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Here are the 11 most dangerous cities in terms of crime risk:


City Crime Risk Index
1. St. Louis 530
2. Atlanta 484
3. Birmingham Alabama (tie) 380
3. Orlando (tie) 380
5. Detroit 369
6. Memphis 361
7. Miami 346
8. Baltimore 339
9. Kansas City, Missouri 337
10. Minneapolis (tie) 331
10. Cleveland (tie) 331


Source: Onboard Informatics

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 大家能不能讨论一下底特律市区到底是否安全。
    很多朋友说底特律不安全。可是我自己去过两次那里,每次都在市区逛了有一天的样子,没有碰到什么事情,也没有觉得不安全。市区有些萧条和破败倒是真的。大家能不能讨论一下 (尤其是去过那里的朋友),底特律市区到底是否安全。
    • Maybe at night it's different? I'm curious too.
    • 要看是哪条街上。 危险的区和不危险的区可能就隔条马路。 但是不管怎么说, 它是美国最危险的城市 no1。
    • 判断一个地方不安全,难道要每个去过的人都要挨一枪子才算?
      • 我觉得安全不安全是个主观的概念。所以想听听去过那里的朋友的感受。
    • 你觉得多伦多安不安全,我一朋友原来住的公寓天天晚上听枪响.
      • 这话有道理。还是请当地的朋友给楼主划个区域比较好。
        • 同感!
        • +1
    • 加拿大最不安全的城市呢?乔治王子市,能不能也讨论一下?
    • 这是另外一个犯罪率统计数字。底特律的犯罪率指数列第五位,但著名的奥兰多比底特律还高,迈阿密也仅仅略低一点。(美国平均为100)

      Here are the 11 most dangerous cities in terms of crime risk:


      City Crime Risk Index
      1. St. Louis 530
      2. Atlanta 484
      3. Birmingham Alabama (tie) 380
      3. Orlando (tie) 380
      5. Detroit 369
      6. Memphis 361
      7. Miami 346
      8. Baltimore 339
      9. Kansas City, Missouri 337
      10. Minneapolis (tie) 331
      10. Cleveland (tie) 331


      Source: Onboard Informatics

      • Orlando (tie) 奥兰多是指迪士尼所在地吗?
        • 是。
          • 奥兰多去过两次,感觉很安全啊! 倒是las vegas感觉不是很安全,还不在榜上?
            • las vegas是美国治安最好的地方。可能做这一行,治安得先保证吧。
            • 是啊。底特律大家觉得不安全,可是犯罪率比底特律更高的奥兰多,大家都觉得很安全。挺有意思的。
      • 啊哈!俺有幸在冠军圣路易斯呆过几个月,工作日8AM到6PM很安全。过了这个点,就跟上帝的弃土一样空空荡荡。天黑前出去,不至于瘮人,但是还是要左右多看看。周末就是个死城。巴尔的摩也是这样。
    • 温哥华这里尽管时有枪声,但平民仍安全。枪击者只是敌对派报复来报复去。
      • 3个月前,我一个同事的亲戚去底特律过境买东西,2个女士一起去的,
    • 从芝加哥回来时,俺坚持要顺路到底特律转一圈。家里大小LD虽极力反对还是陪俺去了。停了车腿就要发抖,感觉一出车就会被打劫似的,自己吓自己。湖滨区有很多警察三两在巡逻。我说这地方多安全啊,LZ说俺胡说,要是安全需要安排那么多警力嘛。1小时后我们就“逃之夭夭”了。
    • 以前黑人同事常去那里出差,他说他白天在那里呆着都害怕。
    • 这么说吧,美国大城市的downtown都是黑人群居的地方,而且美国大城市的downtown百分之五十以上的成年黑人都没有工作,你说能安全吗?
      • 为什麽不让他们下乡耕田, 哈哈!
      • "美国大城市的downtown百分之五十以上的成年黑人都没有工作"这句话有具体的数据出处吗?没有抬杠的意思,只是想以后自己能言之有据。
    • 我两年前去过一趟,纯粹因为在London做research,顺道转过去玩。住在holiday inn,条件很好,价格听便宜,60刀一晚吧,半夜走去美高美赌场,身上还背了个相机。一切都相安无事。不过回来之后在youtube上查了一些video才吓出半身汗。绝对不要在底特律downtown单独走啊!
      • 另外,我现在公司有个美国同事,跟我关系很好,她就是密歇根来的,家不在底特律。不过她一直叮嘱我,底特律是个shitty城市,没事不要去downtown(后来因为其他原因有去过一次底特律)。这就是我对底特律的全部认识,呵呵。
    • Most dangerous cities for women include Detroit, Saginaw, Mich., Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska Forbes magazine lists 10 most unsafe American cities for women; some statistics questioned
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Some cities are less safe for women to walk the streets alone.

      Michigan is home to three of them.

      According to FBI crime and rape statistics, of Saginaw is the most dangerous city for women in America, reports Forbes.

      The magazine reported the city, 90 miles north of Detroit, recorded 76 rapes per 100,000 people.

      The city took issue with Forbes, saying its population was closer to 200,000, not 400,000, and actually reported half as many rapes.

      Still, the mayor of Saginaw, Greg Branch, acknowledged to Mlive.com that violence toward women is a serious problem in the area.

      The Michigan cities of Flint and Battle Creek also made the magazine’s top 10 list of places where women should consider carrying a can of Mace.

      Alaska didn’t fare well either.

      Anchorage has the highest violent crime rate in the state, and the second-highest reporting of rape in the country. The small city of Fairbanks came in at number three with 193 rapes per 100,000 residents.

      Alaska’s Native American population — approximately 15% — may explain why the numbers are so high.

      One in three Native or American Indian women will be raped or sexually assaulted in her lifetime — a rate 3.5 times higher than any other racial group, Scott Berkowitz, the president of the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), told Forbes.

      Forbes’ 10 Most Dangerous Cities for Women

      1) Saginaw, Mich.

      2) Anchorage, Alaska

      3) Fairbanks, Alaska

      4) Springfield, Ill.

      5) Redding, Calif.

      6) Flint, Mich.

      7) Pine Bluff, Ark.

      8) Lawton, Okla.

      9) Battle Creek, Mich.

      10) Memphis, Tenn.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net