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If you're really strong in VC++, then MCSD may help you (it better to pass the VC++ test).

For a new comer a certificate that is internationally recognized is helpful.

The problem is that both MSCD and MCSE are too common, so as the Java Progrommer certificate.

Java Developer/Architect is more valuable. But to get it it won't be easy.

C++ needs experience. If I say I have 4 years of VC++ experience it is almost as equivalent as to "I have been using VC++ in programming every day for 4 years". It is not "I started using VC++ 4 years ago, and used it in some projects for several months".

A programming analyst usually has to be very hand-on, at least to some Canadian employers.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 请问各位前辈,在国内先考MCSD或SUN的认证JAVA程序员是否有意义,考哪个更好?
    • If you are already a programmer, I advise you learn some edge-cutting new technology. Certificates do not help you a lot. By the way, improve your English speaking and listening.
      • Thank you very much!
      • 我已有十多年的开发经验,用过Pasical 、FORTRAN、PLM、VC++、C、PB、VB等语言,做过iRMX、NT、Unix系统下的开发,现在正在等通知,不知该做何准备,东一榔头,西一棒槌的,英语复习效果也不好。今年我已35岁,真不知这样做是否有意义,请问Jabber有何高见?
        • Some of your skills, eg., Fortran, are no longer helpful in Canada's IT market.
          Only VC++, C and VB are good. In any case, for a person like you, English is determinant for your success or failure. You are already 35, you should be able to control yourself. The time before your landing is
          too valuable. I hope you can make best use of it.
          • Thanks again! I'll do my best.
        • If you're really strong in VC++, then MCSD may help you (it better to pass the VC++ test).
          For a new comer a certificate that is internationally recognized is helpful.

          The problem is that both MSCD and MCSE are too common, so as the Java Progrommer certificate.

          Java Developer/Architect is more valuable. But to get it it won't be easy.

          C++ needs experience. If I say I have 4 years of VC++ experience it is almost as equivalent as to "I have been using VC++ in programming every day for 4 years". It is not "I started using VC++ 4 years ago, and used it in some projects for several months".

          A programming analyst usually has to be very hand-on, at least to some Canadian employers.