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我很同意这篇文章的观点:We need to elect a candidate committed to ending, not prolonging, the war in Ukraine. There is only one, Donald Trump.

What is the most consequential issue facing the American electorate on Nov. 5? Is it inflation, immigration, abortion, or climate change? No, the most important question to be answered on Election Day is whether the United States will seek a negotiated settlement to its proxy war with Russia or pursue its current policy of serial escalation in Ukraine. That is the only choice that involves an immediate and potentially existential threat to the nation.

Ukraine is not a democracy. In 2014, its elected president was overthrown in a coup. It is notoriously corrupt and increasingly authoritarian, having recently canceled both presidential and parliamentary elections. With severe restrictions on freedom of the press and religion it is no bastion of human rights. Ukraine is in fact an impoverished, half destroyed nation that relies on foreign aid to pay the salaries of its civil servants. It hard to see how admitting Ukraine to NATO and thus committing America's sons and daughters to die for every inch of Crimea would make America safer or be worth risking a nuclear confrontation.

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 我很同意这篇文章的观点:We need to elect a candidate committed to ending, not prolonging, the war in Ukraine. There is only one, Donald Trump. +1

    What is the most consequential issue facing the American electorate on Nov. 5? Is it inflation, immigration, abortion, or climate change? No, the most important question to be answered on Election Day is whether the United States will seek a negotiated settlement to its proxy war with Russia or pursue its current policy of serial escalation in Ukraine. That is the only choice that involves an immediate and potentially existential threat to the nation.

    Ukraine is not a democracy. In 2014, its elected president was overthrown in a coup. It is notoriously corrupt and increasingly authoritarian, having recently canceled both presidential and parliamentary elections. With severe restrictions on freedom of the press and religion it is no bastion of human rights. Ukraine is in fact an impoverished, half destroyed nation that relies on foreign aid to pay the salaries of its civil servants. It hard to see how admitting Ukraine to NATO and thus committing America's sons and daughters to die for every inch of Crimea would make America safer or be worth risking a nuclear confrontation.

    • 啥时候外交成为大选的主题
      • 战时。就象现在
        • 都是区域战争,美国只不过花了点钱,又都以卖武器的形式回来了,更主要的是全球资金都往美国跑,赚大了 +1
          • “只不过花了点钱,“?好大方。这种口气说话的都是战略家
            • 1。卖武器给乌克兰和欧洲 2。4倍的价格卖天然气给欧洲 3。世界的资金流向美国避险,美国当然是赚了个钵满盆满 +1
            • 人品哥一直以為自己是戰略家。
              • 结果还是战略家 +1
                • 我沒有反對你的意思。 你在你的世界裡就是你認為的戰略家。
                  • 我不care +1
      • 外交政策從來都是大選的主題。 +1
        • 知道了,是你的主题
          • 你的認知漏洞太大了。 不知道連美國的非法移民問題都是國際問題。
            • 你的认知足够大所以国际国内自由转换
              • 昨天說了, 你的信息來源太窄 。導致認知漏洞巨大。 但是已經晚了。 不建議你彌補。
                • 这么窄的来源都能抵挡住川粉的攻击,不用更新了
                  • 那是因為你只能看到你看到的。你看不到更多的。
    • 政治不正确,不容易说也不容易做。尤其在这肉摊上,不少ID一切搞政治挂帅,一刀切的出发点就是反共加反中,从不在乎政策的合理性。
      • 美国人领着半个地球打俄罗斯,三年下来打得乌克兰丢失越来越多的土地,牺牲越来越多的人民,战争的走向人人都能看到,就看你愿不愿意选择去看到了。 +1
        • 因果关系搞反了,是俄罗斯先侵略乌克兰的,你的意思是罪犯足够强大,受害人就不能反抗? +4
          • 因果关系搞反了,拜登公开地支持乌克兰加入北约,在相当程度上刺激了普京,也在相当程度上打破了地缘平衡,进而催发了这场战争。这个观点已经有过许多讨论。 +1
            • 乌克兰是一个独立国家,想加入哪个国际组织还要俄罗斯同意?俄罗斯自己加入不了,还看不得乌克兰加入?什么毛病 +3
              • 台湾是一个事实上的独立国家,想公开宣告独立还要美国和大陆同意?什么毛病。古巴是一个独立国家,想接收几颗苏联核弹,还要美国人同意?什么毛病。 +1
                • 不是一回事。俄罗斯自己也想加入北约的,这个心理很怪,不是什么单纯的地缘政治原因😄
                  • 北约的存在是因为要对付北极熊。北约如果真滴接受了俄罗斯,那就意味着俄罗斯不花一枪一弹葬送了北约。所以俄罗斯当然想加入,而美国人当然绝对不会允许俄罗斯加入。为什么要养虎贻患呢?
                • 古巴没有被承认
                  • 美国人承认就行了。
              • 不需要 但是不能不考慮。 北約到現在也不接受烏克蘭加入。你說說為什麼?
                • 你现在的口吻已从学生变成教授了
                  • 我懶得教你。你屬於那種扶不上牆的。已經沒法教了。
            • 我认为是习大大刺激普丁丁
              • 抱团取暖可以有很多种形式。