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We used IBM PC/AT as a main controller on each side of video conference system, used 北工大's Z80 controlling board to hand cook those assembly codes. We designed signal control board, RGB color component memory boards, video signal AD/DA control board. Used software and patented algorithm to code/decode image data in every frame ... All hardware and software were designed by our group, except IBM PC itself. In university lab, we worked on it for three versions, We were the first users in China to use email, internet, etc. at that time... 爽。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 专业技术讨论 / 微软对IT的影响,就像Wal-Mart对零售业的影响,企图用其巨大的资源,支配用户的使用过程,和市场的走向。它的.NET Framework 3.0,进一步使Developer丧失创造性的发挥,沦落为IT labor。只有用Java, 你仍可以Hand-Coding 整个MVC框架,前端到后端,Ground-up.
    • 不是贬低你, 所谓的Developer其实也就是一个IT Labor, 你的聪明才智只是在用户定好需求以后, 在有限的范围内把程序做的更好. 把工具产业化是为了降低成本, 减少对IT LABOR的要求, 降低LABOR的成本.
    • developer就是developer! 把c和汇编全忘了还是压根儿就没学过?
    • You don't really understand .NET. MVC is only the presentation layer, and ASP.NET doesn't prevent you from hand writing your own framework on any layer.
    • 微软对IT没什么影响。很多人还是该干嘛干嘛
    • 希望能泛泛的在系统架构上议论。我早在1987年就用C/Asssemly在国家863的VideoConf System上了。。我想要讨论的是微软技术和OpenSource Domain的重要区别,和对Software Develoment的影响。我注意到的一个趋势是:.Net 的developer的合同价格越来越低了。
      • 瞧瞧,真实年龄出来了吧,你应该45左右,却冒充30出头在情爱悠悠招窑撞骗。
        • 真是什么人都有,。希望那时我们是校友。。。
          • 是啊,什么人都有。
        • 没那么老,否则不在这里玩了。
          We used IBM PC/AT as a main controller on each side of video conference system, used 北工大's Z80 controlling board to hand cook those assembly codes. We designed signal control board, RGB color component memory boards, video signal AD/DA control board. Used software and patented algorithm to code/decode image data in every frame ... All hardware and software were designed by our group, except IBM PC itself. In university lab, we worked on it for three versions, We were the first users in China to use email, internet, etc. at that time... 爽。
          • Z80单板机,视频处理图象处理,嘿嘿,电子工程系,咱俩N年前的专业一样。
            • Ha, super. So you still in this field? I have turned my direction to Software Arch/BS already. More fun here.
              • exactly same
                • No dream now?
                  • no more
          • 既然牛皮吹得这么大.你说说这个CODEC中用了多少RAM啊?别跟我说你连这都不知道啊!
            • 如果一个5岁的小弟弟问他18岁的大哥哥:你还会玩儿Pokemon的游戏吗?大哥哥的回答是:这东西我还总记着?早不玩儿了,但如果你需要帮助,把游戏机拿来!
              • Haha, 我的意思是:讨论问题,没什么其他意思,找人斗气说明你还在找饭吃。
      • In Web App developement, instead of using .net /SQL srv, which is a natural sol, some IT projs in contract companies are using .net / Oracle. Isn't it efficient if you think that Oracle is promoting its own ADF, which is based on Java? I have a dilemma.
    • 这是技术进步的必然.随着一些高技术的大众化,对技术的掌握及控制,亦是金字塔形.想当年,为了突破pc640k内存的限制,兴高采烈的写汇编的时代已经不再了。那个时候的编程,锱铢必较,想想也挺怀念的。
      • Right! At that time, we could re-write INT call! Whenever MS promotes its new version of OS, vendors are happily selling faster CPU, more mem and bigger HD, but on the user side, they really don't catch up every new feature that is in new sys. Bubble.
    • IT不只是WINDOWS那套东西。 搞NET和JAVA的那些人老外叫“code monkey"。 老写CRUD程 序的人不是真的程序员, 在食物炼的最低级。 辛苦并不就能赚大钱。如果你不知 道CRUD是什么, 那就是"Enterprise Programmer" 整天干的活: create, read, update delete.
      • 说得有道理,不过又能有多少人能完全脱离CRUD呢?那些BA,Technical Manager很多也是CRUD出来的。那些纯IT的technical person,算是食物链上一层了吧,压力和麻烦倍増。而且机会少之又少。不是每个IT都一步跳到上一食物链的。
    • Hand-Coding ,Ground-up什么的做学生作业还差不多, framework的作用是节约时间做更高级的设计.
      • You call sendMessage(), I am the person to build sendMessage(), get the point? Application level vs. system level. If you are entry level, think twice before send.
        • 感情你的"牛"字是从这来的呀? sendMessage()而已, 写了就写了, 要是成天回味, 就更没时间做sendMessage()之上的东西了 ^_^
          • I am the guy who calls SendMessage, you are the guy who implemented SendMessage, and I believe there must be another guy who is cursing the guy wrote SendMessage... :)
          • 我一般不写大程序了,现在整天的电话,收集Customer Requirements. 然后计算让一个Developer写一个类似sendMessage()的模块需要花多少钱。我们正构思一个公司对外开放的网站,出示所需软件的技术要求,征集design document. IT 即将outsourcing. ...
          • 经典的东西是回味无穷的,程序也是一样,程序员的第一本书就是:Code Complete