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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

lumlumq, you are so funny. Let me test how mature you are. Don't look at the answer, and tell me how many you guess right. Smarty!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Lumlum and all others,

I challenge you NOT to think dirty. None of the
answers in this quiz are obscene in any way.
Vocabulary Test for the Dirty Minded:
1) What is a four-letter word that ends in "k"and
means the same as intercourse?
2) What is it that a cow has four of and a woman has
only two of?
3) What can you find in a man's pants that is about
six inches long, has a head on it, and that women
love so much that they often blow it?
4) What word starts with "f " and ends with "u-c-k"?
5) Name five words that are each four letters long,
end in " u-n-t one of which is a word for a woman?
6) What does a dog do that you can step into?
7) What four letter word begins with "f " and ends
with " k", and if you can't get one you can use your
8) What is hard, six inches long, has two nuts, and
can make a girl fat?
9) What four-letter word ends in "i-t " and is found
on the bottom of birdcages?
10) What is it that all men have one of; it's longer
on some men than on others; the pope doesn't use his;
and a man gives it to his wife after they're married?

1. (talk)
2. (legs)
3. (a twenty dollar bill)
4. (firetruck)
5. (bunt, hunt, runt, punt, aunt)
6. (pants)
7. (fork)
8. (Almond Joy candy bar)
9. (grit)
10.(last name)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / Wednseday's joke...
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛This couple had only been married for two weeks. The husband, although very
    much in love, couldn't wait to go out into town and party with his old
    buddies, so he says to his new wife, "Honey, I'll be right back..."
    "Where are you going coochy cooh...?" asked the wife.
    "I'm going to the bar, pretty face. I'm going to have a beer."
    The wife says to him, "You want a beer my love?" Then she opens the
    door to the refrigerator and shows him 25 different kinds of beer brands
    from 12

    different countries: Germany, Holland, Japan, India, etc.
    The husband doesn't know what to do, and the only thing that he can
    think of saying is, "Yes, loolie loolie...but the bar.... you know...the
    frozen glass..."
    He didn't get to finish the sentence, when the wife interrupts him by
    saying, "You want a frozen glass puppy face?" She takes a huge beer mug
    out of the freezer so frozen that she was getting chills holding it. The
    husband, looking a bit pale, says, "Yes, tootsie roll, but at the bar
    they have those hors d'oeuvres that are really delicious... I won't be long.

    I'll be right back. I promise. OK?"
    "You want hors d'oeuvres poochi pooh?"
    She opens the oven and takes out 15 dishes of different hors d'oeuvres:
    chicken wings, pigs in a blanket, mushroom caps, pork strips, etc.
    "But sweet honey...at the bar...you know...the swearing, thedirty words and
    all that..."
    "You want dirty words cutie pie?...

    ANYWHERE! GOT IT ASSHOLE?!!"更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • ha.ha.ha...
    • very nice !!! hahaha
    • humorous ladies
      • The wife, or lumlum?
        • wheni used plural (fu shu), i meant both
          • it's my fault.
            • not at all
      • Thank you, and I am flattered... xixi...
    • what a sweetie little wife you are!
      • No, no, no, ji ang GG, it's not me!!!!!!! Just a joke. Those aren't his hobbies, by the way... xixi...
    • lumlumq, you are so funny. Let me test how mature you are. Don't look at the answer, and tell me how many you guess right. Smarty!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Lumlum and all others,

      I challenge you NOT to think dirty. None of the
      answers in this quiz are obscene in any way.
      Vocabulary Test for the Dirty Minded:
      1) What is a four-letter word that ends in "k"and
      means the same as intercourse?
      2) What is it that a cow has four of and a woman has
      only two of?
      3) What can you find in a man's pants that is about
      six inches long, has a head on it, and that women
      love so much that they often blow it?
      4) What word starts with "f " and ends with "u-c-k"?
      5) Name five words that are each four letters long,
      end in " u-n-t one of which is a word for a woman?
      6) What does a dog do that you can step into?
      7) What four letter word begins with "f " and ends
      with " k", and if you can't get one you can use your
      8) What is hard, six inches long, has two nuts, and
      can make a girl fat?
      9) What four-letter word ends in "i-t " and is found
      on the bottom of birdcages?
      10) What is it that all men have one of; it's longer
      on some men than on others; the pope doesn't use his;
      and a man gives it to his wife after they're married?

      1. (talk)
      2. (legs)
      3. (a twenty dollar bill)
      4. (firetruck)
      5. (bunt, hunt, runt, punt, aunt)
      6. (pants)
      7. (fork)
      8. (Almond Joy candy bar)
      9. (grit)
      10.(last name)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Funny. I must learn more vocabulary.
        • Good Joke