don't realize that it's in fact a DIFFERENT post. You think mistakenly that you are blocked. No, you are not.
      • 没错,小鸟大概是太急了 ^_^。
        • 兔子急了还咬人呢
      • 唉, 我也是挨踢呢~~~试过几遍都一样~~~
      • 怪了, 刚试了一下, 真的不能REPLY, 你肯定悄悄的把BUG 抓住了~~~LOL
    • 你submit时,对方正好删帖。巧了
      • 我这就去再试一次, 不信了还~~
    • 老大已经悄悄地改啦。阿拉马完老夫立马再次黑我,要回她贴时根本不允许。