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my thoughts on this post:

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I must admit Dr. Yuen is a bit rude and unprofessional. Clinic office is a funny place. It is random unpredictable pace of time flow. I can tell you that every doc I know want to be on time, and nobody want to make any patient wait if all-possible. But this goal can only be achieved with the support from all patients. All we need is ONE patient to hold up the time, then, everyone after this patient will have to wait longer and longer, as the doc is only going to fall behind even more so with his appointment schedule as his/her day progresses. I can truly testify that it is always on the busiest day, when a really sick patient comes in with a medical problem which takes a lot longer than 10 minutes to deal with. That is Murphy’s Law. Last time I was falling behind schedule: a patient suppose to see me for a minor illness, suddenly started talking about her depression and suicidal thoughts, that “chat” to comfort her “cost” me an entire HOUR of delay on that day’s schedule! Be late on schedule is a necessary evil in any medical office. Just think about if you were the unfortunate person on that day that need more time from your doc, and there are going to be 20 patients behind you on the schedule. To me, if a medical office that NEVER has delays are NOT a medical office. That all be said, it is the usual practice for any doc to focus ONLY on 1-2 problems for each patient’s visit. I don’t think it is realistic to expect your doc to address a long list of your concerns on one single visit. Like I said earlier, it takes two to tango. Both docs and patients need show flexibility with each other更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 是我太敏感了...............
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛请问看医生一次只能问一个问题吗? 一般看医生限制时间是15分钟吗?

    今天去看袁耿匡医生(4235 Sheppard Ave. E. Unit 106), 因这是第一次搬到Scarborough看医生, 而且是朋友介绍的,听说还不错.虔诚地说:"今天是我搬到这第一次看医生,我有很多问题想请您帮忙....", 袁医生有点不悦,但还是听我讲完了我的病史,问了两三个问题, 并很快开好了化验单和药方, 起身打算带我去约检查时间, 我于是赶紧说:" 我还有问题没说完呢?我还想让您看看........", 他不耐烦地说"你一次不能问我很多问题, 我很忙,你也不可以说太长的病史,只能说简短的病史, 否则我就不能看别的人了.你一次只能问一个问题....要还有问题,下次再说...." 听了这话,我心理顿起疑问说"我以前的医生可不是这样的, 你怎么能这样对待我?...." 我有点想哭, 我是带着完全信任他的心情来这看病的呀,我没想到作为医生会说出这些话.我认为医生应该不单解决病人身体上的疾病,同时也应该注意体谅病人的心理变化 所以,对病人应该有最起码的耐心. "我的看病方式就是这样, 如果你很敏感, 你认为我不能达到你所期望的, 你可以去找你(原来)的家庭医生, 这里还有其他医生, 你也可以看其他医生". 我已从Etobicoke搬到Scarborough, 来看袁医生就是图个离家近, 看原来的家庭医生我需要走很远的路,那我还来看你袁医生干什么. 于是我问他"你看一个病人需要多少时间?" "15分钟一次"他回答到.
    我心想, 我原来的家庭医生从来没有给我限制过时间, 而且一次可以有多少问题问多少问题. 所以听了他的话, 我心理自然不悦. "....我看你还是不要在我这里看了..."他接着说, 并顺手撕掉了他刚刚开给我的所有化验单, "你不要怪我, 我的方式就是这样, 你可以去看你(原来)的家庭医生, 我很忙..." .这时候我已经很气愤了, 但还是 淡淡地回他道"That"s ok, 我就不耽误你的时间了." 他递给我一张纸巾(因我觉得委屈,流泪了)又说到"你不要怪我, 我就是这样的方式..." "我不怪你..." 我回道. 是的,我也真的不怪他, 只是心里想不通,"看医生不可以说太长的病史,只能说短的病史.....", "看医生一次只能问一个问题....." "看医生一次15分钟..."是这样的吗?
    我真的很不明白......请教了!!!!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • no need to cry, say you have 30 questions, so just bother him with 10 every time then.
      • "并顺手撕掉了他刚刚开给我的所有化验单"?! What kind of doctor is this? Stay at his clinic and tell other patients, make posters and post around his office and complain to Doctor Association.
      • my thoughts on this post:
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I must admit Dr. Yuen is a bit rude and unprofessional. Clinic office is a funny place. It is random unpredictable pace of time flow. I can tell you that every doc I know want to be on time, and nobody want to make any patient wait if all-possible. But this goal can only be achieved with the support from all patients. All we need is ONE patient to hold up the time, then, everyone after this patient will have to wait longer and longer, as the doc is only going to fall behind even more so with his appointment schedule as his/her day progresses. I can truly testify that it is always on the busiest day, when a really sick patient comes in with a medical problem which takes a lot longer than 10 minutes to deal with. That is Murphy’s Law. Last time I was falling behind schedule: a patient suppose to see me for a minor illness, suddenly started talking about her depression and suicidal thoughts, that “chat” to comfort her “cost” me an entire HOUR of delay on that day’s schedule! Be late on schedule is a necessary evil in any medical office. Just think about if you were the unfortunate person on that day that need more time from your doc, and there are going to be 20 patients behind you on the schedule. To me, if a medical office that NEVER has delays are NOT a medical office. That all be said, it is the usual practice for any doc to focus ONLY on 1-2 problems for each patient’s visit. I don’t think it is realistic to expect your doc to address a long list of your concerns on one single visit. Like I said earlier, it takes two to tango. Both docs and patients need show flexibility with each other更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 家庭医生那里约诊,确实是15分钟一个人.如果是新病人或是做年检(尤其是女性做妇科检查,可能会给留半小时).至于说只能问一个问题,有点过分.不过你为别人想想,病人都约好了,你多占用他一点时间,等于占了后一个病人的时间.
    • 你哭什么呀...你不喜欢就换一个医生.医生也不可能一次就解决你所有问题.
    • 看医生不可以说太长的病史,只能说短的病史.....", "看医生一次只能问一个问题....." "看医生一次15分钟..."是这样的! BTW, your previous family doctor is very nice:-)
      • 你的医生太不nice了。
    • complain
    • better avoid this type of "busy" doctor...busy seeing more patients and making more money...
    • 这个……同情你,不过看医生不能一次问N多个问题我是知道的。病人都是预约的,如果有那么几个病人看病时间过长,排在后面的病人就等得没底了。
      • 如果还是15分钟之内,医生是不应该拒绝问题的。
        • 那也太太太可怕了,他有心烦的事。不过还是换吧,免得下次又哭了。可怕。
    • 这样的医生很差劲。应该有投诉的地方吧?他们就是希望你多划几次卡,好多从政府要点钱。
    • 想起认识的一个洋人,去看家庭医生前,都写小纸条,把最重要的问题按次序写下来,然后问医生.以前在图书馆看一本关于健康的书,介绍一些TIPS,也是说看医生前,要写NOTES,否则时间一紧,容易忘东西.
    • 耽误别人的时间当然不行, 但是 这次看医生的过程前后也不过10分钟,
      如果我的问题都是大家常见的而且是常规,我就认了, 但再不会去袁医生那了,我有点怕了.顺便说一句: 那个前台女士很Nice的. 不过还是谢谢大家! 我以前的家庭医生真的很好, 我很幸运...
      • 以后不要哭,有什么好哭的呢?大不了换一个医生,这里很多医生都是这样的,5-10分钟一个病人。他们只管刷卡赚钱,不管你病情的。
        • 太同情你了!其实我的家庭医生也跟你的家庭医生一样。来这里两年的时间不知看了几次医生,几乎每回都像罪犯过堂一样被询问完了也就结束了,根本不听你的咨询。看来天下乌鸦一般黑,忍耐吧!
        • 谢谢, 我一定学会"坚强".
    • 不要老是哭啊,不就是看个病医生态度差一点吗,这样的话,一辈子要哭多少次啊:(
      • OK, 以后再不会哭了, 我这人有时很脆弱, 谢谢大家的意见!是啊,退一步海阔天空.
        • 哭不要紧,想哭就哭.我也是个哭包,看电视的时候都哭得一塌糊涂.很多委屈的时候,想哭就哭,为什么要压抑自己?为了让别人觉得自己更坚强?就哭!不过要是在老公面前,好朋友面前哭,就比较好了.可以得到很多安慰.
    • If you really got 15 mins from him he is really nice already! one of my friend had surgery the surgeon alway offers her 5-10 mins each time.
      • By the way it is a big surgery.
    • 好像是制度原应. 他不需要新病人, 应为诊所收入有上限, 多看病人也不能从政府多拿钱, 所以, 有他来说, 多看病人是在记得行善, 态度自然凶悍.
    • 不是你敏感,是这个医生的态度太过分了,“并顺手撕掉了他刚刚开给我的所有化验单”这种侮辱太嚣张了,大家都去抵制这类医生,他 就会接受教训了。在finch/warden有个国语诊所,
      医生和前台都说国语,都很nice,收新病人,416-497-8818 。
      • 非常感谢, 我这就去打电话. 也非常感谢所有帮助我的朋友!
      • 我去看过Zheng医生了, 他们真的很Nice, 态度非常好,及力推荐!!!!
    • 跟加拿大的医生相比,美国的医生就太nice了。
    • A doctor's job is to see his/her patients' concerns. So, he wasn't doing his job. You can report him to the College of Physicians and Surgeons.
      There's no such a rule that a patient is allowed to ask only one question per visit. What the doctor said to you is ridiculous. However, it is not realistic to expect the doctor to spend an hour covering all your concerns at one time.
    • 哭什么呀,投诉去。或者就换一家。不过这里医生看病的时间是很短。我去做个年度检查,要等4个月。
      • 如果每个病人都问很多问题,我估计要等8个月, 唉,制度有问题
    • 能否提供你在Etobicoke的家庭医生的电话和姓名?我也住在Etobicoke,正愁找不到家庭医生呢。多谢!
      • 他是白人, 讲英文的(好象是欧洲人), 地址: 4972 Dundas St. W. Etobicoke, ON M9A 1B7, 电话: 416-236-7924, Dr. A. Khalil , Family Physician , 这是一个小的Clinic, 你可试试.
        • Thanks a lot.
    • 名字很熟,是不是太古搬去的那个。
    • 看了一下,好多人都觉得医生只看15分钟都是合理的,那我觉得我的家庭医生真是太nice啦,每次都聊半个小时以上。不过政府现在有规定上限,所以划多了也赚不了。
    • 我老板的家庭医生,每次花5分钟谈病情,15分钟谈我老板的生意,15分钟谈怎么赚钱。让我老板很头疼这个医生:-)