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我照抄 Globe and Mail 报道 “Tissue of dead solves mystery “于此:

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛InsiderEdition subscriber content

Tissue of dead solves mystery Fuzzy rod shapes in lab dish point to legionnaires' as cause of deaths at nursing home By CAROLYN ABRAHAM

Friday, October 7, 2005 Latest comment on Oct. 8, 2005 at 5:52 AM EDT

From Friday's Globe and Mail

The answer, so anxiously awaited, came at last from the dead themselves.

Tissue swatches from the lungs of three deceased residents of the Seven Oaks nursing home in Toronto finally provided the key cells to be plucked and cultured.

By lunchtime yesterday, the puzzle's missing piece took shape in a petri dish: the clustered, fuzzy rods of Legionella pneumophila -- a craver of water, soil and lungs.

It was a surprise.

Doctors had suspected from the outset...

The full text of this article has 735 words.
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Editor's Note: Globeandmail.com editors read and approve each comment. Comments are checked for content only, spelling and grammar errors are not corrected and comments that include vulgar language or libelous content are rejected.

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Sean Van Liempt from Ottawa, Canada writes: This points to the need to pay attention to maintenance infrastructure. I saw an article on Radio-Canada television news earlier this week about hospital air moving equipment in a number of Quebec hospitals that appears not to have been cleaned in 20 or more years.I suspect that this might be the tip of the iceberg.
Posted Oct. 7, 2005 at 9:54 AM EDT Link to Comment

Ping Cui from Canada writes: It is not surprise to me and the battle is not over yet.

Based on my professional experiences and world-wide medical scientific research, I highly suspect that the source of legionnaires' disease comes from the building heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Contaminated indoor air might have spread all over the building. Systematic measures are available on how to identify, evaluate and control legionnaires' disease, thus highly recommended to follow.

I am still worried about the people who live, work and visit the building. I am also worried about the adjacent daycare facility where kids and staff stay inside of the building where they may share the same building HVAC system.

Similar health complains have been received all over Ontario, especially in highly sealed buildings. These buildings rely on mechanical ventilation system to provide outside fresh air. More often, these problematic building's fresh air vales have been closed for months or even for years. Contaminated indoor air has been re-circulated all the time and provides a good chance to affect people's health inside these buildings. It is strongly recommended conducting a good competent professional inspection following appropriate procedures.
Posted Oct. 7, 2005 at 11:34 AM EDT Link to Comment

Stuart Cotts from Tillsonburg, Canada writes: Canadians don't know how fortunate we are.Once again Dr. Don Low
(and associates) is called to duty and has the answer.He
actually came down with SARS when he was in the middle of that
outbreak, and here he is again, risking lung and limb to get an
answer.Imagine if we would have lost him during the SARS

We had Fred Banting, now Donald Low.

He has my vote for the Order of Canada.

Posted Oct. 8, 2005 at 5:52 AM EDT Link to Comment更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 四家堡的"七棵树"老人院闹灾,已经死亡17人.大家有何感想?
    • 死得少了
      • ???
        • 如果死的是17k,可能会引起政府的重视,这医疗治度才有可能改观,17个没什么可谈的,茶后饭余而已。
          • ????
            • 死了的比活着的要幸福得多,over。不要再 ?????了。
              • Legionnaires' nursing-home outbreak claims 17th victim:
              • ????
              • 如果只是你自己幸福死了, 我们倒是没有任何感想。
          • 目瞪口呆.
    • 说明老年公寓是住不得的
      • 到老了,不住老年公寓住哪里?
    • 那间老人院的生活及医疗条件相当不错,想进还不容易呢。
    • 一,病毒面前人人平等,年老体弱者优先。二,再好的医疗体系也不可能完美地护住每一个人。
      • 细菌,不是病毒
    • 到了去住老人院的地步,也就是早死早解脱吧
      • 这话说得太绝对了
    • 如果象中国一样, 马上用抗生素的话, 我想不会死这么多.
    • 短时间内,90多人患病,17人死亡,病情还在持续。看来,情况够严重的,尽管政府内有人大事化小。。。不知有多少中国同胞在那里呆过?
      • 确实有一些中国老同胞住在那里。
        • 又让我猜到了。。。
    • 密切关注中:病毒是从哪儿来的?通过什么途经传染?政府有没有警告不要去那个地区?
      • http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20051007.wxvirus1007/CommentStory/#comment8745
        • 白大夫,那到底是什么病呀?俺看不懂医学英文字。
          • 不就是所谓的“军团病”吗。也叫“庞忒客费我”,或“空调病”,或“病楼综合症”。要不是传染病专家Dr.Low亲自动手尸检采样,这次还会漏掉。
            • 唉,医院应该引入竞争机制。
        • The page you requested is only available to INSIDER Edition subscribers
          • 我照抄 Globe and Mail 报道 “Tissue of dead solves mystery “于此:
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛InsiderEdition subscriber content

            Tissue of dead solves mystery Fuzzy rod shapes in lab dish point to legionnaires' as cause of deaths at nursing home By CAROLYN ABRAHAM

            Friday, October 7, 2005 Latest comment on Oct. 8, 2005 at 5:52 AM EDT

            From Friday's Globe and Mail

            The answer, so anxiously awaited, came at last from the dead themselves.

            Tissue swatches from the lungs of three deceased residents of the Seven Oaks nursing home in Toronto finally provided the key cells to be plucked and cultured.

            By lunchtime yesterday, the puzzle's missing piece took shape in a petri dish: the clustered, fuzzy rods of Legionella pneumophila -- a craver of water, soil and lungs.

            It was a surprise.

            Doctors had suspected from the outset...

            The full text of this article has 735 words.
            Print this article E-mail this article Join conversation (3) Reader Comments
            Editor's Note: Globeandmail.com editors read and approve each comment. Comments are checked for content only, spelling and grammar errors are not corrected and comments that include vulgar language or libelous content are rejected.

            Skip to the latest comment :

            Sean Van Liempt from Ottawa, Canada writes: This points to the need to pay attention to maintenance infrastructure. I saw an article on Radio-Canada television news earlier this week about hospital air moving equipment in a number of Quebec hospitals that appears not to have been cleaned in 20 or more years.I suspect that this might be the tip of the iceberg.
            Posted Oct. 7, 2005 at 9:54 AM EDT Link to Comment

            Ping Cui from Canada writes: It is not surprise to me and the battle is not over yet.

            Based on my professional experiences and world-wide medical scientific research, I highly suspect that the source of legionnaires' disease comes from the building heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Contaminated indoor air might have spread all over the building. Systematic measures are available on how to identify, evaluate and control legionnaires' disease, thus highly recommended to follow.

            I am still worried about the people who live, work and visit the building. I am also worried about the adjacent daycare facility where kids and staff stay inside of the building where they may share the same building HVAC system.

            Similar health complains have been received all over Ontario, especially in highly sealed buildings. These buildings rely on mechanical ventilation system to provide outside fresh air. More often, these problematic building's fresh air vales have been closed for months or even for years. Contaminated indoor air has been re-circulated all the time and provides a good chance to affect people's health inside these buildings. It is strongly recommended conducting a good competent professional inspection following appropriate procedures.
            Posted Oct. 7, 2005 at 11:34 AM EDT Link to Comment

            Stuart Cotts from Tillsonburg, Canada writes: Canadians don't know how fortunate we are.Once again Dr. Don Low
            (and associates) is called to duty and has the answer.He
            actually came down with SARS when he was in the middle of that
            outbreak, and here he is again, risking lung and limb to get an
            answer.Imagine if we would have lost him during the SARS

            We had Fred Banting, now Donald Low.

            He has my vote for the Order of Canada.

            Posted Oct. 8, 2005 at 5:52 AM EDT Link to Comment更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 事情就这样不了了之?
      • 那些老人家是弱势群体。他们的儿女因为没有精力和财力才把他们送到老人院。哪来的精力和财力替他们打官司?他们的现在就是我们未来的缩影。
    • 多是七八十岁的老人了.身体条件差点儿,免疫力低一点儿,老人院通风再牵强点儿,季节变换再快点儿....不足为奇.用平常心态看待啦.
      • 这次暴发仅体现了问题冰山一角:
        * 大夫无力诊断病人,导致大批病人被漏诊,误诊;

        * 医学检测系统错误导致大批采样检验失灵;

        * 公共,工作场所,室内空调系统污染严重,特别是学校,医院,老人院,办公楼。有的单位空调系统几年,十几年未曾清理。病菌,霉菌,蚊蝇,灰尘,污水聚集周围。门窗封闭,室内污浊空气长期循环利用;

        * 公共自来水系统污染问题,引起有关专家关注;

        * 诸多部门(卫生,环境,劳工,建筑。。。)互相扯皮。见钱,见好就上;见困难,见危险就让;置公众利益于一边。

        。。。 。。。
        • 空调系统百分之多少是新鲜空气,有个大致的规定,好象20%吧。这是普遍情况,不仅老人院,当烫的写字楼也是一样的。
          • 人们大都这么做,要么定在最小值20%,要么干脆下手关闭全部新鲜空气,只要不大规模爆发"七棵树"的灾难。
            • 除非你要改HVAC的规范。医院这样的地方应该是100%新空气吧?
    • 国际生不是说加拿大是居住环境很好的地方吗,为什莫总是受到病毒的攻击呢? 大家小心,注意卫生
    • 追踪四家堡的"七棵树"老人院“军团病”暴发:发现2例与"七棵树"无关的院外人士发病。开始调查大厦空调系统污染,也开始怀疑自来水系统区域污染。这次“军团病”暴发被认为是仅体现了全民医疗卫生系统问题冰山一角。