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  1. 不出所料,大统华的律师给我发发来邮件,提出6月份最后一周的三个工作日,让我选一天,作为开庭日期。还算手下留情,不是最后的两个工作日:

    Pursuant to the Board’s direction, please advise if you are available on any of the following dates:

    June 14, 24, 25, 26

  2. 不愧专业律师,知道我想尽快开庭,但是就是提出最晚的一周。我同意,自然好,我不同意,我猜测,起码可以明里暗里暗示我这个人那个啥。但是,没办法啊,咱就是想早点开庭啊,回复,希望8号之后的第一个工作日,10号,周一:

    As the decision said:

    the applicant remains entitled to have this application proceed expeditiously.The responding party provides no indication of how long its advisor will be out of the country, but it does propose that the hearing be rescheduled after June 8, 2024. 

    Therefore, it will be better for me to have the hearing on June 10,2023.

  3. 然后又收到回复,这一次,意图就很明确了:

    The Board will generally try and schedule a matter for a date both parties are available. We have provided all of the dates the Responding Party is available.

    Are you available on any of the dates we have offered?



    NO,i can not agree with any day of those sorry!

  4. 然后就是收到律师提交并抄送我的申请,除了原文引用我回复的邮件之外(这个毫无问题,严谨,就应该这样),重点是这句话:

    It appears the Applicant’s response is based on his preference rather than his availability. We therefore request these matters be set down for one of the dates on which the Responding Party is available.




  5. 老规矩,我自己写好,chatGPT修改,这个不能马虎:

    As T&T stated in their request for postponement, the advisor of T&T is expected to return to Canada by the end of May and suggests deferring the hearing until after June 8th. Promptly scheduling the hearing, as everyone is aware, is crucial for the applicant. The applicant understands that upon the return of T&T's advisor to Canada, there will be many matters to attend to, and the lawyers will also have a lot of work to do. However, given that this hearing has already been postponed for over a month at T&T's request, the applicant still hopes it can proceed after the return of the said advisor. Recognizing that it may be difficult for T&T and its lawyers to understand the applicant's sentiment, the applicant requests that the committee decide on the hearing date, and he will firmly abide by it.




  6. 其实,刁民哥知道,委员会大概率是按照对方选定的时间来定,但是,刁民哥就是不想认为鱼肉。而且,到期前,对方再次申请延期,也不是不可能的事情。

  7. 另外,上面的英语,还是有点Chinglish,chatGPT这哥们,天天跟我混,英语被我拖下水了,哈哈!

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  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 我告大统华:交锋延期开庭时间 +2
    • 建议。。涉及正在进行的法律诉讼,不要在公开场合过多谈论,尤其是细节,对自己不利 +1
      • 谢谢提醒。不过放心。
    • 那个是长城吗,哪一段?
      • 居庸关,昌平附近的
        • 美哉,我六岁读书前爬过一次,记得破的一塌糊涂
          • 这是修复搞旅游的,真看还得野长城,司马台,古北口啥的,虽然背后的故事残酷,今天看来的确雄壮 +1
            • 啥残酷故事?说个开头听听……呗