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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

这才是真正的Nikola Tesla Car 不用汽油,也不用充电 car from 1921 running on pure etheric electricity.

it does not run on batteries, oil or gas

"Electricity taken from air drives automobile"

This is a Nikola Tesla's Pierce-Arrow electric car from 1921 running on pure etheric electricity. This is a self recharging car, it does not run on batteries, oil or gas.

Electric vehicles have been around for much longer than most people realize. This is not even a myth, just a cover up of our lost technology so that they could bill us every step of the way, and have a complete control over us.

Free energy = Independence, freedom from the matrix, freedom to go wherever you want, live off grid, have heat and electricity, and live your life happily without government interferences.



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 科技自然 / 这才是真正的Nikola Tesla Car 不用汽油,也不用充电 car from 1921 running on pure etheric electricity. +2

    it does not run on batteries, oil or gas

    "Electricity taken from air drives automobile"

    This is a Nikola Tesla's Pierce-Arrow electric car from 1921 running on pure etheric electricity. This is a self recharging car, it does not run on batteries, oil or gas.

    Electric vehicles have been around for much longer than most people realize. This is not even a myth, just a cover up of our lost technology so that they could bill us every step of the way, and have a complete control over us.

    Free energy = Independence, freedom from the matrix, freedom to go wherever you want, live off grid, have heat and electricity, and live your life happily without government interferences.


    • 关于气象武器,
      例如视频前5分钟介绍的两种方法。1⃣️人工播撒碘化银、碘化铅和干冰,引导飓风的走向。2⃣️无线电辐射加热大气电离层造成气候异常和自然灾害…… 有关于这方面技术的详细说明么?这会不会是营造气候变暖,极端天气这些表相的根源……



      • 这篇文章讲得技术比较旧,要是我看到更新的(以前看过,可惜忘记在哪里看的了),再转贴出来。ZT天气操纵是真实的
      • 旧的HAARP几乎不起作用或不再起作用。托莱卡检测到的HAARP类排放物并非来自已知的传统HAARP站点。它们来自船只或军用移动设施。它们不再是巨大的天线网络,那已经很旧了,它们在船只、飞机和军用卡车大小的军用车辆上安装了HAARP,比如史崔克装甲车或LAV-25食人



        • 看来都是真的,在阴谋集团庞大的组织和先进的技术面前,普通人真是渺小啊…… +1
          • 谢谢阅读。我也很喜欢看SWARUU系列文章,讲述了很多真相和高级科技。感兴趣的可以看她的整个系列。(中文翻译不包括所有文章,英文的完整些)这是中文链接
      • 这篇文章也讲述了气象武器 ZT人类早已能制造地震、山崩、闪电、洪水、干旱、飓风、海啸等众多自然灾害?!