


America Is Following in China’s Footsteps. Here’s How We Stop It.
Unlock all-new shows from Tucker and his team: https://bit.ly/3RCq6ccThe cultural revolution is here. Just ask Xi Van Fleet. She's lived it twice.Subscribe t...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 历史 / 半夜听CBC的IDEAS,说的是黑人文化月,黑人嘉宾说到奥巴马在2015年和5000人一起唱Amazing Grace, 是个很不得体的事情,因为写这首歌的John Newton是个奴隶贩子,虽然后来皈依了,但她确定在写这首歌的时候作者还在贩奴的船上。
    • John Newton大概 1755年停止奴隶贩卖, 1773年写的 奇妙恩典。 +1
      • 主持人并没敢chellenge嘉宾,因为她知道那会被说成白人主义者,嘉宾会说那历史是不可信的,因为是白人写的
        • 哦, 明白了。我这情商,显然只能肉脸摸摸索索发个把帖子🤣
    • 给美国人放这个
      America Is Following in China’s Footsteps. Here’s How We Stop It.
      Unlock all-new shows from Tucker and his team: https://bit.ly/3RCq6ccThe cultural revolution is here. Just ask Xi Van Fleet. She's lived it twice.Subscribe t...
    • BLM黑卫兵,来势汹汹。拿着放大镜,要求古人 +1
    • Woke CBC