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Ukrainian military have withdraw from Popasna - head of regional administration. Live Universal Awareness Map Liveuamap is a leading independent global news and information site dedicated to factual reporting of a variety of important topics including conflicts, human rights issues, protests, terrorism, weapons deployment, health matters, natural disasters, and weather related stories, among others, from a vast array of sources.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 据说俄军为了5.9胜利日,在波帕斯纳亚市打疯了,攻入并占领80%市区。但在依久姆方面乌军也打疯了,对俄军反攻一波又一波。与此同时,西方各国领导都去基辅一日游打卡了 +1
    • 又是简中转俄消息。这么多中文地名,真不知道是在哪里呀。我的Google Maps only displays names in Ukrainian and English.
      • popasna。从地图上看,俄军开始进入其市区,但没有继续推进。 +1
        Ukrainian military have withdraw from Popasna - head of regional administration. Live Universal Awareness Map Liveuamap is a leading independent global news and information site dedicated to factual reporting of a variety of important topics including conflicts, human rights issues, protests, terrorism, weapons deployment, health matters, natural disasters, and weather related stories, among others, from a vast array of sources.
      • 看看油价,看看西方政客在基辅作秀,就知道真事战况了,还是那句,信息是不对称的,不要光看还要动脑子想思考 +2
        • 请教,为什么政客们要如此作秀? +1
          • 为选票服务 +2
          • 那里现在是自由圣地,西方都是为自由而战,西方民众就是被这些政客洗脑,自然愿意看到此番情景,连大嘴朱莉都去乌西打卡了 +3
            • 这么说,是乌龟看绿豆,对眼了? +1
    • 据纽约时报报道,普京给顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克“人民共和国”的领导人发去贺电,以此纪念纳粹德国战败77周年。普京说两位领导人在他所说的持续反对纳粹主义的斗争中发挥了作用。普京说,希望控制这两个东部地区的军队所追求的目标,与他们的祖先相同 +3
    • 周一股市再继续跌? +2
    • 看鹅煤俘虏采访,36旅旅长又被逮了,一个劲抱怨武器不好用
      • Colonel Volodymyr Baraniuk前阵子说阵亡了,没想到是佯攻,他是由外往里跑到钢铁厂里面了,现在人瘦得没人型了,可见地下条件恶劣 +1