President said he wanted to avoid a regional war in the Middle East, but his unconditional support for Israel has allowed it to happen, Richard Hall writes.
WASHINGTON (AP) — As a junior at George Washington University, Ty Lindia meets new students every day. But with the shadow of the Israel-Hamas war hanging over the Washington, D.C., campus, where everyone has a political opinion, each new encounter is fraught.
虽然荡荡和许多爱好和平的以色列许多人一样似也都是这样认为滴 😂 Israel unlikely to 'see the light',
The Biden administration's struggle to influence Israel in the wake of the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas has highlighted the challenges the United States faces in the region, said Brian Katulis, a senior fellow at the Middle East Institute."It's a reminder of the need to be humble about how much the United States can shape events," he said.
President said he wanted to avoid a regional war in the Middle East, but his unconditional support for Israel has allowed it to happen, Richard Hall writes.