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ZT be the beacon of light. we are fighting for humanity, we are not fighting each other, we are fighting a group of people want to oppress us. we have to be strong. because once we all get together, there's no stopping us.

there's very few of them, and there're billions of us. and light does not negotiate with darkness


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 革命已经开始了,很多人开始不明白,慢慢地会明白的 (#14316360@0) +2
    • 革谁的命?🤒 +1
      • 革人民的敌人的命 +5
        • 敌人是Covid. +4
          • 敌人是mandate和passport +3
      • DEEP STATE +4
    • 骗人存东西,去年存的早放坏了,又来忽悠? +2
      • 在COSTCO SEARCH 应急食物,保质期都是10年以上,甚至30年 +1
        • 没事存那玩意干什么?不听骗子的,不上当就行了
        • 兄弟那天现晒晒你囤积的货?让我们知道要些什么?
          • COSTCO上卖价比那个公司自己网站上的便宜,但是最近一有货,很快就卖光了,那个公司网站上的6桶PACKAGE也快卖光了,感兴趣的话,你可以一桶一桶地买,这是那个公司的网站,你可以看看AMAZON上是不是更便宜
          • 要是真要做这件事的话,要自己研究,要不要做,怎么做。用不着听我的,也用不着听别人的,听自己的。 +1
    • 89,六四是很多人内心的伤痛。这次的加拿大自由车队是人生中的第二次机会。治疗内心伤痛的机会,发自内心行动的机会,创造美好未来的机会。很多人的的世界末日论的种子就是在那时在心里种下的。所以这次要是能感受一些的话,也许能有些作用。我是觉得很多人都太悲观了,但 +5
    • ZT be the beacon of light. we are fighting for humanity, we are not fighting each other, we are fighting a group of people want to oppress us. we have to be strong. because once we all get together, there's no stopping us. +2
      there's very few of them, and there're billions of us. and light does not negotiate with darkness

      • there's very few of them, and there're billions of us. and light does not negotiate with darkness +3
    • 记住,最好的心理战是那些给出80% 真相,20% 议程,引导你走向他们想要的方向的心理战。避免这种情况的方法是引导你自己,做你自己的研究,建立你自己的个人上帝/创造者/伟大的精神联系,建立你自己与仁慈的精神上和技术上先进的多维存在的联系。这一直是一个内在的过程 +2
      • 👍 +2
    • 准备应急食物吧 Canadian truck driver gives warning +1