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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


请各位帮忙分析:我刚才在家看youtube 怎样制作kefir,是这个视频:,很感兴趣就想看评论,看到评论是关闭的,然后就点了说明框里面的第三个链接(torontoadvisors那个,大家千万别去点啊)。点完之后就出现了一个画面Windows Defender Security Center,并且语音不断地重复说:Important security message, your computer has been locked up, your IP address was used without your knowledge or consent to visit website that contains identity theft virus, to unlock the computer, please call the immediatly, please do not attempt to shut down or restart
your computer, doing that may to lead to data lost and identity theft, the computer lock is an aim to stop an illegal activity, please call our support immediatly. 让我call 1-888-512-3135,我打过去电话,接电话的先问我,用电脑购物,网上银行,和查邮件吗,我说是。然后他让我挂断电话,他给我打过来,他打过来的号码是:1-717-584-8249,他让我去这个下载了ultraviewer, 并安装,安装完后,他问我"Allow remote control" 里面的密码, 我告诉他之后,他问ID, 这时候我就觉得不对劲,我说
我告诉你之后,你就可以remote control 我的电脑了?他说那就可以帮你解决问题了。我说我先问问我的朋友再决定告不告诉你ID。请教各位这是怎么回事?我电脑还安全吗?谢谢大家!
How to Make Kefir
You must start with LIVE kefir grains to make successful kefir. In this video I show a jar of already finished kefir that has fermented the day before with b...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑电信 / 遇到怪事, +1
    请各位帮忙分析:我刚才在家看youtube 怎样制作kefir,是这个视频:,很感兴趣就想看评论,看到评论是关闭的,然后就点了说明框里面的第三个链接(torontoadvisors那个,大家千万别去点啊)。点完之后就出现了一个画面Windows Defender Security Center,并且语音不断地重复说:Important security message, your computer has been locked up, your IP address was used without your knowledge or consent to visit website that contains identity theft virus, to unlock the computer, please call the immediatly, please do not attempt to shut down or restart
    your computer, doing that may to lead to data lost and identity theft, the computer lock is an aim to stop an illegal activity, please call our support immediatly. 让我call 1-888-512-3135,我打过去电话,接电话的先问我,用电脑购物,网上银行,和查邮件吗,我说是。然后他让我挂断电话,他给我打过来,他打过来的号码是:1-717-584-8249,他让我去这个下载了ultraviewer, 并安装,安装完后,他问我"Allow remote control" 里面的密码, 我告诉他之后,他问ID, 这时候我就觉得不对劲,我说
    我告诉你之后,你就可以remote control 我的电脑了?他说那就可以帮你解决问题了。我说我先问问我的朋友再决定告不告诉你ID。请教各位这是怎么回事?我电脑还安全吗?谢谢大家!
    How to Make Kefir
    You must start with LIVE kefir grains to make successful kefir. In this video I show a jar of already finished kefir that has fermented the day before with b...
    • 中招了 +1
      • 能说详细点吗?我现在电脑不安全了?


        • 具体我不知道,但把你电脑交给一个你不知道的人远程控制,这肯定不安全了。
    • 这是一个常见的网路scam。他让你下载的软件就是一个木马,骗子无需你同意可以侵入你的电脑。 +5
    • 并没告诉他ID, 但是告诉密码了,刚刚卸载了ultraviewer, 现在还需要做什么呢?还是说做什么都不行了,电脑需要扔掉?
      • 软件里很有可能有木马,等于开了后门,赶紧请这里的IT高手们帮忙
    • 一点也不怪,我每天都接到各种各样的诈骗,还有诈骗用我家的电话号码,最近经常有人打电话问我打电话了,很不明白,政府都干啥吃去了,全部去反共了?
    • 请教现在该做些什么?
      • 做factory reset或重装系统。 +6