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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

严重同意frank!没有一家药店敢于让technician代替pharmacist 的,法律有明文规定。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛根据加拿大的有关法律,任何药店在开门的时候都必须有一个pharmacist physically在场.药店可以雇用technician,但是technician 和pharmacist 的工作职责有着本质的不同。

technician 可以接电话,收处方,data entry, 数药片,收钱。但是有关技术方面的工作全部都要pharmacist最后核对。

有些职责是一定要pharmacist 才能做的:



不同的药店收费最大的差别在于处方费;我所知道的从6.54到13.99不等。药品的cost 根据进货渠道不同会有区别,但是相差也就是5%以内。利润部分(markup) 一般是10%,对于有保险的人,这部分如果保险公司付钱那就更好,如果不付一般也没有人会向患者收,因为这样是典型地不想让人再回头了。不过没有保险的人就只有自己负担了。

下面的链接是安省药剂师协会的网站,里面有相关法规,需要的朋友请参考。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 小声问一下, 抓药时, 服务费各店不同, 药价是否也不同?
    • the cost of the drug is same normally phamacies will add 10-20% mark up depending on stores.
      • 每次去SHOPPERS买药,都是直接交药钱,没见要处方费呀,是否就是已经加在药费里去了?
    • sheppard / victoria park food basic drug store very good price.
      • you will get what you pay for. many cheap pharmacy use tech intead of pharmacist to cut cost, but you are the one takes the chance of getting the wrong medication and wrong advise, choice is yours, there is No free lunch
        • this is against law. CPA states pharmacies can only be opened with the presence of pharmacists.
          • you are right, but law is only law, there are stores hire only ONE pharmacist and more techs to save $, there are also small store wanna to be competitive and cut their fees, honestly,,,
            most drug stores make $$ from selling thing that has nothing to do with medication, again, it is a personal choice, you get what you pay for :)
        • 严重同意frank!没有一家药店敢于让technician代替pharmacist 的,法律有明文规定。
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛根据加拿大的有关法律,任何药店在开门的时候都必须有一个pharmacist physically在场.药店可以雇用technician,但是technician 和pharmacist 的工作职责有着本质的不同。

          technician 可以接电话,收处方,data entry, 数药片,收钱。但是有关技术方面的工作全部都要pharmacist最后核对。

          有些职责是一定要pharmacist 才能做的:



          不同的药店收费最大的差别在于处方费;我所知道的从6.54到13.99不等。药品的cost 根据进货渠道不同会有区别,但是相差也就是5%以内。利润部分(markup) 一般是10%,对于有保险的人,这部分如果保险公司付钱那就更好,如果不付一般也没有人会向患者收,因为这样是典型地不想让人再回头了。不过没有保险的人就只有自己负担了。

          下面的链接是安省药剂师协会的网站,里面有相关法规,需要的朋友请参考。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 一般cost是差不多的,fee差别很大.shopper's drugmart最贵,walmart便宜.要是不着急就不要在附近的shapper's drugmart解决了,可能多花10块钱呢.
    • Nothing costs nothing. If a store charges more, it has reasons. You get what you pay for.
      • 你到是给解释一下, 同样的药,不同的店, 我多付的前买到什么了?
        • 关于这个问题,仁者见仁,智者见智。以下是高处方费的药店可能提供的优质服务:
          1。一般来讲,处方费比较高的连锁店,比如shoppers drug mart, 态度会好一点,一口一个 Mam,Sir。让人听着很舒服的。
          2。不论是处方药还是非处方药的咨询,他们都比较耐心一点。我就经常看见某个很大的shoppers drug mart里面(不能说出名字,避免广告之嫌),5-6个人排队等着问pharamcist问题,什么问题都有,不管多忙,pharamcist都是很耐心的。
          3。一些大的连锁店(如shoppers)可以通过电话或者internet 自动refill, 这一点我想用过的人自有体会。

          不过处方费低的药店倒不一定不好。比如我认识一个老板,本人是个非常不错的pharmacist, 有20年的经验,半年前自己开了间小店。处方费不高,技术水品不错,人也很好,有的时候给老顾客还能打一下折。

          • 请问处方费就是每个处方的费用吗? 还是处方中每一种药的费用?
        • Here are what you get.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. They have more knowledge about drugs than your doctors do. If they have questions, they will refuse to fill your prescription until they discuss with your doctor -- risk management does cost money.
          2. Good service -- treat you as a respectable individual not just a customer. If you are a longterm customer, they will remember your name, your health situation and your drug history.
          3. They take seriously about their prescription business because that's their core business. Walmart will not do that.
          4. They get better pharmacists than Walmart because they treat employees much better than Walmart. Don't think you will get good people with minimum pay -- that's BS.
          5. People are not stupid, especially those middle or upper class people -- ask why they still go to Shoppers even it will cost them more.
          6. If you are working for walmart for minimum pay with terrible working environment, do you think you will treat your work seriously? At least for me, I only take it as a temporary job to cover my living cost -- no dedication at all.
          7. you may think quality of service is less important than cheaper price, that's your choice.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • COSTCO'S 处方费 IS ONLY 4.11 .
      • COSCTO, 抓药要会员卡吗?
        • 应该要
          • THANKS