




Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / 2017年日全食,我特地开车两天到Oregon去看,那个独特的体验永远不忘。强烈推荐。Even if it's cloudy. +1
    • 和一个。 如果有云的话,是咋样的感觉?
      • 日全食的那一分多钟,气温骤降。 如果有云,仍然可以感受到光线和气温的突然变化。
        • Good to know. 这个周一也许就可以体验一下。 +1
          • It could be dropped to below 0 degree.
        • 那次日全食有几分钟?
          • 90 seconds at the location I watched
            • 90秒就气温骤降,太阳公公历害。
              • The drop of temperature was felt just within a few seconds. Very impressive.
      • 我已经开始打退堂鼓了 +1


        • 就像老大说的,有云也还是一种体验嘛
          • 你不用西征了,来我这小公园里就能体验一把
            • a FULL eclipse is a totally different to a partial eclipse!
              • 云里雾里的两眼一抹黑,完全相同


        • See the "sunny breaks"? You guys still have a very good chance to experience the full thing!
    • BTW, you guys HAVE TO drive to a location where you can see a FULL eclipse. Totally different to a partial eclipse!
      • Cloudy day. 我还在犹豫去不去, 你这么一说,我坚定了. 湖边感觉更好,成群的大雁,海鸥会以为晚上到了,温度降低,
    • 原来已经是七年前的事儿啦!昨天想起来还感觉是疫情间的事。 +1
    • 101公路海边去了没?👍
      • Yes. It's scenic!
    • 那天早上我乘飞机,说咋起飞还挺亮唐怎么飞云上面反而暗淡了,不过没有全黑。 +2