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  1. In mid August 2017 Alex had been treated at the Broken Hill Medical Practice for an infected ingrown toenail on his left foot. He was prescribed antibiotics, and the condition appeared to resolve.
  2. On 18 September 2017 Alex began to experience pain in his left knee. He could not account for it by any injury or accident, and there was no visible skin injury. He went to work that day and the following day.
  3. In the early hours of Wednesday 20 September 2017 Alex woke his father to tell him that the pain in his knee was 'really bad'. John drove him to the Emergency Department at BHBH. This was about a fifteen minute drive from their home.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 食肉菌是什么东西?怎么入侵身体的?ZT: 澳洲一个18岁男孩Alex Braes不幸离世,膝盖疼去医院检查没结果,2天后死在医院
    • 澳洲医疗看来和加拿大差不多,不到快不行了,急症室没人理你。 +4
      • 主要是会误诊。有破口超过三天不愈合就需要尽快就医。
        • 这个病例没有什么破口,至少我文章里找不到。
          • 有一个脚趾被感染了,医生没有查看,还是病人没有说?
            • 根据调查文件,不存在肉眼可见破口,只是说链球菌感染,老实说作者自己并没有花时间找资料,为了流量严重误导。事情重点是资源不足导致的医疗事故,不是细菌多可怕。


              1. In mid August 2017 Alex had been treated at the Broken Hill Medical Practice for an infected ingrown toenail on his left foot. He was prescribed antibiotics, and the condition appeared to resolve.
              2. On 18 September 2017 Alex began to experience pain in his left knee. He could not account for it by any injury or accident, and there was no visible skin injury. He went to work that day and the following day.
              3. In the early hours of Wednesday 20 September 2017 Alex woke his father to tell him that the pain in his knee was 'really bad'. John drove him to the Emergency Department at BHBH. This was about a fifteen minute drive from their home.
      • 赞同你的说法。医疗系统首先要能做到的就是快。救人如救火。不能把可医治的小的问题,拖成大问题,甚至丢了性命。这比吹牛吹到世界最好,有意义多了。
    • 食肉菌的可怕之处就是毒性太强,


    • 最常见的炭疽菌,但是也可能是别的菌。记得以前国内一个小女孩是厌氧好氧细菌混合感染,不记得细节了。
      • 炭疽在发达国家很罕见,而且症状太明显,不容易被忽略,这个医疗事故一个重要原因是没有验血,换了我肯定要求立刻验血。