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你就抄了几个句子,下面是全文. 在前面部分,日本的和谈代表私下里答应美国把山东交给中国

The Japanese government, which had not counted on the depth of opposition, began to think that it should keep the promise it had made in Paris to hand back its concessions in Shantung. At the beginning of 1920, it tried to open negotiations with the Chinese government to withdraw Japanese troops from the province. The Chinese declined to discuss the matter. In the autumn of 1921, Japan made a renewed effort; it suggested conditions under which it could give up its rights in Shantung. The Chinese government refused to give a clear answer.

Finally, at the Washington naval disarmament conference, with the British and the Americans acting as mediators, Japan got China to agree to a settlement under which China resumed full sovereignty in Shantung on February 4, 1922. The railway from the port of Tsingtao to the interior, which had caused such trouble, was sold back to China under a complicated scheme that effectively left Japan in control for the next decade. China was probably the loser in financial terms: the railway, as the Japanese had discovered, was unprofitable. In Washington in 1922, Japan also signed a treaty with the other powers guaranteeing China’s sovereignty and territorial independence. That guarantee ran out in 1937, when Japan invaded the mainland of China, and Shantung, along with all the coastal provinces right down to the south, passed under Japanese control.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 在一个人人都知道五四运动,日本侵华的国家,对于侵略,和保卫自己国家领土,很难理解吗?有的国家,还是不要强大的好,迟早另一个俄国 +12
    • 五四运动恰恰说明了公理战胜强权就是扯蛋,抵抗侵略还是要自身强大,否则就是任人宰割。 +4
      • 从长远看,公理是会战胜强权的。中国是弱国,两次世界大战都是战胜国。只是正逢战乱的那一代人,做出了牺牲,给下一代带来相对持久的和平。正义在于坚持,敢于牺牲自我的坚持。 +3
        • 可能现在岁数大了,看见正义两个字就想笑,李大钊牺牲自我的坚持就换来的习近平现在的独裁?
          • 60后? +2
            • 我猜是50后。
    • 教科书上的历史跟实际发生的是不同的。比如巴黎和会,有兴趣可一看Paris 1919这本书,有一章是讲中国的,里面讲到山东是日本主动还的,那些帝国主义的东西就是阴谋论
      • Really? Did you get your impression from the following paragraph?

        Japan talked about handing back the concessions to China, but the Chinese, not surprisingly, did not put much faith in this. During the war, Japan did what it could to ensure that it would hang on to its acquisition.
        • 你就抄了几个句子,下面是全文. 在前面部分,日本的和谈代表私下里答应美国把山东交给中国

          The Japanese government, which had not counted on the depth of opposition, began to think that it should keep the promise it had made in Paris to hand back its concessions in Shantung. At the beginning of 1920, it tried to open negotiations with the Chinese government to withdraw Japanese troops from the province. The Chinese declined to discuss the matter. In the autumn of 1921, Japan made a renewed effort; it suggested conditions under which it could give up its rights in Shantung. The Chinese government refused to give a clear answer.

          Finally, at the Washington naval disarmament conference, with the British and the Americans acting as mediators, Japan got China to agree to a settlement under which China resumed full sovereignty in Shantung on February 4, 1922. The railway from the port of Tsingtao to the interior, which had caused such trouble, was sold back to China under a complicated scheme that effectively left Japan in control for the next decade. China was probably the loser in financial terms: the railway, as the Japanese had discovered, was unprofitable. In Washington in 1922, Japan also signed a treaty with the other powers guaranteeing China’s sovereignty and territorial independence. That guarantee ran out in 1937, when Japan invaded the mainland of China, and Shantung, along with all the coastal provinces right down to the south, passed under Japanese control.

          • 给个页码呗,刚又过了一遍,结合上下文没看到啊。“山东是日本主动归还的”
    • 世界超级大国只有一个,俄早就不行了 +2
      • 但普京不认同, 他想恢复俄罗斯帝国的荣光。
        • 经济实力是软肋,有心而无力,普京也70+了,谁能继承其衣钵还没数呐
          • 这话说得没有政治眼光,梅德韦杰夫
    • 五四六四,傻傻分不清楚。都是学生爱国运动,1个火烧赵家楼痛打章宗祥,曹章陸3部长被罢免;1个坦克清场学生死伤逃亡,至今天安门母亲被封嘴。5464结局完全相反的唯1区别,就是学生抗议的对象不同:1个是军阀段祺瑞政府,1个是我党政府 +4
    • 五四运动说明忽悠是多么的重要,日本侵华说明能打架是多么的重要。 +1
    • 国人这次的无耻谄媚会收到别人蔑视损害的,人家印度是中立,而不是支持,不是盟友,人家也没被俄罗斯占领土地,人被杀女人被侮辱 +9
    • 中国如果是个小国家再怎么折腾可能大家不会太在意,但是中国是可以改变全球秩序成为新的霸主的。目前的“中国特色”不愿意融入西方目前的政经秩序,可能最后会把大家都牵扯进去。到时候粉红可以热血报名参军去痛击美英列强! +2
      • 西方的秩序就是亚洲人给他们生产,西方人只需要玩玩顶端的金融服务,并且永远确保锁定这样的秩序
    • 没看懂你神奇的逻辑
    • 基于中共政府很烂,那么我们往前推。中华民国,被日本侵略,被俄罗斯分割外蒙,西藏独立。大清,中英鸦片战争,中法越南战争,中英缅甸条约,中日甲午战争,八国联军,等等。看上去,中国侵略成性啊,导致被这么多民主国家共打。 +3
      • 真相了。丢了库页岛,丢了江东六十四屯,丢了外蒙,为什么现在都要求中共找老毛子报仇给拿回来。
        • 我觉的吧,有些人认定的是嘴硬最重要,真相、实情都无足轻重。都是龙傲天,哈哈。
      • 先搞清楚中国和政府的关系,哪个政府不是靠自己打下来的?人民当家做主了吗?