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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛抑制房价有什么灵丹妙药?













这三十年来,共产经济向来如此,一抓就死,一放就乱,从来没有有效的对经济的微调。这真是“一党独裁,遍地是灾”,绝好的印证。想象一下,假如我们有真正有权力的人大政协,他们要求政府公布行政信息,政府官员不得随便拒绝。于是人大要求公开卖地的收款情况,发现了徇私,人大可以弹劾官员,那国土局还敢随便允许推迟收款吗?还敢不认真执行抑制囤积土地的政策吗?假如我们有敢于和允许曝露政府黑幕,官员还敢胡作非为吗?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 学科技术讨论 / 我看到一篇文章很奇怪,拷贝在这里。我想知道这在技术上是真的,还是这位老兄大脑有问题?请懂的大侠帮着看一看。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛发现我的电脑被控制,因为鼠标会自己移动、操作,而且有些文件夹我进不去,即使用
    HDD。第一启动选择被改为Floopy(或者USB HDD)Report to WIN No
    我怀疑这就是某些正规机构干的,但是在下平生没有犯过法,对政治也毫无参与的兴趣!!!!如果这就是故意留的后门,解释就呼之欲出了。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 神经病臆想
      • 为什么这么说?
        • 是非常典型的被害妄想,符合精神分裂症的临床症状。
    • 看描述是有些病毒(recycler)在他电脑里,不过更刺激的是他在奋力练习周伯通的功夫。
    • 如果各位不是医生的话,最好不要作医学上的判断。如果电脑技术上解释不了,那他脑子有毛病的结论就自动会得出。我希望搞电脑的人可以从电脑技术作一下判断。病毒说好像解释不了。
      • try this on any Windows XP workstation : disconnect network connection, and then
        delete C:\Recycler folder (it's a System attributed folder, you have to login as local administrator or any other authorized account and remove its -H -S attribute first.), and then restart computer, check it again ... ... Anybody will get the same result but only he thought it wildly.
        • 谢谢。我不需要问题解答。我只是像知道这种情况在技术上有没有可能。这篇文章在网上已经好几个月了。
          • 不是他的对手超级强大;而是他自己的大脑超级强悍~~~LOL!
            RECYCLED and RECYCLER are recycle bin on FAT32 and NTFS FileSystem of Windows system drive. Possibly you have both if you ever converted from FAT to NTFS. You can delete either or both (will permanently delete any files in recycle bin)。 Even if you don't use the recycle bin, one of these will be recreated as an empty folder after reboot from Windows.
            About the issue of "System Volume Information" folder was recreated after delete/restart, the same thing!
          • 文章本身没问题,每个字我都看懂了。描述的问题也没什么,我现在也看懂了,相信作者是尽量做到客观描述问题本身,持平公正的提供可能的方法和思路,精神可嘉,如果楼主和文章作者取得联系,我建议楼主要鼓励作者继续努力再接再厉刻苦钻研把这个谜给解开。
        • 这个问题如何解答:“鼠标会自己移动、操作...即使是不在线的时候也这样”?
          • 作者没有说是屏幕上的还是桌子上的,所以,我不知道如何回答,难啊。。
            • LOL
      • 一般的pc除了BIOS芯片外,主要的系统程序和应用程序都存放在硬盘上,各种病毒和远程控制程序离开硬盘都玩不转。如果作者换过硬盘(换过六块硬盘)【除非他真的愚蠢到把旧硬盘的程序再拷贝到新硬盘】问题就应该解决了。否则,就是拿块砖头给作者,插上电砖头也会被远程控制。
    • 我不太明白这哥们/姐们到底想说什么“我是硕士,曾任职500强公司部门经理,对编新闻没有兴趣。也不想出名,更不需要借此混饭吃.”
      • 如果我没理解错,这是他将他自己在某个论坛上提问汇集起来的,所以看上去有点自言自语。
    • 很像 Delusional disorder 的典型症状, no offense
    • LZ请不要假借他人名字来说话。
      • 哈哈哈哈,你这个很像 Delusional disorder 的典型症状. no offense.
    • 我看到了他的另一篇文章,确信他精神异常。我觉得这个问题可以到此为止了
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛What kind of conpiracy is this?
      It is a true story. I live in the third largest city in
      China. I found he was hammered by the guy who lived upstairs because those guys
      said he had been watching TV with too loud volume and that volume just disturbs
      their normal life. And those guys just didn’t bother to discuss the problem with
      me but just stuck the flour (my roof). That reappeared even when I turned down
      the volume so low that I could almost hear the sound and that was totally
      unreasonable. Then there was a fight between me and over ten people.
      was almost 5 years ago. And then I bought another apartment in anther district
      and moved in almost four years ago. But unexpectedly, things happened again with
      another fight. I just couldn’t understand at all since I could hear quite some
      loud sounds around when neighbor around opened their door, but there was never a
      single dispute among the others. And most important I could not hear any sound
      from that family I fight with when the door was shut when they just kept
      complaining about the noise I made. Also this was completely unreasonable since
      sound must travel in double ways, when the noise goes out, it must come in at
      the same time.
      When those fights occurred again and again, every neighbor
      around seems know the disputes and hated me without any body just bothered to
      talk with me for any information.
      I was divorced around half a year ago and
      moved back the district I used to live in an apartment near the old one. Still
      the same thing with all the complaining and scold and hatred happened again when
      I almost never turn on my TV set. Besides all these things, when I visited my
      two brother’s home separately, I found the same problem bother them quite a lot
      for many years. But both of the family is bold enough to talk about this at all.
      And also the same case when I visited my ex-wife’s home where I used to
      Then I was told about my mother who died ten years ago. Just half year
      before she was found affected with lung cancer she was told every part of her
      was in a very good shape, and then after half a year she died.
      During all
      these years, when all those disputes happened, I found myself could not go to
      sleep because the bed was just shaking with some mean guy’s operation. And I was
      awakened by these operations for four or five times every night. I may find
      pains with some parts of my body say my chest or hand or ear or any part without
      any reason when I quarreled with my ex-wife or any family member about anything
      about those dispute or anything that may any guy opposite might not like. When I
      just hit some parts of my body to call some painful feeling, the older painful
      feeling will die. I guess he or she may feel the pain when I do so so that he or
      she had to stop his operation. When I told my son who is just almost 9 about
      this, he told me that this actually bother him quite some time and when he did
      the same thing like mine he got the same effect.
      And additionally I have
      been kept changing my job constantly not because of my own willing. I worked for
      a listed American chemical company, listed Singapore Food Company, a Fortune 500
      European chemical company and a listed Hong Kong trading company, as a warehouse
      supervisor, warehouse manager and logistics managers. In every company I made it
      a very successful career but I had to leave because people in every company
      hated me unreasonably, even those guys I never dealt with. They maybe willing to
      do anything they can to harm me or push me out.
      When I make a chain with all
      these things, I realize that we are facing the threaten and force of a big
      institution with extreme power!! For over ten years my family member just kept
      cheating me that all these are just my imagination not real. Because they know
      me quite well that I will never surrendered to any party when I realize what is
      the fact. But my eldest brother who is a very talented and once a successful
      government official people suffered a business failure and are jobless for more
      than five year. My second elder brother has to have plenty of sleepiness at
      daytime due to lacking efficient sleepiness at night and almost lost his job for
      several times.
      I may quite certain that my mother got the lung cancer
      because she was so worried about her sons and herself and dared not to tell me
      the truth. She cannot have good sleep at night and beaten in many ways and
      therefore always in a bad and worried mood. That causes her the illness and
      As time goes by, the disturbance just spread to our next generation.
      My second niece grows with inefficient sleepiness then gets the worse and worse
      record in her examination and a heavy body. And also my son, I can feel the bed
      is shaking under his body. No matter which part of the bed he moves, the shake
      will be kept accurately under him. He is more and more violent due to lacking
      good sleepiness. He becomes more and more impolite at school and gets quite a
      lot complaint from the teacher.
      Besides all these, I have recognized that
      the institution against us has lots of technical weapon against us which are far
      beyond our imagination.
      When I got divorced and left the apartment I used to
      live with my ex-wife and my son. I rent an apartment near to where I lived with
      my mother and my second brother in the old days. Then I found myself completely
      under the control of that sonofabitch institution. Every family around me is
      against me. Everybody whispered bad words about me, shout out to complaint even
      when my TV volume was very low. Guy lives upstairs hit his ground to this. All
      my home electricity appliances were out of work and I have to buy every for
      replacement. My toilet was stuck when I did anything against them. They can view
      me every minute and hear every word I whisper to encourage myself. One day when
      my toilet was stuck I just tried to communicate with those sonsofbithches and
      said: “How can I imagine somebody like you will do this cheap thing while being
      a professional people like you. This is mean and cheap to play such a thing with
      the toilet! Are you shameless?” Then all water and dirty things in the toilet
      just drained out within one second. This was funny and proved that my lowest
      whisper will be heard and they did this to disturb me and the working people are
      not as shameless as the institution.
      Additionally one day my eldest brother
      gave me some computer parts like sound card and visual card, I put them in a
      plastic bag and on the desk under my air-conditioner newly bought. After ten
      minutes of my going on bed just besides, some water just dropped right on the
      point of that bag trying to ruin those parts. I jumped on my foot to take it
      away just in the minute to \save the parts and right on that minute the dropping
      water stopped and never happened again. What kind of technique is this? It looks
      like should be only within the god’s capability. And for several times my water
      heater was out of work and drained out a lot of water. I just suspected that and
      tried saying to them: “That doesn’t work. It doesn’t bother me a little at all.
      It is just laughter.” Then that just never happen again, not for a single
      Apart from the control over human body and electricity appliance, what
      the most frightening is that they can control the sound! Whichever roof I am
      under they can make a sound like “bump” right on my head without letting any
      other guy’s notice or even when there not at all any roof above me, just in the
      air. One day when I sent some angry SMS saying to resist them for my whole life
      at a bus station, they made some sound like a thunder just in the air. “Bump!
      Bump!” When I was sitting on the sofa next to the window, the sound of the cars
      on the road beyond a hundred meters away wound come to my ear like a big thunder
      and last for as long as I sat there. Then I realize the truth of the reason why
      my neighbors hate me so much. They can pass the sound of my TV set and HiFi to
      anybody they want without letting their sound come to me since they have such an
      advanced technique on controlling the sound. Those neighbors may just recognize
      the sound are from me and know nothing behind that. And they may make money by
      helping the neighbors against me, that explains why those fights occurred. Or
      this is just some way to make our family member suffer!!
      All these had
      exercised my nerve so much that I am not afraid of anything now. Even when I am
      facing the biggest giant!!
      But the most important finding of mine for this
      whole year is their computer technique!!
      After half a year that I had been
      dealing with their hackers, I realized that my computer was hacked without a
      connection to the internet! That is a wireless remote control without any
      wireless function parts in my computer!!!
      I ever checked their method of
      doing through internet for more than a whole month, study their way, changing
      every setting of my PC and proved to be fruitless. It is a not found or a
      kept-secret method to the whole open world. Actually I found the six PC owned by
      our family are in the same condition, including two of mostly sold brand PC, two
      at the third mostly sold PC brand and two self-installed.
      My PC is the a
      model of the currently third mostly selling brand PC in the world, a local brand
      which swallow a much bigger part of another much more famous brand maybe two
      years ago. I study the manual of the PC and the main board word by word, without
      found a single part with any wireless function like wireless LAN controller or
      adapter. Exceptionally the main board supports the infrared function, but there
      is not an adapter attached to. I tried to pack with PC with a blanket and found
      it could not stop them. Therefore this is not the infrared because it is not
      possible for infrared to go through a thick blanket.
      The most advanced
      method you can never imagine is that they can even control my Bios (or CMOS)!!
      They can change some of the settings such as first boot device, and relative to
      the floppy disk. I think they virtually setup a floppy disk on my hard disk or
      theirs and start my C drive from the virtual FDD. Therefore they can control my
      computer. On that basis, they virtual a whole set of PC on my hard disk,
      co-processor, PNP mouse, keyboard, etc.
      The method to find whether they are
      in is to enter XP through safe mode. You have to choose the account of
      Administrator (only shown on the mode). Open the Resource explorer then, choose
      to show all the system folder documents and uncheck the hiding protected system
      document, click the show all documents. Then you will find the folder of System
      Volume Information (should not be there if you choose to shut down the system
      restore function). If you can enter the folder freely, congratulations, you are
      free. If not, sorry for that, you are hacked. Secondly you can use the program
      of Total commander to view the folder of recycler (or recycled), most of their
      document including programs and files are put there.
      There are two methods
      you can select to keep them out mostly when you are not connected to the
      internet. First you need to choose disable the First Boot Device and start to
      boot from the second. And most important you must choose Auto to let the PC to
      detect whether there is something connected to the all four or six IDE
      connections you have, or they will be able to virtual a hard disk to that
      connection. If there is a hard disk, choose the LBA of access mode.
      they will reserve 5-8M of your hard disk volume to put their document when you
      are creating the partitions. Therefore secondly you should use the tools provide
      by the hard disk manufacturer to partition your hard disk and try not leave a
      single byte left. And then you should choose to boot from your CD to view the
      partition, use Smart disk if you can. If you see several MB of space in raw
      condition, use that document to change the partition to some very old and seldom
      used format say BBS or something. Then they will not able to virtual a partition
      for their usage.
      Additionally you will have use to quota function in the
      property of your partition, strict the quota function to 1 kb for every user and
      set up a unlimited quota for yourself. These will keep them from most of the
      controlling function, but since the connection still exists, not completely. I
      can control my PC mostly after a whole year of fighting and studying.
      Do I
      win the maybe most advanced hacker in the world? With my bare hand and never in
      a classroom for PC? I don’t know. But I can do most of things as I wish now.

      And now I am facing the question of the revenge of my mother’s dead and the
      protection of our children. How can I find the way to win? This is the only way
      I can use since I don’t have any evidence to call the police or for help from
      the government. I don’t think they are working for the government since none of
      our family is involved with any political party or action or ever break the law
      to arouse such a big problem. I regard that their real goal is money and they
      are invited by one or some of mean enemy to one of our family member.
      they don’t ever invent all those technique to just to disturb our family. That
      is too costly and they are not stupid enough to do so. Therefore there maybe
      tens of thousand of people around the world are suffering from their operation
      and knowing nothing about the things behind or even where the harm comes.
      you feel anything similar, try some of my method to identify, I will publish my
      e-mail later and also my real place later. Let us share the feeling and fight
      for our freedom and our future. Actually they leave evidence everywhere when
      they are working like sharing the desktop of my PC to a lot people, but those
      people surely dare not to talk under the pressure. But if it is a authority
      party to work, things are completely different.
      Every time I post any little
      information to the net, they will follow me by post lots of things pretending to
      be different people. They will say I am a big liar or idiot or something. Please
      read my words and theirs thoroughly, but make your own judgment. I am forty. I
      have a 9-year-old son. I am getting my MBA degree on next January since I have
      passed all the examination. I am a former logistics manager to a Fortune 500
      European company and a public-listed Hong Kong company. I earned two hundred
      thousand a year which is quite a sum in China. Am I stupid enough to risk my
      entire future career and also my son’s to tell a lie or joke like this? I spent
      two whole day to write this and my time is quite a treasure to me. Since I had
      been setup for so many times, before I realized the whole truth, I just grab
      anything I can to help myself. I did read some secret and sensitive information
      from open-to-public (over one hundred people) documents and saved those
      documents to my disk. They used this for an excuse for controlling my PC but I
      can tell all were begun long before.
      For those people who have already found
      something, please let us share the information. If you don’t care, just neglect
      all these. But if you do care that some good people are being trapped for over
      ten years and suffer for three generations, please offer your help, whatever it
      The god is looking, trust me. It has been almost ten times that I dream
      of what will happen and all those really happened. I am doomed to do all these
      because it is from the god’s (the Chinese god or the western god) willing. Trust
      me and you will trust god at the same time.
      I am ready to be put to jail or
      hospital claimed to be out of my mind. If it is my fate, I will accept. It is
      much more difficult and painful when I know the truth of my mother’s dead and
      those harming action against our children without doing anything. I am offering
      my whole career and also my life. I will surely take the risk.
      My email
      address is this: ****. Mail me anything you would like to.
      am going to Hong Kong on January 2007. People told me that I will be killed
      there. But I have no other choice but to accept it.
      Come on you guys if you
      want to do it. If it is my fate, I will face it.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 这可是你自己说的:“我跟此人打交道几年了,没从其他地方发现他脑子有问题。”这么短的时间你就……。再说,这种文章你也会去看?你不会也有什么…问题吧?
        • 哈哈哈哈,你看一下他的英文,很棒的。他写的文章逻辑性非常强,很有道理,经常被转载。怎么想得到这家伙居然脑袋有病!嗨!说起来他也是海归。
        • 我一直在看他的政论文章,写得真的很好。这此无意中看到他以前写的东西,发现他讲的电脑黑客技术出神入画的,大为感叹自己的落伍,所以拿到肉练来核实。
          • 他的另一篇没毛病的文章。我想我就是精神病专科医生,我也看不出他有病啊。
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛抑制房价有什么灵丹妙药?













            这三十年来,共产经济向来如此,一抓就死,一放就乱,从来没有有效的对经济的微调。这真是“一党独裁,遍地是灾”,绝好的印证。想象一下,假如我们有真正有权力的人大政协,他们要求政府公布行政信息,政府官员不得随便拒绝。于是人大要求公开卖地的收款情况,发现了徇私,人大可以弹劾官员,那国土局还敢随便允许推迟收款吗?还敢不认真执行抑制囤积土地的政策吗?假如我们有敢于和允许曝露政府黑幕,官员还敢胡作非为吗?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • LOL
            • 学过医学的人应该知道,精神分裂症的发病并不一定是持续的。在患者未发病的时候,与正常人无异。
    • 比较典型的~~病。我就听说电线也可以做网络线,要是真这样,太牛了。换主板换硬盘都能搞定。不过最大可能是这位兄弟有梦游的好习惯,自己把自己算计了。
      • 电线载波数字信号已经不是新技术,但是也是需要相应adapter , 并不是通过 power supply 直接上网,文章作者的症状很典型~~~