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My Letter

As we all know that during the earthquake on Monday in Sichuan, China, more than ten thousands people were killed and more people need help. They need water, food, shelter, and medical care. Can we do anything? Can our government do anything that can help those people? They are suffering from the disaster. Their lifes are in danger.

Every second is priceless for saving a life. I believe love is beyond border, is beyond the difference of the system. Now, people in the world are taking action to show their caring and sympathy. What is our government doing? Can our government show some sympathy to those poor people?

Please help those victims! Helping others is helping ourselves!
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 非常气愤!!!!! 到目前加拿大保守党政府还没有任何捐款或援助承诺,各大银行都捐款了. 以后再也不要选保守党了,无论是哪一级选举,现在是摒弃一切政治因素的时候,是有没有良知和爱心的问题!!!!!
    • 同意。我给我区的国会议员MP写了邮件,表达了政府应该做什么。输入邮政区号找到你的MP。
      • 找到了地址,可是英文不好。怎么写?需要帮助下。谢谢
    • 昨晚看了各国的捐款捐物的数额,觉得美国小气,加拿大没气。
      • 最不愿意看到中国强大的,也是最早说中国是super power的。
      • 非常感谢沙特政府和人民. 目前他们共捐了5000万美金和1000万美金的物品. 这次也感谢日本政府和人民. 不要提美国和加拿大了,CNN今天新闻还在说"因为中国的ONE-CHILD POLICY, 令很多父母在这次地震中失去他们唯一的孩子". .现在什么时候, 说这种话.CNN真的是没有人性的
    • en, I am not happy, the Canadian gov keeps blaming China on human right issues, now, they are so quiet when China is in need of their help. and the americans only offered so little money.
      From Hongkong, TaiWAN ... so much money donated, even just from individuals.
    • Cheer Up, China! Highly recommend to form Canadian Chinese Party or Canadian New Lander Party to express new immigrants voice in government.
    • 我也给MP写了信,大家都行动,这是民主国家,大的我们不能做,小的还是可以的。 比在中文论坛说三道四强很多
      • 好,我也去找!
      • 能不能把你们写好的信POST在这儿,让大家可以借用.谢谢!
        • Grear Idea. Please.
          • 我写的比较烂,因为早晨很激动,写了封更烂的。就想早点发出去. 现在看说的也是前言不达后语。你们自己看看, 一定比我写的像样
            Dear Mr x

            My name is bababa. I am a resident in bababa region. I voted for Conservative Party every time, in both federal and provincial election because I think the party listens to the people and cares about the people. (note: 这只是带帽子)

            As we all know, Canada has reputation for helping other countries when help is needed. Hardly the humanitarian help is connected to politics(note:又是帽子哈:P). Currently, in China, people are suffering after the earthquake. The people in Chengdu region are in need of help. The people in China are helping. But we both know the scale of the disaster -- more help would mean more people saved and a faster reconstruction after the disaster. While most of western countries offered all kinds of help, I did not see anything from our own government. Mr. bababa, does the conservative government have any plan to offer any help to the people in Chengdu?

            Thank you!


            • do you mind i use this without changing it? for sure my name is not bababa, so i gotta change that part ....
              • 没有关系。但我写的非常没有说服力的。你要能改改煽情点最好 了。我一般写USER MANUAL比较在行点:P
            • Good job. I may find one of my canadian friends to help me with that. Thanks.
              • 这样最好!:)
                • i did it please see link
              • will you post it here?
                • please see the link.
                  • great job! haha, man, you copied and pasted my link, even leaving things like "SC Province ...China's XH state agency". I made it that way because the post exceeded character limit...
                    • oh, actually in the email the part of copy shows in quotation.thanks.
                      • i meant SC = SiChuan, XH = XinHua
            • 看了一下,你太委婉嘛,批评没有力度(好像根本没有直接批评?), 太 nice 了太 nice 了, 这些人要骂2句才行. 我们再找个牛哄哄的哥们写个版本综合一下.
              • 就猜你没看,特别那HELP的用了那么几遍,我自己都不好意思了,可又静不下心来写 的像样点:)
                • 其实这次不光是保守党,那些 opposition 也沉默是金. 华人政治要吃补药啊,大补. 大发声.
                  • 我工作的单位,人很NICE,但在中国的事情上就是谈不龙。他们要我OPENMIND,我又 要他们看中国的进步。同时我自己又是中国人里面的右边分子,不愿意闭着眼睛歌 颂。挺难的,但偏见的确挺深的
                    • 要不咱投左了算了吧? 这右很难很辛苦啊
    • 我一百个赞成再也不要选保守党了, 哈泊是混蛋.
      • en !
      • support.
    • 保守,保守,就是自私,懦弱,自己不进步,也看不得别人进步。狠人富,嫌人穷。
      • 你这个属于政治攻击了。这次作的很不好,但这里很多人是投它票的。另外,你好象并不懂的什么叫保守。
        • 菠菜,你是前辈,我不跟你较劲,你是理智型的,我是感情型的。我们不要谈政治,我怕。
        • 并且,我是一边倒地偏袒中国,你跟我上什么课都没用。就此打住。
          • 嘿嘿,你对自己认识得这么清楚,还是很理智的。
            • 其实想想我们这一代,在国内受了教育,移民过来就直接老实上班,交税。也没占过什么便宜。。。。。。。。给政府提提意见也是应该的。
              • 提意见没啥吧,和前边说的没什么联系。
              • 说的是加拿大政府吧?用不着论贡献、比委屈,有话直说就是。加拿大政府老脸厚皮的,能把它锉出个窟窿来算我们本事。
    • pls write to harper...
    • 加拿大哈勃政府已经失去了以后对中国人权指手划脚的资格,尽管以前也没有,这次是在道义上,可以永远闭嘴了。
    • 今天下午保守党府才说: 民间捐助一元,政府MATCH一元, 迟来的反应,而且是那么弱!!!代表连一些反对党的议员都说,比澳洲,日本等西方国家少多了. 哎! 让我们用选票教训保守党吧. 中国人,记住了,危难时候的支持是最真的!!!!
      • 通过藏独事件了解到西方人大脑可以养鱼,通过地震报道了解到西方媒体冷血无情!!!
      • where is the link for matching please>?
        • 给中国和缅店的捐款会MATCH, 但没有说单独给中国捐款. 很气愤! 看连接.
          • thanks for the link. matching burma is good too, no need 气愤.
            • 呵呵,钱到手以后就说是给Asia pacific的,给中国一点点,余下的给缅甸,用华人的钱,给加拿大政府挣面子
      • where is the Match link? please
      • match这种说法是真的吗?我们几个同事正在犹豫捐到哪里去。如果他们match,我们就可以捐到他们指定的地方去,也让加拿大政府出点血
    • 我给本区MP的信
      Dear Mr. Derek Lee,
      As we already know tens of thousands of people were killed and more people are suffering in the earthquake in China, we, ordinary Canadian are showing our sympathy and humanity by donation. My 6-year-old daughter even wants to sale her toys to donate her own pennies. We are educating our kids to be care bears - to love people. Now, how about our government? They keep silent! What can I tell my kids once they ask about this? Are those politicians even less sympathetic and lack of love than little kids? Please urge Mr. Harper to show our Canadian sympathy and care to the victims -- the government stands for a nation in the world affairs, doesn't it?

      Thank you,
      • my letter to MP
        Hi Ratansi,

        I live in Sheppard/404, and am a Canadian Citizen original from China. Recently, Thousands of people were killed and more people are suffering in the earth quake in China. They need help.

        Please urge Mr. Harper to show our Canadian sympathy and care to the victims.

      • I have sent email to my MP.
    • My Letter
      I am a Canadian who immigrated from China 8 years ago.
      I was crying when I saw the photos of suffering people in China.
      What our Gov. response to such tragedy? It doesn't matter how much money we can help the people who are suffering in China. Please show something we care.
      People's life is far more important than human rights!

      I cry when I saw the images.
      • My Letter
        As we all know that during the earthquake on Monday in Sichuan, China, more than ten thousands people were killed and more people need help. They need water, food, shelter, and medical care. Can we do anything? Can our government do anything that can help those people? They are suffering from the disaster. Their lifes are in danger.

        Every second is priceless for saving a life. I believe love is beyond border, is beyond the difference of the system. Now, people in the world are taking action to show their caring and sympathy. What is our government doing? Can our government show some sympathy to those poor people?

        Please help those victims! Helping others is helping ourselves!
    • 发誓再也不选 保守党
      • 作为保守党的倾向者,感到难过. too bad....
    • 不要选保守党,那些冷血垃圾.
      • Agree, support!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      • 另:刚看到消息,安省自由党政府宣布捐款100万给中国, 看看自由党!!! 支持!!!!!
        • 哪里看到的消息?给个link?如果是真的,赞小麦一个.安省最近经济不行,小麦真这样做,是要承受一些政治压力的. 他有这个勇气,我家两票,下次就是自由党的啦.
          • 还有俺
    • 俺LG给Harper 的信.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Mr. Harper,

      As you may already know, a 7.9-magnitude catastrophic earthquake just devastated southwest China 14:28 local time on May 12. The death toll has reached beyond 19,500 on Wednesday and the toll is still sharply rising while the worst-hit area was still cut off from rescuers. And they are still aftershocks. Hundred of schools, homes and factories demolished, rows and rows of apartment blocks collapsed into piles, bodies wedged among the debris, homeless families and their neighbors clustered on the roadside, shielding themselves from the downpour with plastic tar.

      Countless victims were reported buried under heaps of rubble, and officials pleaded for urgent supplies of food, medicine and rescue equipment.

      Our hearts go out to those whose lives were lost and to families affected by this massive earthquake. However, I am not happy and many many people with a heart are not happy. The Canadian government keeps blaming China on human right issues. Now, you are so quiet when China is in need of your help. Many of my friends are very very disppointed with the government for its inhumane attitude.

      Mr. Harper, you are the father of two children. Think about how you feel as a father if your children are buried under the rubble. I beleve you love your family. Think about how you feel if your wife, mother, father, sisters and brothers are homeless from the disaster and desperaely in needs of food, water and shelter.

      You may not like Chinese government; you may not want to show up in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games to support the Canadian athletes. However, this is not about politics and not about games. It is about natual disaster and human lives. It is not the time to blame or to condemn. It is the time to show you have a heart as a father. It is the time to show you care for people. It is the time for you to show your love.

      Mr Harper, please show the sympathy and initiate government donation for China earthquake and send rescue staff to where they are most needed. You have a chance to be one of best Prime Minister in the history of Canada.

      Thank you, Mr Harper, for your understanding, for your care and for your love.

      Sincerely,更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net