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女儿6岁,晚上睡觉打鼾很严重,做过CT,医生结论是腺样体(咽扁桃体)肥大,有堵塞呼吸被憋醒的情况,大脑会缺氧,影响智力发育,她曾经也有听力下降、耳痛的症状。女儿现在还在国内,所有移民的手续都完整,不过还没登陆加拿大,孩子登陆后能否立刻有医保?还是要等3个月?女儿的最后登陆日期是2005年6月,我现在已经在多伦多,听了女儿的情况,心里很担心,着急。 我想听听各位热心朋友的对这事儿的看法,对这种病,在加拿大有什么特别的治疗方法,如果做手术是否在加拿大做比较好???国内医生也说有中药治疗,手术治疗(手术有风险,术后抵抗力会降低),以下是一些对这种疾病的链接。请热心朋友帮帮忙。谢谢!!!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 求助:我女儿腺样体(咽扁桃体)肥大,怎样治疗?
    女儿6岁,晚上睡觉打鼾很严重,做过CT,医生结论是腺样体(咽扁桃体)肥大,有堵塞呼吸被憋醒的情况,大脑会缺氧,影响智力发育,她曾经也有听力下降、耳痛的症状。女儿现在还在国内,所有移民的手续都完整,不过还没登陆加拿大,孩子登陆后能否立刻有医保?还是要等3个月?女儿的最后登陆日期是2005年6月,我现在已经在多伦多,听了女儿的情况,心里很担心,着急。 我想听听各位热心朋友的对这事儿的看法,对这种病,在加拿大有什么特别的治疗方法,如果做手术是否在加拿大做比较好???国内医生也说有中药治疗,手术治疗(手术有风险,术后抵抗力会降低),以下是一些对这种疾病的链接。请热心朋友帮帮忙。谢谢!!!
    • 求助!
      • up
      • my son got this problem before.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛when he was 2 years old, we went back to china and took him to see the doctor for his laryngeal stridor (sound breathing )problem. The X-ray showed the adnoid vegetation(Xian4yang4ti3 da4) . (I studied medicine in china) The doctor did a small surgery to remove the adnoid even without any anesthesia. THree doctors hold him very tightly and it only took about 1 minute to take it off but it really hurt him and scared him.
        His syptom didn't dissapear after the surgery and i took him to the ENT
        specialist here and the doctor told me he could grow out of that problem and the sound breathing problem is not related to it. now he is 7 and has no problem at all. I am not sure my son's situation was same as yours, but he has been healthy after the adnoid removal and doesn't seem to be more susceptible to colds. The doctor here will do anesthesia for this kind of surgery. It is only a small surgery. Don't worry too much! If you have more concern you can call me after work time (but i am in vancouver)since i don't log on the internet so often .更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 非常感谢你!你孩子是在2岁做的手术么?随着年龄的增长,这个症状应该会好转,不过现在她晚上睡觉经常憋醒。我想她还是在国内做治疗吧,我是新移民,才登陆4个月,语言不是很好,和医生沟通有困难。谢谢你的帮助。
    • 好象有一种机器,可以在睡觉是代上. 保持患者呼吸通畅. 不过健康卡不能全部报销,得自己出几百块.你问一下家庭医生.国内也有三四千块RMB
      • 孩子登陆后,要等三个月才有健康卡吧?
        • that's right.
      • 这种机器叫什么名字?哪里有卖?
        • 名字记不清拉. 我曾有一位年长的朋友,因为呼吸障碍引发心脏问题.所以她每天睡觉时代上.还是推荐你去医生处咨询一下. 我们的建议不专业.