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According to this page, China is the country with the most military aircraft.

China, the United States, and Russia have the most military aircraft in the world.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 美军到底有多少战斗机?一分钟飞一架需要8天才能飞完,还有十一个航母战斗群……这种战斗力让全球所有国家绝望!转自视频号“黄泉路上把歌唱” +3
    • According to this page, China is the country with the most military aircraft.
      China, the United States, and Russia have the most military aircraft in the world.
    • 太惊人了,国内那批一直鼓动去向美国挑战的真是不一般的爱国者啊 +1
    • 你打你的,我打我的,只要对手能够得着美国本土,美国就承受不起。 +1
      • 正好相反。不打到美国本土,美国人会可能会反战。你打到美国本土了,美国人会同仇敌忾。 +2
        • 别天真了!
          • 是你先天真的。 +3
    • 美国战力强不假,可是欺负几个穷的裤子破洞的国家,最后都灰头土脸狼狈撤离,韩战算体面离场。。。白瞎了这令人绝望的战力 +1