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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

"People who are hit by sanctions know where those sanctions are coming from,"Ehrlich told Fox News Digital. "It's not a mystery for them why their economies are suffering, and they

don't place the blame on their governments for the policies that led to the sanctions. They

place their blame on the countries that are administering the sanctions."

And that means more support for the invasion of Ukraine, at least for now, he said.

"Especially after 2014, when we put Russia on notice that It needed to prepare to become self-sufficient," Ehrlich added.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / "People who are hit by sanctions know where those sanctions are coming from,"Ehrlich told Fox News Digital. "It's not a mystery for them why their economies are suffering, and they

    don't place the blame on their governments for the policies that led to the sanctions. They

    place their blame on the countries that are administering the sanctions."

    And that means more support for the invasion of Ukraine, at least for now, he said.

    "Especially after 2014, when we put Russia on notice that It needed to prepare to become self-sufficient," Ehrlich added.

    • 中文论坛说中文,看着这一串蝌蚪让人烦燥。 +6
      • 无条件支持😊
        • 打倒荡木!… 还乌克兰自由!… 那个什么司机加油! +2
          • 这个要👍,“习惯空气中熟悉的声音,任由它挟持脆弱的耳鼓,过去像一场美丽的回忆,每一步都朝着绝望靠近”
            • 顺顺是歌词复读机吗?😀
              • 是😊,没事无聊歌词好美
          • 我们不打已经倒下好久了。拜登总统以乌克兰人民的血泪和美加人民的腰包,证明了他没有能力给予乌克兰人民自由,也没有能力保证乌克兰人民的自由。他的对外政策犯了不可纠正的错误。
            • 说说看啥错误。美国人民下次应该选你当总统
            • 不是他要那么干,是老美要他那么干
      • 我不贴链接,你们说我说胡话。我只贴出来提纲携领的总结发言,你们说我的翻译断章取义,有倾向性。我该怎么办?
        Jaymes Young - What Should I Do
        Jaymes Young - What Should I Do⬙ FAVOURITES ON SPOTIFY ⬙⇥ http://mrsuicidesheep.com/favouritesCan't believe I only discovered this one a little over a week ...
        • zip yourself up? 😎 … 你随意啦,就是看一堆蝌蚪闹心~ 这世界真的木有一点点让人高兴的事情… +1
          • 就剩下听歌了~
        • 你可以有自己的观点,转别人的干啥?

          • 读书做索引养成的习惯,你想说的话,只要前此有人说过,就不是你“自己的“见解,可以再次表述,但是要注明出处。
            • 可以“英雄所见略同”,你又不是做博士论文。觉得你和老猫都是书读多了,太聪明。想两头通吃,不敢有或者不敢发表自己的观点
    • 联合国早就警告对俄经济制裁将导致全球出现粮荒。到时候的人道灾难这些欧美国家付得起吗?
      • 是老毛子侵略在前,制裁在后。要分清因果关系 +1
      • 非洲人道灾难应该找中国
        • 只要是灾难,就是中国的错!如果中国人民吃上肉了,地球就承受不起了。 +2