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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

美国现当局送给塔里班大量先进武器,最新统计:包括 110 Helicopters, 20 Light Attack Airplanes, 42,000 Light Attack Vehicles, 25,000 Grenade Launchers。塔里班弄不懂的,肯定转卖给天朝了。

If you thought the Joe Biden Afghanistan disaster was bad now – things are going to get much worse. Joe Biden supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with billions of dollars worth of US armaments. Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the country, Joe Biden decided to leave the nearly $85…

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 美国现当局送给塔里班大量先进武器,最新统计:包括 110 Helicopters, 20 Light Attack Airplanes, 42,000 Light Attack Vehicles, 25,000 Grenade Launchers。塔里班弄不懂的,肯定转卖给天朝了。 +2
    If you thought the Joe Biden Afghanistan disaster was bad now – things are going to get much worse. Joe Biden supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with billions of dollars worth of US armaments. Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the country, Joe Biden decided to leave the nearly $85…
    • 现在Taliban的空军装备在全球排名第26位! +3
    • 能飞的飞机都飞到塔基斯坦了, +1
      • 塔利班在坎大哈试飞黑鹰直升机,joyride, 虽然没敢飞高,练练很快会了。拜登真是塔利班的运输大队长 +3
        • 直升机哪有那么容易飞,还要能打仗,没有个1-2年,根本就无法形成战斗力。而且这飞机的维护,保养,油料都不是那么好搞的。美国人搞不好31号或者九月初,会用无人机炸一遍,能毁的,全部毁掉。 +1
    • 估计美国又要扔导弹,还会有人壮烈了。 +1
    • 天朝不可能全要这些飞机,收入一两台做研究之用倒有可能。因为每个国家都有自己的军工体系,本身这几个东西没有作战价值,拿来是分析它的军工体系,看它的军工设计方向及将来世界军工发展后存在哪些瓶颈,隔多久这种体系必定要更换等等。看的是军工设计思想。 +1
      • 每一架都是领先天朝国产几十年的。只要能要到,多多益善。
        • 64以前买的黑鹰到今天还是党卫军最先进的直升机。战狼们就是没有个13数的天天喊打喊杀,你能说啥 +2
    • 独家收购价格不好,俄国会插一脚 +2