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3.1415926535897932... 复习一下2000多年前阿基米德是怎么算出Pi 值的

Finding Pi by Archimedes' Method
Archimedes approximated the value of Pi by starting with the fact that a regular hexagon inscribed in a unit circle has a perimeter of 6. He then found a me...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 科技杂谈 / 3.1415926535897932... 复习一下2000多年前阿基米德是怎么算出Pi 值的
    Finding Pi by Archimedes' Method
    Archimedes approximated the value of Pi by starting with the fact that a regular hexagon inscribed in a unit circle has a perimeter of 6. He then found a me...
    • 好似pi/6 = 1/1!+2/3!....?
      • 好几个无穷数列算法,但是你这个pi 已经大于6了吧
        • 大于6是非欧几何