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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Shame on me, copy and paste from two excellent articles. But is that what an architect would do? LOL.

So there are some IT guy, working with some fancy gadgets and funky computers and networks.

And, there are these kinds of BBS forums all over every corner the Internet, in all different countries, where some self-acclaimed super super super senior IT professionals 用各国语言此起彼伏乐此不疲无比陶醉的发着同一个月经贴:

Cobol 已经是昨日黄花,现在是C, C++, Java,C#……what-so-ever 的时代了。


叔我无意改变各位Rolia IT巨孽体内早已蚀骨缚魂的观念。叔发贴是要告诉那些被搅得昏头转向的Newbie/菜鸟们 – Cobol,更重要的是编程语言背后传承的Business Logic and Procedureal process,是不可绕过的基础课。你也许学了个diploma就成功找到了IT工作,但是这些基础课,是要补上的。否则,是难免在一波又一波的IT浪潮中当炮灰的。

既然说Cobol没有过时,So, where are all the Cobol geeks?

Well, it is everywhere and at the same time nowhere.

Cobol's reach is so pervasive that it is almost unthinkable that the average person could go a day without it. Whether using an ATM, stopping at traffic lights or purchasing a product online, the vast majority of us will use COBOL in one form or another as part of our daily existence.

The statistics that surround COBOL attest to its huge influence upon the business world. There are over 220 billion lines of COBOL in existence, a figure which equates to around 80% of the world's actively used code. There are estimated to be over a million COBOL programmers in the world today. Most impressive perhaps, is that 200 times as many COBOL transactions take place each day than Google searches - a figure which puts the influence of Web 2.0 into stark perspective.

Is that all? No, far from it. 只是个开头而已。

Every year, COBOL systems are responsible for transporting up to 72,000 shipping containers, caring for 60 million patients, processing 80% of point-of-sales transactions and connecting 500 million mobile phone users. COBOL manages our train timetables, air traffic control systems, holiday bookings and supermarket stock controls. And the list could go on.

C, C++. Java,C#,Python,Ruby,PHP等等等等花样翻新的编程语言,都是结合一些很实际的应用而产生的。在Unix, DBMS, Windows, and now Internet一路狂飚的年代,这些编程语言也都有着旺盛的生命力。另一方面,每种语言也都有其自身的局限性。

COBOL is the one that making sure your money is safe at the bank. I know it's a boring language, but no other language does better job. And that's a fact, Man

今天先写到这。等叔得空儿再回来讲那些被许多人遗忘的基本概念,还有为什么Cobol在business application 领域丧钟响了30年还是无可替代。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 科技领域杂谈 / 叔给Cobol正名
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Shame on me, copy and paste from two excellent articles. But is that what an architect would do? LOL.

    So there are some IT guy, working with some fancy gadgets and funky computers and networks.

    And, there are these kinds of BBS forums all over every corner the Internet, in all different countries, where some self-acclaimed super super super senior IT professionals 用各国语言此起彼伏乐此不疲无比陶醉的发着同一个月经贴:

    Cobol 已经是昨日黄花,现在是C, C++, Java,C#……what-so-ever 的时代了。


    叔我无意改变各位Rolia IT巨孽体内早已蚀骨缚魂的观念。叔发贴是要告诉那些被搅得昏头转向的Newbie/菜鸟们 – Cobol,更重要的是编程语言背后传承的Business Logic and Procedureal process,是不可绕过的基础课。你也许学了个diploma就成功找到了IT工作,但是这些基础课,是要补上的。否则,是难免在一波又一波的IT浪潮中当炮灰的。

    既然说Cobol没有过时,So, where are all the Cobol geeks?

    Well, it is everywhere and at the same time nowhere.

    Cobol's reach is so pervasive that it is almost unthinkable that the average person could go a day without it. Whether using an ATM, stopping at traffic lights or purchasing a product online, the vast majority of us will use COBOL in one form or another as part of our daily existence.

    The statistics that surround COBOL attest to its huge influence upon the business world. There are over 220 billion lines of COBOL in existence, a figure which equates to around 80% of the world's actively used code. There are estimated to be over a million COBOL programmers in the world today. Most impressive perhaps, is that 200 times as many COBOL transactions take place each day than Google searches - a figure which puts the influence of Web 2.0 into stark perspective.

    Is that all? No, far from it. 只是个开头而已。

    Every year, COBOL systems are responsible for transporting up to 72,000 shipping containers, caring for 60 million patients, processing 80% of point-of-sales transactions and connecting 500 million mobile phone users. COBOL manages our train timetables, air traffic control systems, holiday bookings and supermarket stock controls. And the list could go on.

    C, C++. Java,C#,Python,Ruby,PHP等等等等花样翻新的编程语言,都是结合一些很实际的应用而产生的。在Unix, DBMS, Windows, and now Internet一路狂飚的年代,这些编程语言也都有着旺盛的生命力。另一方面,每种语言也都有其自身的局限性。

    COBOL is the one that making sure your money is safe at the bank. I know it's a boring language, but no other language does better job. And that's a fact, Man

    今天先写到这。等叔得空儿再回来讲那些被许多人遗忘的基本概念,还有为什么Cobol在business application 领域丧钟响了30年还是无可替代。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 毫无疑问,下一帖是 "爷给***正名"
      • 下一个应该是"爷给Assembler正名" 。
    • 哈哈,很好很山寨啊
    • 爷给粤语正名



      - 萝油
      - 屎忽
      - 邓~(重音往下)
      - PAT PAT



      • 北方方言对同一个东西也有很多表达方式,只是没被纳入普通话或 在北方方言区以外不常用,您老不太常听见罢了。说实话,我听见很多广东朋友说普通话时,除口音外,语法也有点问题,还有一个就是词汇很贫乏,就跟我们中国人说英语有点像。
      • 还是有的。。。。

    • 编程言语永远也不会过时, 只要用人用就会不断地改造它, 就象VB一样, 比COBOL还老, 现在照样流行. 但是, COBOL只有MAINFRAME还在用, MAINFRAME也许还会存在一段时间, 所以COBOL还有用, 但是MAINFRAME只会越来越少, 不会越来越多.
      • VB比COBOL还老?
        • maybe he meant fortran
          • 不该叫VB, 只叫BASIC, 二十年前学过计算机的人应该知道来龙去脉.
            • actually cobol is about half a decade earlier into this world.
    • 不要误导新同学,Cobol是个快要死了东西。
      • why?
      • 都快死三十年了。哪天 Java / C++ 能把加法做对了,那时 再来谈Cobol 什么时候能死。
        • cobal的市场在三十年间不断的萎缩,现在已经非常非常小了,说它快死了并不为过。
          • 从工作职位上看确实是这样,职位在减少,大部分老程序员还没退休。
      • After 42yrs COmmon Business-Oriented Language is still widely used in large corps as well governmental and military orgs. It's not ging to be replaced any time soon.
        • It's shirinking not dieing. I wouldn't recomment it to new guys. But for sure, if you knew it and want to stay there, it's not bad.
          • I just saw a hiring AD recently. It has only one line. Can convert C code into assemble language. One line kills all. :)
        • 除了MAINFRAME, 还有别的机型用它吗?如果没有,那么它的寿命=MAINFRAME.
          • and long live the mainframe, especially in this cloud era.
        • widely used in large corps as well governmental and military orgs? 不要误导了,联邦政府很多部门包括国防部正在逐步把mainframe替换掉。cobol的市场现在非常小。
          • Any proof that any of the major Canadian banks, financial institutions as well as different level of governments has abandoned COBOL? COBOL has a smaller share than before but not dying yet….
    • 我过去的公司用COBOL, 我跟几个COBOL程序员聊的来, 所以对它的现状还是有了解的. 它确实曾风行一时, 但是那是互联网之前的事了. 进十几年来, COBOL最重要的任务就是把它的数据转移到关系数据库, 等这个任务完成后, 它就可以安然永别了.
      • 二十年前,AS400已经把Cobol和关系数据库紧密地结合在一起了。
        • Mainframe上还有很多老系统用VSAM存储数据。
          • 是不是用关系数据库和Cobol的存亡之间的相关性有多大?
            • 我觉得相关性不大。老系统被替换并不是因为要使用关系数据库。改用关系数据库只是一个结果。
              • 这也是我想说的。还有,以前用过用过不同的语言,每次做报表,total 时不时地都会差一分钱。用Cobol就 从来就没遇到这样的事。 不知到其他人有没有类似的经历?