我不反对,条件是我们可以从阿富汗得到什么好处。现在我们手中控制了世界上90%的鸦片,好歹也应该算是Opium Producing and Export Country (OPEC)吧,如果能每年弄几百亿美元的利润也不错啊
-colourwolf(Va, Pensiero);
As expected, Obama is trying the appeasement strategy that you probably like to see. He is talking about abolishing the nuclear weaspons with the US take the lead while allowing North Korea and Iran to go full speed with their nuclear programsBowing to the Saudi king, praising Iran and Islam, blaming his own countrymen for being arrogant, selfish and bombing the Japanese in the WWII. Let's wait and see if he will be successful.
Only time can tell whether his foreign policy will be successful. Sometime good intention leads to horrible results (like what happened before WWII).For example, will other countries like Israel, Japan and South Korea do nothing when they know their enemies can destroy their countries by just clicking a nuclear button. McCain was right, Obama is amateur in international affairs, and he is going to face serious challenges shortly
The world is in a delicate balance of power struggles. If the only superpower tries to withdraw itself from its traditional role. Then other countries will natually react in a way that none of us can ever imagine until a new balance is archived.This process can have devastating consequences. Obama would have been in far deep trouble already if he does not have Clinton and Biden to help stablize the ship a little bit.
There are many good books experessed diversified view of the war: why, when, how, etc... The war
is a complecated issue. People can do their best to other people - It is different to what the war is