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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!


I have been alone with you inside my mind.
And in my dreams I have kissed your lips a thousands time.
I sometimes see you pass outside my door .
Is it me you looking for?
I can see in your eye .
I can see in your smile.
You are all I have ever wanted.
And my arms are open wide.
Cause you know just what to say.
And you know what to do.
And I want to tell you so much
"I love you ...... "
I long to see the sunlight in your hair.
And tell you time and time again how much I care.
Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow.
I have just got to let you know Cause I wonder where you are .
And I wonder what you do .
And you somewhere feeling lonely.
Or is someone loving you.
Tell me how can I win your heart.
For I havenot got a clue.
But let me start by saying ...
I love you ...

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  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / Hello
    I have been alone with you inside my mind.
    And in my dreams I have kissed your lips a thousands time.
    I sometimes see you pass outside my door .
    Is it me you looking for?
    I can see in your eye .
    I can see in your smile.
    You are all I have ever wanted.
    And my arms are open wide.
    Cause you know just what to say.
    And you know what to do.
    And I want to tell you so much
    "I love you ...... "
    I long to see the sunlight in your hair.
    And tell you time and time again how much I care.
    Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow.
    I have just got to let you know Cause I wonder where you are .
    And I wonder what you do .
    And you somewhere feeling lonely.
    Or is someone loving you.
    Tell me how can I win your heart.
    For I havenot got a clue.
    But let me start by saying ...
    I love you ...
    • Looking for MP3 for download
      • 你好象也是天天在网上找你喜欢的歌
        • ??? Wrong person?
    • 有十年了,一直喜欢着这首歌. 最喜欢它的一个MTV, 海边漫步的女子, 远处略带忧郁的男子幽幽唱着这歌....
      • 忧郁ing :(
        • what's wrong? Check this out:
          • Thanks a lot, btw, do I know you :-) Friday night is bad time to me
            • what are you wondering? I know that you are "大闸蟹" from rolia. I like 大闸蟹 very much...haha...but don't know how to cook:-)
              • “I know that you are "大闸蟹" from rolia” 这不是明摆着嘛:) 其实蟹好吃又好做,只是在俺面前休得提起,免得引起馋瘾,不痛快,不痛快
                • 谗虫不到三更不动:) 这就是为啥我天天都得过了这个时间才去睡...
                  • 今晚兄弟又犒劳自己什么上品珍瑶?
                    • 可怜哪, 白开水一杯, 送干脆饼俩个:) 一边吃一边想着大闸蟹, 可好,倒省了那杯水,不用喝拉.( 明天就去吃那个不到十元的猪扒大虾!)---我说真的
                      • 您老是不是套了个马甲来的?怎么我听听也觉得耳熟:)
                        • 不是:) 去睡了, 白白
    • Is it me you looking for? 终于大家都歇息了:)