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一查就知道Jacques Baud 是有名的阴谋论者

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛According to journalist Antoine Hasday, published by Conspiracy Watch , an interview with Jacques Baud given to RT France “checks all the boxes for geopolitical conspiracy” 18 . The latter, sometimes invited by the traditional media, also intervened on the far-right web-television TV Libertés , as well as previously on RT France 18 . Interviewed on this last channel by Frédéric Taddeï in September 2020, he in particular minimizes the human toll of the war in Darfur, which he reduces to 2,500 dead (against 300,000 according to the UN) and denies the responsibility of the Syrian army in the massacresin Homs in 2011 and in the chemical attacks in Ghouta , Khan Sheikhoun and Douma between 2013 and 2018 18 . Taking up the official arguments of the Syrian regime of Bashar el-Assad , he also asserts that the photographs taken by the military photographer " Caesar " are not those of political opponents who died under torture, but of soldiers of the Syrian army 18 . Jacques Baud also whitewashes Russia by considering that the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal was caused by a“food poisoning” and that the poisoning of Alexeï Navalny is probably “the fact of the mafia” 18 .更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 前瑞士情报官:乌克兰军事局势 不为人知事实 +8
    • 没看,警惕这类纯中文东西。就瞅一眼标题就知道怎么回事。全文中文撰稿,说是根据瑞士情报官,然后开始洋洋洒洒,充分放入自己的宣传品。老天,什么不为人知? YouTube有大量的视频和报道。 +13
      • 跟他确认一下 +3
        • 你大概不了解大陆的春秋笔法,人有这个人,但你这篇文章又不是翻译,就是作者自己写得文章,找个老外增加可信度。因为绝大多是数大陆人不会想原文是这样吗?引用了多少? 有多少是作者自己想送给你的? +8
          • 这事真的好确认,跟他要个原文行不行? +2
            • 我瞅了一眼里面的主要观点,其实不看我也知道要说什么。我不想在你们身上浪费时间。那一段的历史,网上有大量的东西,想了解,就自己去看。
        • 屁股决定脑袋,客观独立的思想在这里没市场,这也是这个坛的悲哀。 +8
          • 无论在哪儿都没市场的 +5
            • 👍
          • 换一个坛也一样,观点可能完全相反但一样荒唐,上网就是图个爽。吃瓜看戏。 +2
          • 中文论坛坚持每周几百贴的人都不是普通人 +3
    • 这篇文章比较中肯。CBC,BBC are crown corp., 相当于国营企业,纳税人的钱官办. 当然是有预设立场。 +4
    • 二战时候乌克兰就帮德国人打苏联,今天又拼死命抵抗就是不愿意屈服,还是能说明点什么,如果俄罗斯人善良讲道理,应该很多事情就不会发生 +6
    • 必须顶这个! +3
    • 有些人吧,对某些媒体(A)全盘不信任,对另一些媒体(B)又全盘信任。而历史已经证明,A有时也说真话,B也经常说假话。那么如何评价这些人?他们自身和他们口中的A有任何区别么? +4
      • 树林子大了,啥🐦都有 +2
    • 俄熊进入乌克兰去纳粹化,跟土耳其进入伊拉克去库尔德武装,是不是异曲同工?为啥美国对土耳其的事情视而不见? +2
      • 土耳其这事儿没国家支持。关键是,土耳其的目的不是颠覆伊拉克政府吧,也没打到巴格达 +1
        • 对坏事沉默就是帮凶。土耳其的目的,在埃尔多安脑子里,俺不知道。俺只知道肉联网友对国境线很敏感的,过线就是入侵。
    • 客观分析,不过现在看普京要的更多,普京要建立第三帝国 +1
      • Agreed
    • 乌东局势正转下风,北约急了,开始动员令了, +2
      • 曾经上风过? +1
        • 3月份一直俄军下风,基辅都是山区密林容易打游击, +1
    • 多谢提供历史资料,我就爱读历史。收藏了
    • 一查就知道Jacques Baud 是有名的阴谋论者 +2
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛According to journalist Antoine Hasday, published by Conspiracy Watch , an interview with Jacques Baud given to RT France “checks all the boxes for geopolitical conspiracy” 18 . The latter, sometimes invited by the traditional media, also intervened on the far-right web-television TV Libertés , as well as previously on RT France 18 . Interviewed on this last channel by Frédéric Taddeï in September 2020, he in particular minimizes the human toll of the war in Darfur, which he reduces to 2,500 dead (against 300,000 according to the UN) and denies the responsibility of the Syrian army in the massacresin Homs in 2011 and in the chemical attacks in Ghouta , Khan Sheikhoun and Douma between 2013 and 2018 18 . Taking up the official arguments of the Syrian regime of Bashar el-Assad , he also asserts that the photographs taken by the military photographer " Caesar " are not those of political opponents who died under torture, but of soldiers of the Syrian army 18 . Jacques Baud also whitewashes Russia by considering that the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal was caused by a“food poisoning” and that the poisoning of Alexeï Navalny is probably “the fact of the mafia” 18 .更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 毛子至少還是找個真人做大外宣,翠帝直接弄出個查無此人的瑞士生物學家愛德華茲Wilson Edwards,那才是真不要臉 +1
