

以前说是千分之五,现在涨到百分之五了。EXCLUSIVE – 100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of the batches produced according to official Government data

An investigation of data found in the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specif…

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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 以前说是千分之五,现在涨到百分之五了。EXCLUSIVE – 100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of the batches produced according to official Government data +6
    An investigation of data found in the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specif…
    • 这样的探索文章好,免得我们要被注射土豆液体 +7
      • 可惜液体没有战胜土豆 +1
        • 这世道连土豆都学着要聪明,怎么还有那么多人傻乎乎地挽起袖子排队挨土豆扎呢?回扣老多了吧? +1
    • 5%也太少了,95%还差不多,加拿大每年死亡的30万人里打过疫苗的有29万
    • 如果非常担心自己打的COVID19疫苗, 可以自己查BATCH CODE,看看自己的BATCH CODE是否在那5%之内
      How Bad is my Batch ? How Bad is My Batch Batch codes and associated deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines home |  Moderna  |  Pfizer  |  Janssen&em…
    • 一个简化的计算,可能算得不太准确。假设95%的疫苗不致死,如果一个人打了5针,那有77%的可能性她/他打的都是不会死人的那些疫苗。如果肯打10针的话,那有60%的可能性打的都是不会死人的那些疫苗。可惜这个论坛上支持疫苗的连5针疫苗都不肯打,更没人打10针,要不然 +3
      • 你们这些人也真行,算个算术都要匿名,是做了亏心事还是咋地。打过两针,有效了,不打是正常做法,难道你们在退烧后,还继续吃完一瓶退烧药,真不知道你们还有这爱好 +3
    • Expose news果然是个臭名昭著的假新闻网站: The Exposé (formerly known as The Daily Exposé) is a British conspiracist and fake news website created in 2020 by Jonathan Allen-Walker. It is known for publishing COVID-19 and anti-vaccine misinformation. +1
      • 他们似乎特别热衷转发假新闻网站的东东
      • It's easy to label a website. However, Wiki is not creditable in such aspect. +4
        • 这些人丧失了(大部分)独立思维能力,不看文章就想说文章是错的,总想找个‘权威’替他们选择。可‘权威’让他们继续打疫苗,他们又不打了,所以说他们还有些独立思考能力,不是完全丧失独立思维能力。 LOL +4
      • 连民主党和共和党都分不清的,居然能分辨网站好坏,太难为你了,要不你看看,NIH这个网站也是个骗子吧?呵呵。 +5
        • 原来你连民主党和共和党都分不清,怪不得不能分辨网站好坏,