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Canadiantire is right. Squirels, rodents are considered low risk in rabies transmission.

Unless the animal contact (bite, scratches etc) are due to unprovoked actions and the animal acts strange(like agressive, listless etc) at time of bite. Normally rabies vaccine are not recommended for squirel contact. Feeding and petting are also considered as provoked action. Rabies vaccine are dispensed via local health department( toronto public health for city of toronto; york region health services for markham, richmond etc). The ordering of such vaccine can only be via doctor's request, either your family doctor, doctors from walk-in or emergency. Judging from your case, rabies vaccine deem not necessary. What you need is just cleansed the wound with water and soap? Also its a domestic pet, tetanus shot deem not necessary too. Of course, if you are still extremely worry, seek medical attetnion and the doctor will have the final say, he/she may or may not give u the vaccine.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 昨天下午被松鼠咬了一下,伤口挺深,流了好多血。不知要不要去医院呀?打打疫苗或清理伤口什么的?
    • 要去,否则得了狂犬病就太不值当了。
      • 而且得赶快去, 急诊. 狂犬病疫苗必须在多少小时内注射的.
        • 惨了,今天诊所都不上班!你们确认是要打疫苗的?
          • 不上诊所, 直接上医院的急诊!
          • Squirrels are not a primary threat of transfer of rabies, raccoons and skunks are the most common carriers, but any mammal can carry rabies, squirrels can and will bite people, so there is a danger.
      • 不会吧?松鼠和老鼠是一家呀
      • 应该快去医院打.狂犬病的发病期在10年之内.
    • 怎么会, 那东西会咬人? 你把他逼急了把.
      • 我在喂它呀!恩将仇报!
        • 狂犬病疫苗好象在24小时内注射, 快去医院急诊室把.
          野生动物身上大把病毒, 不好玩把?
        • 赶紧打针去!!!!!
        • 可能饿极了,没注意你的手指头,不要怪他
      • 很早我就发过贴子,这东西会咬人的。
    • 去医院急诊,现在! 万一...后果不堪设想.....
    • 应该不会有狂犬病,我有过类似经历,enviromental control说这种小动物如果被狂犬病携带者咬的话,早就死了,不会存活下来继续传播rabies.
      • 难说的, 狂犬病的潜伏期可长达10年.
        • 84这个意思,你想吧,小老鼠被一个狐狸咬一口,还活得成么?
          • 要是小老鼠咬了狐狸呢?
    • 一定要看医生,不过狂犬疫苗10天内打都可以,打了可能会发低烧,浑身无力等
    • Canadiantire is right. Squirels, rodents are considered low risk in rabies transmission.
      Unless the animal contact (bite, scratches etc) are due to unprovoked actions and the animal acts strange(like agressive, listless etc) at time of bite. Normally rabies vaccine are not recommended for squirel contact. Feeding and petting are also considered as provoked action. Rabies vaccine are dispensed via local health department( toronto public health for city of toronto; york region health services for markham, richmond etc). The ordering of such vaccine can only be via doctor's request, either your family doctor, doctors from walk-in or emergency. Judging from your case, rabies vaccine deem not necessary. What you need is just cleansed the wound with water and soap? Also its a domestic pet, tetanus shot deem not necessary too. Of course, if you are still extremely worry, seek medical attetnion and the doctor will have the final say, he/she may or may not give u the vaccine.
    • One thing to add.
      The quarantine period for dogs and cats are 10 days. If they are still well and alive afte the 10days confinement period. We are 100% confident that they were not rabid at time of bite. Usually they(dogs or cats) will die within the first 5 days after the bite, if they are rabid at time of bite. Not sure about squirell, may be you can observe for 10 days too for any strange behavior.
    • 赶快去看医生吧, 别说松鼠咬你, 就是被人咬一口, 也是要打狂犬疫苗的
    • 刚从医院回来。医生说不用打狂犬疫苗,注意不要伤口感染就可以了。等了3个小时的急诊,就看了不到5分钟。第一次在加拿大光顾医院的经历,太不可思议了。回来看到大家的关心,好感动。谢谢大家!
      • hehe, I told you. : )
        • anyway,大家以后还是不要喂松鼠了。血的教训呀!
      • 急诊室的处理都是一样的,他们好像不管狂犬疫苗,请联系你的家庭医生。有他们安排。我们家的LD就给狗咬过,当时急死我了。
      • 这个这个,能不能等伤好以后,写写被咬经过啊。实在是太好奇了。
    • 急诊室好像不给打狂犬疫苗,他们只打破伤风,最好联系你的家庭医生,问一下,如何是好。不要耽搁。