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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


right, buddy! You probably have to land in Canada as late as possible. During this period of time, learn something about .NET. Of course, you can also learn about Unix/Linux C/C++ programming. But you know, if you have 1 year Unix/Linux C/C++ experience and look for jobs, do you know how many peoples with 5 or 10 years Unix/Linux experience are also looking for jobs? So your chance may not be good. But, if you have 1 year .NET experience, do you know how many guys with 5 years .NET experience, none.

That's my thought abd hope to be useful for you.

Good luck!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 各位大侠您们好,我有一要事求教
    我毕业后从事编程工作。由于申请移民的关系,我一直不敢跳槽以免得罪老板。我积累了一些Windows下的VB、ASP、Lotus Notes的编程经验;但我不喜欢干这些,我喜欢干Unix/Linux下的C/C++编程,可惜积累不到任何经验(抽不出时间啊)。
    • 金远见公司要出文曲星PDA,LINUX/C++编程,你可以买一个。
      • 谢谢。但我是想问,在加国的什么地方有实习机会呢?
        • 你首先改掉温柔害羞的毛病,然后参加成人学校,学校一般给推荐coop机会,好好干就会留下,我身边已经有三个成功的例子了。
          • coop的成功机会是否很高?若是这样,干吗这么多程序员在喊失业呢?
            • 你这孩子,有1%的希望都要去争取,任何事情都有人失败的,那是因为他们没做好。
    • Listen to me...
      Buddy, my suggestion is to keep polishing your VB, ASP, Lotus Notes programming will bring you much more job opportunities than Unix/Linux C/C++ programming, especially under current hard job market.

      I'm living in Vancouver and have 8+ years Unix/Linux C/C++ experience, but still can't find a job for almost one year. Even no phone call. That's the truth of IT job in Canada right now.
      • 谢谢你的意见。但我的VB、ASP经验不是.net的,快过时了。至于Lotus Notes,在加国几乎没见人谈起啊。
        • You're
          right, buddy! You probably have to land in Canada as late as possible. During this period of time, learn something about .NET. Of course, you can also learn about Unix/Linux C/C++ programming. But you know, if you have 1 year Unix/Linux C/C++ experience and look for jobs, do you know how many peoples with 5 or 10 years Unix/Linux experience are also looking for jobs? So your chance may not be good. But, if you have 1 year .NET experience, do you know how many guys with 5 years .NET experience, none.

          That's my thought abd hope to be useful for you.

          Good luck!