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NASA’s Artemis I mission scrubbed again over the weekend
A hydrogen leak led to NASA calling off the mission for a second time. The next expected launch date is set for the end of September.#artemis #nasa #hydrogen...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 科技自然 / 以前我对“阿波罗登月是在摄影棚里拍的”的说法很嗤之以鼻,现在我却不辣么肯定了。。难道说,之前让NASA成功登月的纳粹科学家,留了一手?
    NASA’s Artemis I mission scrubbed again over the weekend
    A hydrogen leak led to NASA calling off the mission for a second time. The next expected launch date is set for the end of September.#artemis #nasa #hydrogen...
    • 据说 nasa 有官员解释我们上次不是射不了,是因为忘记携带民主了,这次又忘记了人权,下次会忘记和平。总之我们不是射不了,我们就是射不了。
    • ZT 月球表面的真实情况。1968年的时候,美国阿波罗登月计划的视频是假的。中国近期发布的月球表面照片也是假的。 Apollo Moon Missions - Fake or Real? PART 1 - Conversation with Swaruu of Erra (#14787092@0)