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On 5 May 1992,

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛parliament declared Crimea independent,[2] which was yet to be approved by a referendum to be held 2 August 1992,[12] and passed the first Crimean constitution the same day.[citation needed] On 6 May 1992, the same parliament inserted a new sentence into this constitution stating that Crimea was part of Ukraine.[12] The Ukrainian parliament convened on May 15, annulled the Crimean declaration of independence and gave the Crimean parliament one week to cancel the referendum.[12] In June 1992, the parties reached a compromise, Crimea would be designated the status of "Autonomous Republic" and granted special economic status, contingent on Crimea's amendment of its constitution including proclaiming the peninsula an autonomous integral part of Ukraine.[2] The revised Constitution of Crimea was adopted on September 25, 1992.[11]

In May 1994, the Crimean parliament voted to restore the May 1992 Constitution.[2] In September 1994, President of Crimea Yuriy Meshkov and parliament decided to write a new constitution.[2] On 17 March 1995, the Verkhovna Rada abolished the May 1992 Constitution and the post of President of Crimea.[2] From June until September 1995, Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma governed Crimea under a direct presidential administration decree.[2] In October 1995, the Crimean parliament adopted a new Constitution which was not recognized by the Ukrainian national authorities until April 1996 when significant amendments were suggested.[2] A fifth draft law of the October 1995 constitution was ratified on 21 October 1998 at the second session of the Crimean Verkhovna Rada (parliament).[2][13] The Verkhovna Rada confirmed this constitution on 23 December 1998.[13] (Article 135 of the Ukrainian Constitution provides that the Crimean Constitution must be approved by the Ukrainian parliament.)[14] It came into effect on 12 January 1999.[2]

During the Crimean Crisis, the Crimean authority repealed the 1998 Crimean Constitution after the 2014 Crimean status referendum.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 俄罗斯在解放平民?
    Мариуполь, разведка спасает детей, рискуя собой
    «Разведка прошла в здание, обнаружили там женщину... Ребёнку месяц и десять дней. При попытке спасти данную семью разведчики вылезли в окно, начали принимать...
    • 这是马里乌波尔今天被俄军正式拿下后的视频之一,俄军称解放,是RT今天公布的,还有很多乌军第36海军陆战旅整建制投降视频,这里是人还以为乌军要收复失地呢😓 +2
      • 小小的一个营,重重包围下孤军奋战了40多天,让人肃然起敬 +2
        • 有纪律的军人是值得尊重的,哪怕是投降。 +2
          • 投降的视频早就被证明是伪造的了。马里乌波尔还在抵抗。 +6
            • 可不是小小营,剩下的几千人都被围在钢铁厂躲在地下六层建筑里,里面有北约几百个指挥官,只要出来必死无疑。现在那里各国都在努力营救出各国指挥官,美国都说乌克兰没他们出兵是赢不了的,拭目以待吧 +2
              • 大毛二毛相互打,你们平常心看就行了,只要离远一点 +2
                • 同族兄弟打起来, 比和外人打起来都要厉害, 因为知根知底, 都往对方的弱点死掐
            • 乌克兰兵不投降。两年前东乌一个城市,300个兵守机场,最后二楼用炸药炸下来也没投降
              • 那300个士兵不投降不表示所有的士兵都不会投降,以偏概全没有说服力。另外,投降不是丢人的事,应予以尊重。 +2
                • 👍胜败乃兵家常事。
      • RT就是一个谣言制造机。普京的和平部拿不下马里乌波尔,就用真理部拿下。1984早有预言。 +8
        • 不需要你相信,卢布昨天已经反弹回战前水平了,说明战局有利于俄军,没有空军的乌克兰想赢的概率几乎是0,当然俄军也会付出一些代价 +4
          • 俄罗斯还在外汇管制中,不能自由兑换。所谓的汇率没有意义。 +10
            • 已经与印度等国有交易了,没准与德国私下也达成协议,曲线救国用卢布,能源就是硬通货 +1
              • 所谓用卢布结算,其实就是一种强制结汇:所有出口得到的外汇一律全部变成卢布。由于企业不能自由把卢布换成美元,所以不会存卢布。 +4
                • 这个不多说了,乌克兰实力摆在那里,希望有奇迹发生吧 +2
                  • 实力就是俄军拿不下基辅,北线撤军了。俄军围攻马里乌波尔一个多月,把城市炸平了,但至今还没有拿下。 +6
        • 如果你可以证明这个视频是造谣,非常好,我向大伙儿道歉,发了一条伪造的视频。媒体服务政治,可信度都不高,如BBC, CBC,CNN等,连美国总统都说Fake News +2
          • 我既没有看,也没有回复你的视频。你跟错了。 +4
            • 对不起
    • 这是从马里乌波撤退、被乌克兰导弹打怕了、拿老百姓做肉盾。
      • 搞搞清楚, 二毛也会拿老百姓当肉盾。二毛把所有的武器弹药藏在大型的商场地下室仓库。
        • 二毛把武器藏自己国家有什么错了,人也没藏你大毛家,大毛上人家里撒什么野呢。 +6
          • 邻居大毛家大业大, 实力也是二毛的3, 4倍。二毛家藏那么多武器是啥意思啊?吃饱了找抽? 更何况大毛一直对二毛不错, 91年分家后,从1991-2014,大毛一直有以优惠折扣价向二毛供应能源, 等于是每年送了几十亿美元给二毛家。 +2
            • 那你的意思是我比你弱连藏个武器的权利都没了?日本对中国还更好、东北的基建都是是日本人那会儿造的,你中国还抗个啥日? +2
              • 弱者要有弱者的生存之道, 和俄罗斯, 西方保持等距离外交, 这点很难吗?民为贵,社稷次之, 君为轻。作为一国之君, 要以老百姓的利益为重, 而不是一天到晚想参加个帮派组织, 囤积点武器, 这种招数有用吗?

                抗日战争, 我是坚决的支持汪精卫一派。
                • 2014年之前乌克兰就是你说的这个状态,可结果克里米亚被吞了,顿巴斯被独立了,然后乌克兰痛定思痛。。。 +4
                  • 克里米亚的情况特殊有历史原因。克里米亚从叶卡捷丽娜大帝开始一直是俄罗斯的领土, 是苏共总书记赫鲁晓夫, 乌克兰裔的俄罗斯人, 为了庆祝俄罗斯乌克兰友好300周年作为礼物, 用行政手段划分给乌克兰。当时是苏联大家庭,没人异议。
                    • 苏联分家的时候,克里米亚经过公投,希望留在乌克兰。
                      • On 5 May 1992,
                        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛parliament declared Crimea independent,[2] which was yet to be approved by a referendum to be held 2 August 1992,[12] and passed the first Crimean constitution the same day.[citation needed] On 6 May 1992, the same parliament inserted a new sentence into this constitution stating that Crimea was part of Ukraine.[12] The Ukrainian parliament convened on May 15, annulled the Crimean declaration of independence and gave the Crimean parliament one week to cancel the referendum.[12] In June 1992, the parties reached a compromise, Crimea would be designated the status of "Autonomous Republic" and granted special economic status, contingent on Crimea's amendment of its constitution including proclaiming the peninsula an autonomous integral part of Ukraine.[2] The revised Constitution of Crimea was adopted on September 25, 1992.[11]

                        In May 1994, the Crimean parliament voted to restore the May 1992 Constitution.[2] In September 1994, President of Crimea Yuriy Meshkov and parliament decided to write a new constitution.[2] On 17 March 1995, the Verkhovna Rada abolished the May 1992 Constitution and the post of President of Crimea.[2] From June until September 1995, Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma governed Crimea under a direct presidential administration decree.[2] In October 1995, the Crimean parliament adopted a new Constitution which was not recognized by the Ukrainian national authorities until April 1996 when significant amendments were suggested.[2] A fifth draft law of the October 1995 constitution was ratified on 21 October 1998 at the second session of the Crimean Verkhovna Rada (parliament).[2][13] The Verkhovna Rada confirmed this constitution on 23 December 1998.[13] (Article 135 of the Ukrainian Constitution provides that the Crimean Constitution must be approved by the Ukrainian parliament.)[14] It came into effect on 12 January 1999.[2]

                        During the Crimean Crisis, the Crimean authority repealed the 1998 Crimean Constitution after the 2014 Crimean status referendum.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                    • 如果扯历史,乌克兰是不是可以把核电站事故拿出来清算一下?既然分了家就各自过各自的日子,扯历史是扯不完也扯不清的
                      • 核电站是在乌克兰的管辖范围, 这笔账难道要算在大毛头上?所以说清官难断家务事,发生都是有原因的。按照常识,大毛2毛打架, 警察应该是平息争端, 而不是送武器拱火, 报私仇。
                        • 警察是想平息争端,但俄持有致命武器恐吓杀害警察,警察不敢动手,只能暗中帮助受害人,悲剧啊,无法无天了
                          • 不要忘记, 警察手里的核武器也不比俄罗斯少。
          • 这个oxox整天大毛二毛的,没别的说辞了,看都看烦了 +5
            • 屁股决定立场,他老说老毛子是去解放乌克兰、人也没让老毛子去解放,网上一张图片、被乌克兰狂轰滥炸的8年的顿涅斯克跟被俄军解放8天的对比 +3
              • 普京说是解放,司机说是侵略 +2
            • 你可以拉黑,这里言论自由
              • 我想做什么说什么我自己决定 +2
                • 是你嫌麻烦,想要不麻烦,拉黑了事。当然只是建议而已
    • 把这个发到西方社交媒体,检验一下西方的言论自由 +2
      • Isn't Rolia a 西方社交媒体? 🤣🤣🤣 +6
        • 属于不起风浪的微小媒体。 +4
          • Oh the truth hurts! 🤣🤣🤣 +2
            • 实话实说。
            • 坚定了卖给Elon Musk的信念。Go Sailor Go! +2
      • 她发这破玩意不是在youtube上? 检验言论自由 🤣🤣🤣 +2