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更多的,是NE内部有自己的DATABASE,当SNMP MANAGER要ACCESS DATA时,它通过MIB所定义的OID,来告诉NE,它需要什么样的数据。然后,NE去自己的DATABASE中寻找,把数据,用VAR-BIND的形式给SNMP MANAGER。这只是一个典型的GET的例子,GET-NEXT以及SET也是类似的。MIB只是一个简单的DATA STRUCTURE的定义。
另外,如果一个NE支持SNMP----我们把这个,叫做SNMP AGENT,那么,理论上来说,任何支持SNMP的MANAGER都可以用SNMP PDU去ACCESS它,当然,有SECURITY的考量。SNMP的标准的制定,是在RFC里定义的,而HP OPENVIEW,是按照RFC里所定义的标准,来完成MANAGER的工作的。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / 请教电信专家一个问题。
    请问电信 Call data/Billing data 是如何获取的?这些话务数据是怎样从PBX/CBX 或其他Switches 转到数据库(such as Oracle or SQL Server)的,用的是什么接口?
    小弟正在申请一个database developer 的工作, 要求有相关的Telecom Billig System的经验。请高手点拨一招。甚是感激。
    • switch产生call details文件,ftp 到一个unix server上,一个database loader process 处理这些文件,把纪录insert 到billing DB里
      • You don't want to use FTP to transfer a file because of the security reason.
        • Can you tell me what other mechanisms of tranfering are available and currently used in call billing systems? Thanks.
          • MQ or ConnectDirect
        • 公司内部网络,问题不大,或者用secure FTP
      • 非常感谢您的提示. 您能不能更详细介绍一下在swith 端的 ftp setup 的过程? 还有 call detail 文件的字段都有那些? 哪里可以找到相关的资料?
        • 再详细的,我就不懂了
          • 做人要厚道,你就把技术细节都告诉人家吧,省得你下回找助手还得另外招?
        • different switches use different ways
      • A former IBMer is a 伪劣电信专家
    • To get billing data, it needs a NMS or EMS(element manager system) to fetch data periodically,
      all these data are raw data file and they will be processed by blling software system and will be stored in blling system's DB for future use.

      switch itself will not generate any files and it is impossible for switch to ftp data.
      • That's my question.
        How does a NMS or EMS software fetch data from switches? Is this NMS or EMS software come with euquiments when a telecom operator purchase them? or it need to be puchased separately from independent software vendor(third party developer)? If a telecom company want a software for customer service purpose, i.e. a software integrating easy call detail data look-up, monthly bill printing, value-added service promotion, etc., then it has to be developed in-house. right?
        • 1) They use network management protocols to communicate with switches, eg.,SNMP, TL1, CMIP or CLI. 2) It is not necessay for combining NMS/EMS with swtches.
          3) The billing system can either get traffic data from NMS/EMS, or it can fetch traffic data directly from switches without NMS/EMS as long as it uses the appropriate network management protocol.
          4) Telecom servie providers usually won't develop billing system, they buy existing system or pay money to switch provider for impementing the billing system.

          I can not tell you in detail, you'd better search SNMP in google and learn more about network managemt protocol and billing system
          • I guess you are talking about Network Management System(concerning SNMP) for computer network devices. But my question is about traditional telephone network(circuit switching) usage data, it's low-tech :).
            • You are totally wrong. Network management protocol is the only intermidate to fetch data from a equipment, it doen't matter whether it is a switch(including TDM and ATM), a route or a computer
              • If I'm right, SNMP database is in MIB(Management Information Base) format and only accessible through SNMP API provide by vendors like IBM, HP etc.
                When we talk about MIB, we're mostly concerning about device confiuration/description data, event data, etc.

                Do you think telephone switches(程控交换机) are managed the same way? I'm familar with computer networks but have no hands-on experience in telephone networks(circuit switching, signaling, service carrier, multiplexing etc. ).
                • 实际上,MIB只是一个DATA STRUCTURE,而不是一个DATABASE FORMAT。换句话说,NE的DATABASE,可以按照MIB的FORMAT来定义,但是,在实际运用中,这种IMPLEMENTATION非常地少。
                  更多的,是NE内部有自己的DATABASE,当SNMP MANAGER要ACCESS DATA时,它通过MIB所定义的OID,来告诉NE,它需要什么样的数据。然后,NE去自己的DATABASE中寻找,把数据,用VAR-BIND的形式给SNMP MANAGER。这只是一个典型的GET的例子,GET-NEXT以及SET也是类似的。MIB只是一个简单的DATA STRUCTURE的定义。
                  另外,如果一个NE支持SNMP----我们把这个,叫做SNMP AGENT,那么,理论上来说,任何支持SNMP的MANAGER都可以用SNMP PDU去ACCESS它,当然,有SECURITY的考量。SNMP的标准的制定,是在RFC里定义的,而HP OPENVIEW,是按照RFC里所定义的标准,来完成MANAGER的工作的。
    • NE和NMS之间的通信,一般常用的是SNMP和TL1。CMIP因为复杂和繁琐,已经渐渐地不被VENDOR所用。BILLING其实分两种SCENARIO,和PM DATA的处理比较类似。一种是POLLING,一种是SCHEDULE,
      都是把RAW DATA 从NE传到NMS,然后,NMS再把这些,存到自己的DB。BILLING SOFTWARE一般是VENDOR提供的,但是,如果客户是BELL COMPANY的时候,客户为了自己内部设备的统一,会让VENDOR去TELECORDIA做一个OSMINE CERTIFICATE,这很复杂,包括的东西极多,其中也包括BILLING。
        如果一个 中国联通的客户打电话给Customer service representative 要查询上个月中某天的长途电话使用情况, Customer service representative 用什么系统来获得该客户长途电话使用数据(中文环境,易于使用)? 国内是我们每个月收到的电话月结单是如何打印出来的? 中国联通买北方电讯的电话交换设备, 这些客户管理软件也由北电提供吗?
        • 我想,这个我可能没办法帮助你,因为,我只是负责提供RAW DATA那一部分的。至於BILLING怎么和SERVICE联在一起,这是由另一个GROUP做的。很抱歉,好运。
          • Thanks anyway for your information, it is good to know other aspects of the topic.
      • 你讲的东西在这里叫PROVISIONING,属於系统维护方面的。跟计费不是一回事。另外, BILLING 软件一般都不是SWITCH VENDOR提供的。 SWITCH就是提供一个接口,把数据DUMP出来。
        • 我想各个公司的IMPLEMENTATION不一样吧,至少,在我以前所服务过的公司,是客户提出要求,要我们加上BILLING的。
    • vendor will tell you how to get the raw data.
      • The raw data can be dumped from telecom equipment, and
        It depends on the company whether have their own billing system or purchase 3rd-party billing system. anyway billin system usually is a seperate system. the customer serivce system usually is another seperate system (for big company), they extract billing information for billing system to their own system and provide customer service to customers. I experienced some billing system contains customer services module and even inventory management module