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An Article about Canadian Beer

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Bottoms up
When it comes to beer, you are what you drink
It's a dreary Friday afternoon when I pull up a bar stool in the Granite
Brewery & Restaurant. Known for its delicious homegrown beers and the
occasional cooking-with-beer event,
the Granite is the type of place where a couple of old farts can sit for hours
staring at the hundreds of bottles on the wall behind the bar.
As I'm getting comfortable, two old codgers swap stories about how many
different varieties they've got under their belts. "Have you tried that red
one three rows up and about six bottles in?" one of them asks. "Oh yeah,"
replies the other. "It was good. What about the one with the green-and-white
logo two shelves higher?"

Their banter provides a fitting backdrop for my final interview of the day.
My mood lifts as I sip my freshly drawn pint of Peculiar, one of the eight
Granite brews on tap that account for about 92% of the pub's sales. Its
unusual name may put off some people, but for those who like a "full- bodied
but slightly sweet" dark ale, it fits the bill. Thirsting for something a
little more mainstream? Try a Ringwood Ale, the Granite's most popular draft.
If you'd rather have something by Molson or Labatt... well, you're pretty much
out of luck: the Granite sells them only in bottles. Chuggers of formulaic
swill, beware梑eer snobs are embraced here.

A beer snob? Is there such a thing? Does the type of beer you serve or drink
actually illuminate something of your personality? "Absolutely," says Stephen
Beaumont. And he should know. The internationally renowned beer taster and
author of five beer-related books sampled more than 1,300 Canadian brews
while researching The Great Canadian Beer Guide, Second Edition. "What you
have available to drink definitely says something about you," he says as he
settles into his first pint, a cask-conditioned Best Bitter Special. "If I
had clients over, I'd make damn sure I had a selection of beers in the fridge,
maybe even a Canadian or Blue."

I nearly fall off my bar stool when I hear Beaumont recommend beer from a
major brewery. After all, in his reviews, he tends to favor craft beers and
imports, giving the major brands short shrift. As a self-confessed beer
snob梐nd someone who has beenknown to chastise Coors Light fans?nbsp;I was
expecting a little more support for my point of view. Beaumont typically
gives the big brands one star out of four, indicating a "standard but
unimaginative" brew. Likewise, those who drink such beers梐nd they comprise
the bulk of Canada's 10 million beer consumers梐re a largely uninspired lot.
"They are stuck in their ways," he says. Finally, the confirmation I'd been
looking for. "They typically buy one brand of major brewery beer, and it's
their beer," he continues. "They've been drinking it for years, and they
don't want to try something new. If you give them another beer, nine times
out of 10, they can't tell the difference."

It's no surprise that Molson and Labatt's mass-market offerings have a near
stranglehold on the Canadian beer market. Molson alone sold about 45% of the
20.7 million hectolitres (the equivalent of more than six billion bottles) of
beer consumed in Canada last year. But Beaumont believes the influence of the
majors is slipping as Canadian palates seek more sophisticated tastes. Even
the big two breweries are now focusing more on the imported brands. (Molson
distributes Heineken and Corona in Canada, while Labatt owner Interbrew has
brands like Stella Artois and Hoegaarden.)

Ultimately, an appreciation of craft beers will give rise to a micronation of
beer snobs, though there are a couple of incremental steps along the way.
Beaumont characterizes those who have made the switch to craft beers as
unafraid of experimenting with new things. Unlike the beer-swilling couch
potato who reaches for a Kokanee, these enlightened individuals have reached
a pivotal stage on the evolutionary beer ladder. Perhaps surprisingly, women
are just as likely to have reached this point. Unlike men, women don't have
any hang-ups about brand loyalty, says Beaumont. "If you're a single guy and
you go to a bar to meet interesting women, you could do a lot worse than
talking to a woman who's drinking a stout or a Belgian white," he says. At
this stage of the evolutionary ladder, it's not so much what you drink as
being open to new flavors.

What separates beer snobs from the masses is their appreciation for the
various tastes that craft beers offer. A beer snob understands that flavor
has less to do with alcohol content than with the care a brewer puts into
his art. A light beer doesn't have to be light in taste. In fact, many
full-bodied beers contain less than 5% alcohol, the standard level in Canada.
For instance, Guinness on tap, a rich-tasting and dark stout, has only 4.2%
alcohol. The major beer makers use a high-gravity brewing process that
creates beer with 7% to 8% alcohol, then water it down to 5% for regular
beer and 4% for light beer. It's fast, but it doesn't necessarily make for
tasty brews.

Microbreweries, on the other hand, take more time with their beers, adding
various spices, herbs and other seasonings to the traditional water, barley,
yeast and a variety of hops. The mix is brewed in small batches so the
resulting brew is more flavorful. Beer made from hops has only been around
for 1,200 years. The first beers, which date back at least 6,000 years (and
are often credited to the Egyptians), were made with fermented fruit, spices
and herbs. People who look down their noses at fruit beers are probably
associating them with coolers, Beaumont surmises. But unlike those
concoctions, fruit beers are quite complex in flavor and not necessarily
sweet. La Barberie's Blanche Aux Agrumes from Quebec City is an orange,
grapefruit and lime wheat beer, which may sound strange but is pretty
conventional compared with other combinations. Beaumont has tried a Belgian
mint beer and even a North Carolina tobacco beer, which left his mouth
tasting like "the morning after smoking a cigar," he recalls.

Still, if you're willing to try tobacco beer, chances are you've already
evolved into a beer snob. That means you'll drink both crafts and imports梐nd
generally won't stick with one brand for longer than a case or even a pint.
During our three-hour interview, Beaumont consumes three different drafts: he
follows up the bitter with a Keefe's Irish Stout, then finishes off with an
IPA. If variety is indeed the spice of life, then Beaumont is the beer
lover's beer lover. He generally has a stock of 45 different beers in either
his fridge or cellar.

Us mere mortals will have to settle for having one or two brands in the
fridge at a time, sharing space with last night's leftovers. But whether
you like light beer, fruit beer or one of the 40 other types of brews, once
you've made the commitment to step out of the Molson and Labatt box, you're
well on your way to enjoying beer as it's meant to be. Beer snobbery is not
nearly as exclusive a club as its wine equivalent, and it doesn't require
you to learn ridiculous phrases like "the nose has a naughty bouquet." Even
better, you get to swallow your beer, whereas oenophiles have to spit out
their wine. This makes beer all the more accessible to common folk. "People
aren't scared by beer. You can be intimidated by selection, but if you
present a beer, it's a beer," Beaumont says. "Wine is a conversation stopper,
but I've never encountered someone who doesn't like talking about beer."
Loving beer, it seems, means never having to put a cork in it.


The return of sunny days makes summer ideal for breaking out the patio
furniture, filling a cooler with beer and inviting friends and coworkers
over for a few brown pops. But if the beer you serve says something about
you, shouldn't you think before picking up 12 Canadian and 12 Export in a
Molson Pleasure Pack? The answer, of course, is yes.

No matter how many people you're entertaining, beer expert Stephen Beaumont
recommends having at least three or four brews on hand. Start with a simple
lager and ale. Choose labels that have a little more cachet than a big brand
name but are not too radical in terms of flavor. Beaumont gives a nod to ales
such as Big Rock Traditional, Sleeman Cream Ale, Bor閍le Rousse or
Mt. Begbie's High Country Kolsch, and lagers like Upper Canada Lager or
Steam Whistle. Then, he suggests, add something eclectic. Beaumont recommends
serving a St. Ambroise Oatmeal Stout, Wellington Arkell Best Bitter or a
Hermann's Dark Lager. Finally, pick something that may surprise your guests
or start a conversation, perhaps a Black Bear Ale or Blanche de Chambly, a
fruit beer like Kawartha Lakes Raspberry Wheat, or maybe a Belgium import
like La Chouffe.

Never serve just one beer, even if it's the most expensive one, and stay
away from the Molson or Labatt labels. "That's completely predictable; it's
not going to impress anybody," says Beaumont. "If you're entertaining clients
or your managers, it's likely their tastes have matured. Their days of
funneling beers are behind them." Cheers to that.

From Canadian Business更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 给位酒鬼,推荐集中比较好喝的啤酒吧。好像canadian lager beer 不错,便宜味道很香。
    • bud, corona
      • 啤酒有什么大的区别吗?bud,corona,blue...都喝过,要我说区别却说不出来。 浪费啊...
        • Bud 和中国的味道一样么?中国的不好喝。
          • 在国内没喝过bud,哈哈。不过,总觉得这里的啤酒不如燕京好喝,心理作用?
            • 我在这里就喝过喜力和嘉士伯,觉得不错。去BAR我也只敢点这些认识牌子的。
            • Bud不就是“百威”么
              • Yes. But real beer lovers say Bud is trash, hehe.
                • yup. that's true. they said too many chemical inside bud, but I feel it tastes good... not a real bear lover...
    • 中国队赢两球,晚上喝了两瓶,不错!没有酒精的感觉,一点不晕。
      • 就是啊,这里的啤酒淡如水
      • 一瓶才341ml 酒精度 5%
    • Brava! 墨西哥风格, 不错. 24瓶还送一张音乐CD
      • 狗熊所见略同! :-)
      • 你还能从corona里喝出墨西哥风味?佩服佩服。我喝了那么多次,楞没 觉出他和blue的区别来。
        • 我哪里知道墨西哥是啥口味, 是它瓶子上写的. 口味和本地啤酒还是有区别的. 一般来说, 我喜欢透明白瓶子装的啤酒
          • 我能记住他的名字主要还是因为他的瓶子比别的啤酒高一截
      • 多少钱?下次去偿偿看。看看是不是正宗墨西哥风味的。
        • 20.75一箱,12瓶装的。喝的时候注意用冰镇一下,并放一小片柠檬在酒中,风味独特,十分清醇。 :-)
          • 啤酒+柠檬,以前倒是从没尝试过。值得一试。
            • 这是标准喝法,通常在外面点这个牌子的啤酒时,服务生都会给你搭配一片柠檬的。 :-)
    • 大家只喝啤酒吗?我上次请大家推荐葡萄酒,居然没人应~~~~~~~~
      • 你是“调酒师”吗? sherry酒和maltiny(好象是这么拼)怎么样?
    • 喜力。没人喜欢吗?
      • 如果要喝啤酒,我就去德国。
      • I love that too.
      • 我喜欢,就是贵了些。
    • GENUS,好象是这样拼,是BLACK BEER,很不错,还有你可以试PILSONER,你可以问BEER STORE要RED 或BLACK的啤酒,我喜欢口味重的,有没有同道?
      • guiness---Irish black beer, very creamy, also Kilkeny is very good (in bar)
        • //hand, Kilkeny 是我的最爱。 尤其是那奶油一样的泡沫。 new castle brown beer also nice
          • yeah, not many people know kilkeny, let alone its likers
          • 我喜欢泡沫丰富的beer。
          • 啤酒瓶要还么?退钱么?
    • Molson?
      • An Article about Canadian Beer
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Bottoms up
        When it comes to beer, you are what you drink
        It's a dreary Friday afternoon when I pull up a bar stool in the Granite
        Brewery & Restaurant. Known for its delicious homegrown beers and the
        occasional cooking-with-beer event,
        the Granite is the type of place where a couple of old farts can sit for hours
        staring at the hundreds of bottles on the wall behind the bar.
        As I'm getting comfortable, two old codgers swap stories about how many
        different varieties they've got under their belts. "Have you tried that red
        one three rows up and about six bottles in?" one of them asks. "Oh yeah,"
        replies the other. "It was good. What about the one with the green-and-white
        logo two shelves higher?"

        Their banter provides a fitting backdrop for my final interview of the day.
        My mood lifts as I sip my freshly drawn pint of Peculiar, one of the eight
        Granite brews on tap that account for about 92% of the pub's sales. Its
        unusual name may put off some people, but for those who like a "full- bodied
        but slightly sweet" dark ale, it fits the bill. Thirsting for something a
        little more mainstream? Try a Ringwood Ale, the Granite's most popular draft.
        If you'd rather have something by Molson or Labatt... well, you're pretty much
        out of luck: the Granite sells them only in bottles. Chuggers of formulaic
        swill, beware梑eer snobs are embraced here.

        A beer snob? Is there such a thing? Does the type of beer you serve or drink
        actually illuminate something of your personality? "Absolutely," says Stephen
        Beaumont. And he should know. The internationally renowned beer taster and
        author of five beer-related books sampled more than 1,300 Canadian brews
        while researching The Great Canadian Beer Guide, Second Edition. "What you
        have available to drink definitely says something about you," he says as he
        settles into his first pint, a cask-conditioned Best Bitter Special. "If I
        had clients over, I'd make damn sure I had a selection of beers in the fridge,
        maybe even a Canadian or Blue."

        I nearly fall off my bar stool when I hear Beaumont recommend beer from a
        major brewery. After all, in his reviews, he tends to favor craft beers and
        imports, giving the major brands short shrift. As a self-confessed beer
        snob梐nd someone who has beenknown to chastise Coors Light fans?nbsp;I was
        expecting a little more support for my point of view. Beaumont typically
        gives the big brands one star out of four, indicating a "standard but
        unimaginative" brew. Likewise, those who drink such beers梐nd they comprise
        the bulk of Canada's 10 million beer consumers梐re a largely uninspired lot.
        "They are stuck in their ways," he says. Finally, the confirmation I'd been
        looking for. "They typically buy one brand of major brewery beer, and it's
        their beer," he continues. "They've been drinking it for years, and they
        don't want to try something new. If you give them another beer, nine times
        out of 10, they can't tell the difference."

        It's no surprise that Molson and Labatt's mass-market offerings have a near
        stranglehold on the Canadian beer market. Molson alone sold about 45% of the
        20.7 million hectolitres (the equivalent of more than six billion bottles) of
        beer consumed in Canada last year. But Beaumont believes the influence of the
        majors is slipping as Canadian palates seek more sophisticated tastes. Even
        the big two breweries are now focusing more on the imported brands. (Molson
        distributes Heineken and Corona in Canada, while Labatt owner Interbrew has
        brands like Stella Artois and Hoegaarden.)

        Ultimately, an appreciation of craft beers will give rise to a micronation of
        beer snobs, though there are a couple of incremental steps along the way.
        Beaumont characterizes those who have made the switch to craft beers as
        unafraid of experimenting with new things. Unlike the beer-swilling couch
        potato who reaches for a Kokanee, these enlightened individuals have reached
        a pivotal stage on the evolutionary beer ladder. Perhaps surprisingly, women
        are just as likely to have reached this point. Unlike men, women don't have
        any hang-ups about brand loyalty, says Beaumont. "If you're a single guy and
        you go to a bar to meet interesting women, you could do a lot worse than
        talking to a woman who's drinking a stout or a Belgian white," he says. At
        this stage of the evolutionary ladder, it's not so much what you drink as
        being open to new flavors.

        What separates beer snobs from the masses is their appreciation for the
        various tastes that craft beers offer. A beer snob understands that flavor
        has less to do with alcohol content than with the care a brewer puts into
        his art. A light beer doesn't have to be light in taste. In fact, many
        full-bodied beers contain less than 5% alcohol, the standard level in Canada.
        For instance, Guinness on tap, a rich-tasting and dark stout, has only 4.2%
        alcohol. The major beer makers use a high-gravity brewing process that
        creates beer with 7% to 8% alcohol, then water it down to 5% for regular
        beer and 4% for light beer. It's fast, but it doesn't necessarily make for
        tasty brews.

        Microbreweries, on the other hand, take more time with their beers, adding
        various spices, herbs and other seasonings to the traditional water, barley,
        yeast and a variety of hops. The mix is brewed in small batches so the
        resulting brew is more flavorful. Beer made from hops has only been around
        for 1,200 years. The first beers, which date back at least 6,000 years (and
        are often credited to the Egyptians), were made with fermented fruit, spices
        and herbs. People who look down their noses at fruit beers are probably
        associating them with coolers, Beaumont surmises. But unlike those
        concoctions, fruit beers are quite complex in flavor and not necessarily
        sweet. La Barberie's Blanche Aux Agrumes from Quebec City is an orange,
        grapefruit and lime wheat beer, which may sound strange but is pretty
        conventional compared with other combinations. Beaumont has tried a Belgian
        mint beer and even a North Carolina tobacco beer, which left his mouth
        tasting like "the morning after smoking a cigar," he recalls.

        Still, if you're willing to try tobacco beer, chances are you've already
        evolved into a beer snob. That means you'll drink both crafts and imports梐nd
        generally won't stick with one brand for longer than a case or even a pint.
        During our three-hour interview, Beaumont consumes three different drafts: he
        follows up the bitter with a Keefe's Irish Stout, then finishes off with an
        IPA. If variety is indeed the spice of life, then Beaumont is the beer
        lover's beer lover. He generally has a stock of 45 different beers in either
        his fridge or cellar.

        Us mere mortals will have to settle for having one or two brands in the
        fridge at a time, sharing space with last night's leftovers. But whether
        you like light beer, fruit beer or one of the 40 other types of brews, once
        you've made the commitment to step out of the Molson and Labatt box, you're
        well on your way to enjoying beer as it's meant to be. Beer snobbery is not
        nearly as exclusive a club as its wine equivalent, and it doesn't require
        you to learn ridiculous phrases like "the nose has a naughty bouquet." Even
        better, you get to swallow your beer, whereas oenophiles have to spit out
        their wine. This makes beer all the more accessible to common folk. "People
        aren't scared by beer. You can be intimidated by selection, but if you
        present a beer, it's a beer," Beaumont says. "Wine is a conversation stopper,
        but I've never encountered someone who doesn't like talking about beer."
        Loving beer, it seems, means never having to put a cork in it.


        The return of sunny days makes summer ideal for breaking out the patio
        furniture, filling a cooler with beer and inviting friends and coworkers
        over for a few brown pops. But if the beer you serve says something about
        you, shouldn't you think before picking up 12 Canadian and 12 Export in a
        Molson Pleasure Pack? The answer, of course, is yes.

        No matter how many people you're entertaining, beer expert Stephen Beaumont
        recommends having at least three or four brews on hand. Start with a simple
        lager and ale. Choose labels that have a little more cachet than a big brand
        name but are not too radical in terms of flavor. Beaumont gives a nod to ales
        such as Big Rock Traditional, Sleeman Cream Ale, Bor閍le Rousse or
        Mt. Begbie's High Country Kolsch, and lagers like Upper Canada Lager or
        Steam Whistle. Then, he suggests, add something eclectic. Beaumont recommends
        serving a St. Ambroise Oatmeal Stout, Wellington Arkell Best Bitter or a
        Hermann's Dark Lager. Finally, pick something that may surprise your guests
        or start a conversation, perhaps a Black Bear Ale or Blanche de Chambly, a
        fruit beer like Kawartha Lakes Raspberry Wheat, or maybe a Belgium import
        like La Chouffe.

        Never serve just one beer, even if it's the most expensive one, and stay
        away from the Molson or Labatt labels. "That's completely predictable; it's
        not going to impress anybody," says Beaumont. "If you're entertaining clients
        or your managers, it's likely their tastes have matured. Their days of
        funneling beers are behind them." Cheers to that.

        From Canadian Business更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 关于啤酒
      HEINEKEN及CARLSBERG都是一个大类的皮尔森欧洲欧洲传统啤酒, 特点是味道略苦,酒精度适中。BUDWEISER啤酒色泽及口味略淡,但各项理化指标合格率很高。黑啤酒是爱尔兰产最地道,分BITTER/GREAT BITTER等几个苦度系列,酒精度可达7%(用于出口)。至于燕京啤酒,糖度太高,不上档次。
      • Heineken, Beck, Carlsberg, and some other brands are all in green, hehe.
      • 我就觉得燕京最好喝,尤其是那种直接从冰柜里拿出来的,爽。鬼子的啤酒 我总是欣赏不了。档次不够?
        • 是啊。很想念北京的燕京啤酒。真爽!一两瓶过后,有一点点晕,感觉很好。
          • 燕京啤酒是北京当地的人民啤酒。
        • 因为燕京先入为主啦。 你若起初就喝欧洲啤酒,就会有准星啦。 欧洲啤酒毕竟几百年历史了,燕京总共才二十年左右,比五星还嫩。
    • 经过一段时间的尝试,在尝过了LCBO所有啤酒后(每次是一样买两罐),现在比较固定了,一般是:ZYWIEC(500ml玻璃瓶),生力(比较清淡些,在国内就比较爱喝),SCHLITZ(946ml,玻璃瓶,我觉得很不错)。
      • 闻到了一股臭豆腐的清香
    • 天下最好喝的啤酒当属天津的莱格啤酒,但好象现在不生产了,但还是我们的高度纯粮酿制的白酒最好,一瓶刚好,二瓶会倒,容量5MML。
      • 那还不如二锅头
    • 青岛,克罗纳。最好的啤酒之二。Canadian, Blue都查远了。
    • 青岛刚过完啤酒节……真想回去,与诸君痛饮!
    • 在Canada的酒贵吗?特别是啤酒和红酒.
      • wine? 8.95 and up; beer? 2/500ml and up; I think Quebec is cheaper than Ontario.
    • 一帮人不懂酒在这瞎参合,酒的魅力在于酒精,当然是度数越高的越好。
      • 瞎说,照你这样说,干脆喝酒精得了。
    • 我上次再星岛日报上看到多伦多有买伏特加的,但仅有40度(加拿大最高度数)。那位雄台知道在那里可以买到?
      • LCBO的VODKA