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Gaza death toll tops 10,000; UN calls it a children's graveyard - Enough is enough - UN calls ceasefire

Gaza is becoming a "graveyard for children", U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres said on Monday, amplifying demands for a ceasefire in the enclave, where Palestinian health authorities said the death toll from Israeli strikes had exceeded 10,000. Both Israel and the Hamas militants who control Gaza have rebuffed mounting international pressure for a ceasefire. Israel says hostages taken by Hamas during its rampage in southern Israel on Oct. 7 should be released first; Hamas says it will not free them or stop fighting while Gaza is under assault.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / Gaza death toll tops 10,000; UN calls it a children's graveyard - Enough is enough - UN calls ceasefire
    Gaza is becoming a "graveyard for children", U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres said on Monday, amplifying demands for a ceasefire in the enclave, where Palestinian health authorities said the death toll from Israeli strikes had exceeded 10,000. Both Israel and the Hamas militants who control Gaza have rebuffed mounting international pressure for a ceasefire. Israel says hostages taken by Hamas during its rampage in southern Israel on Oct. 7 should be released first; Hamas says it will not free them or stop fighting while Gaza is under assault.
    • 人家不相信加沙卫生部的统计数据,怎么办啊?
      • 联合国秘书长说加沙是儿童的坟场,以色列外长说sham on you, 哈马斯说死亡过万,以色列和美国说不可信,联合国的机构说可信。
        • 最后拳头大的说了算!拳头大的掌握真理,什么人权高于主权都是忽悠,哈哈😄 +2
          • 哈马斯昨天还在地道里还瞄着以色列居民区放火箭弹,让以色列停火就是帮哈马斯拉偏架。 +1
            • 不是在炮火中灭亡,就是在炮火中永生!反作用力等于作用力
          • 人权这些啥的都是用在别人身上的 +1
            • 是的,美国这次赤裸裸地表明,巴勒斯坦人的人权,忽略不计!属于低端人口 +1
    • Here you go about west bank news


    • "Palestinian health authorities said...",看到这就不要在信这些数字了,UN也是从这听说的然后互相传 +1
    • 联合国从来就是欺软怕硬说废话,欺负以色列。为什么不呼吁哈马斯放下武器走出地道,然后立马和平?因为哈马斯根本不鸟联合国。 +4
      • 伊朗将出任联合国人权理事。联合国的耻辱 +2
        • 看见那个纳姆内衣对着一群大部分全身裹黑袍就露多半个脸的妇女们呼吁保护巴勒斯坦就恶心,动不动就用石头砸人。雅利安人本是中东文明程度最高,伊朗石油资源数一数二,为伊朗人选择他遗憾
      • 联合国欺软怕硬说废话❓欺负以色列❓以色列可不是弱者,是强者,刚刚的! +1
    • 联合国数据不也是哈马斯提供的吗?联合国要有用的话,让俄罗斯退出乌克兰啊 +2