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Let me say something impolite....

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛If you are good at C++, you should not have forgot it so fast.
On the other hand, even you spend 5 more years on VC++,
your VC level won't improve much.

In IT field, one has to learn and learn. Only new technologies
can bring you a good pay. My boss hired two VC++ guys from China and both of them are doing Java now. If you have only one skill--VC++ or VB, you will be in trouble sooner or later.
Of course, I don't suggest you learn Java.

I cannot assure you that C# will be hot. But I personally think
it will be hot because it is a Microsoft product. Things are going so fast. Smart guys always are early birds. As I learned JSP and EJB, my chief architect thought JSP and EJB are brouhaha
and advised me to learn ASP becasue ASP was very, very hot at that time. But it turned out he was wrong.

I understand C++ is very difficult to play. If a 6-person team has one C++ novice, the whole project is at high risk. If you don't have confidence in VC++, I suggest you forget about it and learn Java. More and more C++ programmers are moving from C++ to Java.

We need to learn, learn and learn until we quit.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 一个程序员在移民过程中的困惑...
    毕业后开始学写代码,从VB、C、C++, 到目前有3年多的工作经验,因公司业务熟悉之故,现在正在用Rose, UML,已逐渐脱离了编码,如果不因为移民,可能就此走系统分析员这条路了,但移民后直接做系统分析员显然难度太大且不可能,所以茫然、迷惑,如果有必要,会考虑换家公司继续VC下去,而我本人也希望能有一个更好的编码基础。我想,这种情况对于移民的程序员来讲可能会比较普遍,不知大家面临这个选择时如何取舍?

    • Even you just want to be a programmer, it is a big big plus for you to know UML and Rose...
      To be an analyst or architect, you need to have very good lanaguge and communication skills.

      My suggest is not to continue your VC coding. If you have time, you may learn some Java, or C#.
      • 我怕VC久不用生疏了,在外面总得从程序员干起,学其他的怕是浪费了时间,再说,c#真正要用起来怕还要2年吧
        • Let me say something impolite....
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛If you are good at C++, you should not have forgot it so fast.
          On the other hand, even you spend 5 more years on VC++,
          your VC level won't improve much.

          In IT field, one has to learn and learn. Only new technologies
          can bring you a good pay. My boss hired two VC++ guys from China and both of them are doing Java now. If you have only one skill--VC++ or VB, you will be in trouble sooner or later.
          Of course, I don't suggest you learn Java.

          I cannot assure you that C# will be hot. But I personally think
          it will be hot because it is a Microsoft product. Things are going so fast. Smart guys always are early birds. As I learned JSP and EJB, my chief architect thought JSP and EJB are brouhaha
          and advised me to learn ASP becasue ASP was very, very hot at that time. But it turned out he was wrong.

          I understand C++ is very difficult to play. If a 6-person team has one C++ novice, the whole project is at high risk. If you don't have confidence in VC++, I suggest you forget about it and learn Java. More and more C++ programmers are moving from C++ to Java.

          We need to learn, learn and learn until we quit.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 你讲的都对:-)


          • 补充......
      • I have wrote the program for long time, but I don't know what's the UML and Rose, could you tell me to chenmoon@163.net
        • please visit www.rational.com