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Please wait while we connect you with a Lenovo Customer Support Representative in Raleigh, North Carolina.
You have been connected to Kiara L.
Kiara L: Thank you for choosing Lenovo Chat service, this is Kiara. How are you and how may I be of assistance today?
Godwin: I heard that the Y410p Laptop deal was a website mistake, is it correct?
Kiara L: Yes, that is correct. My apologies
Kiara L: All of these orders are under review at this time, communication will be sent out once the review is completed.
Kiara L: I understand your frustration and I do apologize for this
Kiara L: I completely understand, and I do apologize for this. Offers, prices, specifications and availability may change without notice. Lenovo will contact you and cancel your order if the product becomes unavailable or if there was a pricing or typographic error

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 减价特讯 / 联想电脑的那个deal看来要黄了。看我与他们销售的对话。
    _Ashley :
    Thank you for choosing Lenovo. My name is Ashley rep id 2900717283. How can I assist you today?
    Jay :
    Is that Y410p deal legit?
    _Ashley :
    No not at all, Unfortunately that is an error on our site and is being worked on right now. Any and all orders placed for that price will be canceled and emailed explaining why.
    • 哈,抵制国货
    • 正常,以后这种事情不要去问,问了反而是提醒他们了
      • 提不提醒他们早晚知道。看这个如何面对自己的错误罢了。有的公司就会自己承担自己的错误。但联想估计就会不要脸的赖账。
        • 当然早晚会知道,但是越晚越好,有些有库存的,前面下订单的人可能很快就发货了,这样一部分人会拿到的。
      • 严重同意
    • 上次就被骗过,这次又来了,怎么总是联想啊?上次动手了,这次动心没动手,下次连心都不动了
    • 哈哈,早知道会这样了。
    • 对这个流氓公司应该小心。已经发生两次。觉得不是认为错误,而是有意识的在收集客户的资料。
      • 他骗取了这么多人的信用卡资料。消费者应该联合起来去投诉联想。
    • 没有质问几句吗?比如可以说,Most decent companies honor their deals on their website, but not Lenovo? 或者说,Do you not worry you will lose the trust of your customers?
      • 一个on-line chat的销售,难为他有什么用?等收到e-mail再说吧。
        • 本来也不能怎么样,就是玩玩过过瘾。先看看他怎么说再说。
    • 没有呀,我定到了呀。
      • 拿到手才算,楼上的不都说了,最后order都会被cancel掉的。。。
        • Let us see what will happen. Can anyone give us an update here when he or she got a call from Lenovo to deny the order or received the laptop?
          • You will receive something like this soon...
            Dear XXX,
            We are contacting you regarding your order for the Lenovo XXX (part number
            XXX). Unfortunately this product is no longer available and we do not have a replacement part number to offer at this time. As a result, this order will be cancelled if it is the only part on the order or this tablet will be cancelled from the order if multiple parts are included. Please note that you have not been charged and your credit card authorization hold will be removed.
            Please contact one of our sales specialists at 1-855-253-6686- Option 1 if you would like to purchase another machine on our website or have additional questions.
            We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and we thank you for choosing Lenovo.
            Lenovo Customer Service
            • very simple. I bet the machine is still available but they don't want to sale it at that price.
              I don't think they will change the part number just for that. So, a couple of days after you received the e-mail. Order with the same part number, if it can go through, you prove that they lie to you. You take them to the court and I am sure that you will win.

              It sounds like you need to do a lot of work, but the import thing is you give them a lesson - don't mess around with the customers!
      • I ordered a couple of hours ago and have not yet received this kind of email to deny my order. On the website, it says up to 79% off on some models and I guess the one we are talking about is truly on sale.
    • 黄了,白高兴一场:
      Please wait while we connect you with a Lenovo Customer Support Representative in Raleigh, North Carolina.
      You have been connected to Kiara L.
      Kiara L: Thank you for choosing Lenovo Chat service, this is Kiara. How are you and how may I be of assistance today?
      Godwin: I heard that the Y410p Laptop deal was a website mistake, is it correct?
      Kiara L: Yes, that is correct. My apologies
      Kiara L: All of these orders are under review at this time, communication will be sent out once the review is completed.
      Kiara L: I understand your frustration and I do apologize for this
      Kiara L: I completely understand, and I do apologize for this. Offers, prices, specifications and availability may change without notice. Lenovo will contact you and cancel your order if the product becomes unavailable or if there was a pricing or typographic error
    • 在北美生活和工作,不买北美的计算机,偏得要去买中国的计算机,病的不轻啊。鄙视假爱国的骗子们。
      • 嘿嘿,话说我们平时吃的穿的都是国货,说这句话前麻烦您老把家里里里外外检查一遍吧,顺便把身上的衣服内哭都脱下来检查
        • 我吃的是国货,用的逐渐是北美的,比如计算机,使用的逐渐都是正版的。很明显,计算机就是美国的好,中国的差。
          • 呵呵。
          • 现在还有那款计算机不是中国制造,你随便找个牌子。。。
            • 和你抬杠一下-----------------------------------IBM深蓝
              • 电阻电容肯定有中国制造,就算集成电路,也有可能中国封装,即电路的外封塑料是中国制造
                • 现在有能力生产芯片的厂家不多了,三大头就是Intel, Samsung, TSMC. 剩下的Global foundry, UMC, SMIC几个算大的了,很多公司的foundry业务基本上都扔了,包括Motorola(Freescale), IBM, TI这些大厂,只保留很少的一部分,亏的厉害。
            • 你敢肯定苹果是中国制造?你可别告诉我是富士康组装的。
              • 零件90%以上也是中国制造,你要好好补补课了。。。
              • 苹果是富士康组装的,不过零件也绝大部分都是大陆和台湾生产的,内存是三星的,有些研发是在北美,可是如果说到生产,还是亚洲有更强的价格优势,同时也更有经验。不要太偏激了,没有绝对的好和绝对的不好。
                • 爱疯除了玻璃和主芯片,其他零件估计大多是中国产的。主芯片没准也是。不过,软件中国产的还不多。
      • 要坚持吃药。吃完药仔细看看你的电脑、键盘、显示器、鼠标都是那里造的,告诉大家一声。
      • 很少看见病得这么重的人
    • 刚收到了Cancel的Email了。
    • 黄了,来的挺快的
      Re:    Lenovo Order 42xxxxxxcccccc

      Dear Valued Customer,

      Thank you for your recent Lenovo purchase. Due to a pricing error on our website, we will have to cancel your order. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused, and would like to help you place a new order.

      We invite you to visit our website at www.lenovo.com or speak with a Product Specialist at 1-855-253-6686 opt1, opt1 as we have updated all current pricing and configurations.

      Thank you for your time and patience. We look forward to hearing from you.

      Kind Regards,

      Lenovo Customer Service
      • 我也收到了。联想的信誉不是一般的差。也后就远离它吧。
        • +10000, 这是一个什么样的烂公司啊,中国公司怎么可能做大呢
          • 就是,咋说也给个哭胖啥的。。。算了。。。
            • 不知道这方面有没有维权一说
              • 先报媒体再说
                • 我晚上8点还可以下订单, 而且还收到确认邮件. 看样子是上当受骗了. 如果联想今天早上就已知道错误, 却不改正,这是典型的收集客户信息的市场策略. 非常可恶!!!
                  • 还可以下订单
                • 同意,请照办。
          • 不管你怎么生气,在PC,笔记本市场,联想已经做大了,不是“怎么能做大呢?”。2013年联想超过了HP和DELL是全世界最大的pc生产商。
            • 它的行为有一点大公司的样子吗?你说的大跟我说的大可能不一样.....前两星期在tim hortons买一袋咖啡粉,虽然实际价钱是9.99,但是那家店标错了,标称8.99,人家一看,二话不说就8.99卖给我,虽然只是一刀,但是你懂的,我下次还会去买...
              • 标签上的价格如果跟系统里不一样,$10以内免费,超过$10减$10。
                • 就冲人家这态度,我也不好意思再去要求什么。话说你讲的这个是真的吗?还碰到过不止一次标签价钱跟系统不一样的情况了,有一次还是在我们大家都很喜欢的staples,人家也是按标签价买给我的......看来我也太实诚了,下次也要要求免费,哈哈
              • Tim Horton不是标准。相对于联想这是一家小公司。公司营销策略不同而已。反正说世界第一大的PC公司做不大是非常可笑的。
            • 靠国内的市场而已,出了国没有任何声望。
              • 联想靠的不全是国内市场,但国内市场也是市场,别把中国不当市场,还没人有这口气。联想在国内外的市场都在扩大,靠的是性价比和服务。标错价格给不给是公司策略,没什么可指责的。正价的商品能有好的服务即可。
            • 真的不看好联想的前途。如果他想在西方国家做好市场,她就必须尊重西方人的文化习俗,不要把对付大陆人的那一套原封不动地搬到西方来。犯错了。就应该承担错误带来的代价,仅仅道歉,令人作呕,令人气愤,长期下去,还不如滚出西方市场。
      • 人家已经给你道歉了,你还有什么不满意的?这就是中国企业的特性。你要公平吗?有,去找习大大去。哈哈哈。
        • 你猪啊,看你回的文不对题的。
      • 请继续爱你的国,请继续买联想,大胆地往前走,不要忘两边看,你就会融化在美丽的蓝天里,哈哈哈。
        • 脑子不是进水了就是被门挤。
    • 收到cancel的信息了
    • 你也收到email了:(
    • 你这一提醒,还真有好多人想起来有联想电脑这东西。
    • 已经被捅回国内,但国内封锁消息真快啊.微波马上屏蔽了.估计媒体们用的也是联想电脑吧.哈哈.
    • 还买联想吗?还继续支持国货吗?身在美国,还想着中国,就是一个浦志高。哈哈哈
      • 只要性价比好,售后服务还行,当然买。
    • 下订单的朋友们,我的VISA被提款了,你们呢?能退回吗?
      • 应该是好事啊,说明他要卖给你?收不到货再说?
        • 不会被砸满头包吧?有这好事?但愿别到处要求退款。。
      • Lenovo 不过 是 在 信用卡 里 Hold 钱 ,但 还 没有 Post呢 ,估计是 信用卡 公司 的 问题 ,过几天 自动 会 清除的
        • 原来这样,明白了。谢谢! 等ing.