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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

sichuang need medical team urgently without no doubt. I think donation to Canadian Medical Assistance Teams is one of the best options to show your support for now.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛please reference citytv news http://www.citynews.ca/news/news_22722.aspx and their news release below.


Canadian Medical Assistance Teams to depart tomorrow for China

5/16/2008: 5/16/2008: TORONTO/ VANCOUVER: Canadian Medical Assistance Teams will hold a news conference on Saturday May 17, 2008 at 9:30am to announce the departure of the first of several medical teams headed to aid in the relief effort of earthquake ravaged Sichuan, China.

"Due to deploy tomorrow, are: Team Leaders Paramedic Dave Deines and Dr. Dave Ratcliffe, Dr. Haibo Xu, Dr. Charles Jiang, and Paramedic Chris Kaley," stated Valerie Rzepka, acting Chairperson of Canadian Medical Assistance Teams from Toronto. "They will conduct an in-depth assessment of the region, partnering with our contacts on the ground, in order to make the best plan for our teams to implement. Medical volunteers from across Canada have stepped up and offered their skills and expertise to the people of Sichuan. We aim to send rotations medical staff to work in our field hospital for several weeks to come."

Volunteers pay their own way to travel to the disaster zone. Donations toward the cost involved would be greatly appreciated, and can be given through our website www.canadianmedicalteams.org

Press Conference:
Where: Vancouver International Airport, (YVR) Centre Court adjacent to the Jade Carving
When: May 17, 2008 at 9:30 am PST
Who: Bill Coltart, CMAT Regional Chair (Western Canada), and CMAT Primary Response Trauma Team.

For further information on the CMAT Chinese response, or for media inquiries, please contact:

In Toronto - Valerie Rzepka

In Vancouver - Bill Coltart

- 30 -

To make an online donation now using VISA or Mastercard, please click here or download and print our donation form and mail/fax to our office at (519) 720-0282. Please be generous.

CMAT respects your privacy and confidentiality. To remove your name from our mailing list, please go to the following link: https://www.canadianmedicalteams.org/secure/confirm_email_delete.asp.

About Canadian Medical Assistance Teams: CMAT is a non profit, non governmental, non denominational organization based in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. Established in January 2004, CMAT has earned a reputation as an important partner agency of the United Nations and World Health Organization, and is accredited in Sphere Minimum Standards for Humanitarian Relief. CMAT's mission is to help reduce suffering and improve the health and welfare of families, by providing medical aid to the victims of natural and/or complex disasters, both in Canada and Internationally. For Media inquiries please contact Valerie at 416-450-4270 or vrzepka@CanadianMedicalTeams.org.

Canadian Medical Assistance Teams
For inquiries, please send mail to postmaster@canadianmedicalteams.org.
150 Brant Avenue,
Brantford, Ontario. N3T3H7
Tel: (416) 305-0290
Fax: (519) 720-0282更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 加拿大红十字会公共关系发言人答疑:
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hello,

    The Canadian Red Cross collects funds to meet the immediate relief and long-term recovery needs of disaster survivors. Should donations supporting a specific Red Cross disaster relief and recovery effort meet the amount required, the Canadian Red Cross will cease collecting donations for the response and will communicate this information immediately to the public.

    Between 5 and 15% is spent on administration fees, with a minimum of 85% going towards the program or appeal in question.

    Donations to the Canadian Red Cross China Earthquake response will be used to support emergency relief efforts already underway in Sichuan province. Canadian Red Cross donations to this response will be transferred to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies who will then distribute these funds to the Red Cross Society of China directly.

    Members of the Federation are currently on the ground in China conducting emergency needs assessments. These assessments give the Federation the best information for how much money will be required to respond to the needs of those affected.. Donations to the Canadian Red Cross will then be transferred through the Federation to the Red Cross in China.

    Canadians can rest assured that their donations will go directly to those affected by the recent earthquake in as timely a manner as possible.

    Joan Tierney
    on behalf of CRCS Feedback
    Public Affairs, National Office
    Ì Canadian Red Cross
    170 Metcalfe Street, Suite 300
    Ottawa,ON, K2P 2P2
    www.redcross.ca更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我就是不相信。这些人说起大话来眼都不用眨一下。
      • 你捐哪家是你的决定. 不过如果加红十字你都不相信的话, 恐怕没有哪个组织和政府你能信赖了.
      • 捐一些是我们的心意,通过哪儿捐也是自己意愿。请相信这个社会,相信我们居住国的政府。想的太多反而会辜负自己的心愿。
    • 最好直接汇款到"中国红十会" 或"香港红十字会". 这样会更多的钱去到灾区. 毕竟国内的运作成本低. "加拿大红十会"的运做成本比较高点. 还有在"香港红十字会"网上捐款的话也有退税收据.
      明天我去Scarborough的Bank of China汇款到"中国红十会"再确认有没有退税收据, 按理应该有.
      • 请问hbcmarkham ,香港红十字会的退税收据可以在加拿大用吗?谢谢
        • 按理应该可以. 不管你在那里捐的款, 有慈善机构的收据的就可以..."香港红十字会"的网上捐款都有不同国家的来的.把你的邮寄地址填上, 他们会寄收据给你的.
          另外你也可以同中国大使馆的帐号捐款. 详细信息网叶:
      • 几多钱用到灾区不是你我或者哪个慈善机构能决定的, 决定的是当地的领导
        • 如果有人在这个时候打灾区的捐款的主意的话, 当心给雷辟掉, 生个儿子没有屁眼啊!
    • 我的一个同学发给我的邮件,捐款给加拿大红十字会不容易用到四川灾区,建议捐到香港红十字会。下面是我同学的邮件内容。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Concerns for Canadian Red Cross:

      1. 捐款后你会在页面最后看到有段提示:

      Should donations supporting a specific Red Cross disaster relief effort
      surpass the amount required, the remainder will be directed as follows:

      Donations exceeding that required by Red Cross to respond to a specific
      Canadian disaster will be directed to the Canadian Disaster Relief Fund
      - a fund that provides support to people affected by future domestic
      Donations exceeding that required by Red Cross to respond to a specific
      International disaster will be directed to the International Disaster
      Relief Fund - a fund that provides support to people affected by future
      international disasters.)




      https://www.redcross.org.hk/donation/user_donation.asp?langId=2更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 可惜我已经捐给了加拿大红十字会。
        • 没有必要后悔了,我也捐给了它,以后还会捐给它,以前也是,我觉得一些国人经受不起透明的制度,太脆弱, 我单位的同事也几乎都在我的建议下捐给了加拿大红十字,嘿嘿
          • hey squirrel, i am on your side, but we might want to keep our mouth shut....
            • 嘿嘿,看来只有SHUT了。
        • 别可惜了,加拿大政府还是给了我们希望。
    • 加拿大红会把85%给国际红会,国际红会把多少%给中国红会还不知道。不过有一点是清楚的,他们最后是给中国红十字会。还有一点是他们按自己的评估来决定重建需要多少钱,这又些不可思议,因为他们根本都不知道灾区通过别的渠道得到了多少援助,因此也不知道加拿大该给多少。
      等他们知道别人给了多少,然后算出加拿大只需要给多少的时候,我们早就捐完了,捐多出来的,就做long-term recovery needs,钱就先抓在他们手里了。这样我就理解为什么海啸的钱还有2/3在账面上。可以理解为将来再给,可以理解为将来别人给够了,他们就用在别处。

      • Agree
      • 顺便说一下,照此类推,香港红会也可能(也可能不)通过国际红会转。但是肯定的是,但是应该也扣管理费的。有一点肯定的是,他们也是把钱给中国红会。既然这样,为什么不直接给中国红会呢?我想中国红会还是得给中国政府,也是应该扣除管理费的。
        • 转现金估计都要过国际红十字,直接参加当地救援应该不必
      • rolia把加拿大红十字会(有退税收据)放在顶上, 猜想捐的人会比较多. 我也是先捐了加拿大redcross, 后来才又去捐了香港红十字.
      • 出力不花钱的事情,你总是毫不犹豫,到你捐一点钱的时候,你想得比谁都多。。。5快10快也是捐,关键是出了力了,讨论个鸟阿
      • 实在不放心的话,就象咱一样,多捐几个地方好了,总不会被浪费的,别再比较来比较去的了.
        • sichuang need medical team urgently without no doubt. I think donation to Canadian Medical Assistance Teams is one of the best options to show your support for now.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛please reference citytv news http://www.citynews.ca/news/news_22722.aspx and their news release below.

          CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSISTANCE TEAMS :: www.canadianmedicalteams.org :: PRESS RELEASE

          Canadian Medical Assistance Teams to depart tomorrow for China

          5/16/2008: 5/16/2008: TORONTO/ VANCOUVER: Canadian Medical Assistance Teams will hold a news conference on Saturday May 17, 2008 at 9:30am to announce the departure of the first of several medical teams headed to aid in the relief effort of earthquake ravaged Sichuan, China.

          "Due to deploy tomorrow, are: Team Leaders Paramedic Dave Deines and Dr. Dave Ratcliffe, Dr. Haibo Xu, Dr. Charles Jiang, and Paramedic Chris Kaley," stated Valerie Rzepka, acting Chairperson of Canadian Medical Assistance Teams from Toronto. "They will conduct an in-depth assessment of the region, partnering with our contacts on the ground, in order to make the best plan for our teams to implement. Medical volunteers from across Canada have stepped up and offered their skills and expertise to the people of Sichuan. We aim to send rotations medical staff to work in our field hospital for several weeks to come."

          Volunteers pay their own way to travel to the disaster zone. Donations toward the cost involved would be greatly appreciated, and can be given through our website www.canadianmedicalteams.org

          Press Conference:
          Where: Vancouver International Airport, (YVR) Centre Court adjacent to the Jade Carving
          When: May 17, 2008 at 9:30 am PST
          Who: Bill Coltart, CMAT Regional Chair (Western Canada), and CMAT Primary Response Trauma Team.

          For further information on the CMAT Chinese response, or for media inquiries, please contact:

          In Toronto - Valerie Rzepka

          In Vancouver - Bill Coltart

          - 30 -

          To make an online donation now using VISA or Mastercard, please click here or download and print our donation form and mail/fax to our office at (519) 720-0282. Please be generous.

          CMAT respects your privacy and confidentiality. To remove your name from our mailing list, please go to the following link: https://www.canadianmedicalteams.org/secure/confirm_email_delete.asp.

          About Canadian Medical Assistance Teams: CMAT is a non profit, non governmental, non denominational organization based in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. Established in January 2004, CMAT has earned a reputation as an important partner agency of the United Nations and World Health Organization, and is accredited in Sphere Minimum Standards for Humanitarian Relief. CMAT's mission is to help reduce suffering and improve the health and welfare of families, by providing medical aid to the victims of natural and/or complex disasters, both in Canada and Internationally. For Media inquiries please contact Valerie at 416-450-4270 or vrzepka@CanadianMedicalTeams.org.

          Canadian Medical Assistance Teams
          For inquiries, please send mail to postmaster@canadianmedicalteams.org.
          150 Brant Avenue,
          Brantford, Ontario. N3T3H7
          Tel: (416) 305-0290
          Fax: (519) 720-0282更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • latest news: Federal government matches donations made to charities registered in Canada
      • Good.
      • link please.thanks
      • 现在好像很难决定怎么捐。如果加拿大红十字会不自己判断中国需要多少钱的话,我看选这个是挺好的。问题没搞清楚前我还是等等吧。反正钱要到重建时才用得上,现在几个亿应该够救灾的了。或许我们移民真的建所希望中学呢。
        • 等你搞清楚了,你也不用捐了。
          • 不至于。重建要好几年啊。而且万一我不用捐,钱都多了,那不更好。不过,你放心,钱多了,灾民用不完我也捐。我只是想让我的钱全到他们手上。当然,这也是看到我有时间等才这样做的。如果我必须现在捐,那我也管不了这么多了。
            • en. 有道理。不急的话,还是弄清楚了好。
              • 这个捐款,还是一冲动捐了比较好,反正少那几块钱不会影响你的生活,眼睛眨眨就过去了罢
            • 在这个高度inter-dependent的社会,缺乏信任凡事DIY是否活的累点? 我觉得加拿大政府现在的态度,和蹿生的加红十字会捐款数不无关系。如果自己盖希望中学,报批,审核,兼工不都是成本吗?质量一定能保证好过专业人员吗?当然精神还是要鼓励下。
            • 哪天你捐完以后,请写一个详尽的调研报告,告诉大家那个机构最好。反正讨论不用上税,你何乐而不为??
      • 慈济算charities registered in Canada 吗?中国红会应该不算吧?
      • 关键是加拿大政府match了,也肯定不会去中国。
        • 同意, 就是有些人愿意给外国人提鞋.
    • 我还是决定捐款给加拿大红十字会。
      • 儒家思想。要不得。
    • 我也是通加拿大红十字会. 如果想捐款就不要有太多怀疑,并越早越好.你捐多少加拿大政府就捐多少.而谁要真敢打救灾款的主意,举头三尺有神明,老天回惩罚他的.
      • 捐到那里随便个人,但有一点通过加拿大红十字会捐钱,只会有大约50%到灾区,如果钱多了还不一定有50%,这一点是肯定的,人家条款里面就有不需要争论;
        • 加拿大红十字会说administrative costs5-15%
          • 请仔细点,加拿大红十字会说是5-15%实际上不止,自己search一下,还有加拿大红十字还有转交国际红十字会,这又有xx%, 在转交中国红十字会,这又有XX%的行政费用;
            请仔细点,加拿大红十字会说是5-15%实际上不止,自己search一下,还有加拿大红十字还有转交国际红十字会,这又有xx%, 在转交中国红十字会,这又有XX%的行政费用;能有50%到灾区就不错了。这里的慈善机构实际上是在做生意。政府为此还出台过一个行政费用不能超过65%(要确认忘了)的规定。
            • 听起来好象又浪费了五十块钱啊, 当是捐给组织了
    • 我捐给了加拿大红十字协会,就冲着个人捐1元,政府就捐1元的政策。
      • SAME HERE.
        • Same here
        • 把钱扔到水里也一样会“dang”一声响。
    • 我还是捐加拿大红十字会, 它的政策公开透明, 比起其它民间接受捐款组织来说, 我还是信赖它多一点. 而且政府能1:1match.
    • 1. According to statistics published by the Toronto Star, the Red Cross ranks among the worst in returning donated money back to actual charity work
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. According to statistics published by the Toronto Star, the Red Cross ranks among the worst in returning donated money back to actual charity work. For every $1 of donation, only 70 cents was released to do charity, 30 cents were kept as administrative expenses.

      2. They are still sitting on millions of dollars of donations supposedly destined for the Sunami victims of several years ago, claiming that they are planning to build houses for the victims. However, no houses were built and the victims are still living in sheds and tents on the hillsides.

      3. After 911, the Red Cross branch in New York received over a billion dollars of donations. However, very litttle was spent to help the victims families. They only relented after the US government threatened to shut down their operation.

      4. In the same Toronto Star statistics, World Vision Canada seemed to rank among the best. For every dollar of donation, 95 cents was spent on actual charity work. But my concern is they will use our money on relief efforts under the name of the church and Jessus Christ. Our country man may not be told that the money actually came from donations by overseas Chinese. Worst, they may use this opportunity to preach and brainwash people that if you believe in God you will get help.

      5. One remaining option is to give the money to our Chinese consulate. If we take that option, we just have to pray that the money would be out of the reach of 'corrupt officials'更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 顶。这个回复好!
      • 说得好!我就是不捐北美红十字会!北美最腐败的就是慈善组织,toronto star报道过,United Way的工作人员,用公款报销自己家里购买的高档音响,和高级电视.想做慈善都拿出一点做慈善的样子来,年薪几十万的CEO只应该出现在赢利颇多的华尔街上市公司里,不应该出现在慈善机构里!!
      • 不管那个途径捐款,都要有中国政府最终去分配。用这些钱给这些“慈善机构”发工资,不如肉烂在锅里。