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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

she needs you and some best friends help , the medecine just control the nervous , keep her calmefor a while.

you have to ask her what she scare , she may worry about people want to hurt her and her family , or someone said something wrong behind her , or she feels that she is weakness and unsafe. even sometime she cann't believe anyone .

if you love her and really worry about her condition , please bring her to church and believe in Jesus , she will cure. this is the first step , don't depend on the medicine.

if she is working , please give her a chance to have a rest , you can ask the boss give her a lay off paper , and take a rest at home , there is no life stress to her . .....

God bless her and your family

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 哪位朋友帮忙看看,恐惧型妄想症有什么好办法医治?
    • 我朋友的妻子患有这种病,朋友苦恼,有哪位朋友提供有效的医治办法,先多谢了!
      • 还是看心理医生吧,好的心理医生帮助很大的。亲人的支持和鼓励也很重要
      • 不要害怕,很多人有这种病。其实英文是panic disorder. 不是非常严重的病。 但是必须正确对待,找家庭医生,让他们给转到专家那里。他们办法很有效。
        但是一定注意不要吃安定之类的药物(包括 lorazepem), 越吃越严重。一定要求家庭医生转到精神类专家那里治疗。本身不是什么精神问题,只不过是体内可能缺乏一种物质造成的,肯定会医好的。但是必须去看医生,否则无法正常生活工作
      • 中医对这种病也有独特办法,你必须找对中医
    • 这是精神分裂症的前兆,应尽快去看医生,他们会用心理方法和药物方法来医治。
    • 急需有关心理医生的信息.怎么找?用不用自己花钱?多谢!
    • 需在催眠的状态下找出恐惧的刺激根源,然后克服这种恐惧就治愈了。
    • she needs you and some best friends help , the medecine just control the nervous , keep her calmefor a while.
      you have to ask her what she scare , she may worry about people want to hurt her and her family , or someone said something wrong behind her , or she feels that she is weakness and unsafe. even sometime she cann't believe anyone .

      if you love her and really worry about her condition , please bring her to church and believe in Jesus , she will cure. this is the first step , don't depend on the medicine.

      if she is working , please give her a chance to have a rest , you can ask the boss give her a lay off paper , and take a rest at home , there is no life stress to her . .....

      God bless her and your family