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汶川地震牵动着每个海外游子的心,相信你们和我一样都在思考,怎样为灾区人民做点什么。目前的状况是,亲自赶往灾区现场去救人是不现实,况且政府派出的十万大军正在那里,那还是只有捐款是我们可以做的事。可是,一想到捐款,心里自然就问自己,我捐的款,有多少可以到灾民手上,80% 还是20%,或者5%。有多少贪官现在正在盘算着那即将从天而降的救灾款和捐款,想到这些,就不想捐,然而,心里又问自己,如果都不捐,那灾民就什么都得不到,只要贪官不贪完,灾民多少可以拿到些也好啊,所以还是决定一定要捐。作出这样决定后,就在想用什么途径捐款最有效,想来想去,想到了个方法,那就是在加拿大募捐,然后将捐款全部直接捐到灾区受灾最严重,最需要重建的一所或几所学校。本人一人的力量有限,希望在此召集有志之士,我们可以请律师或会计师对我们的帐目公证和监督,我们对捐款人唯一的许诺就是全额款到那些学校,召集人不留名,一概使用加拿大华人的名字。
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 捐款的一些顾虑及建议。。。
    汶川地震牵动着每个海外游子的心,相信你们和我一样都在思考,怎样为灾区人民做点什么。目前的状况是,亲自赶往灾区现场去救人是不现实,况且政府派出的十万大军正在那里,那还是只有捐款是我们可以做的事。可是,一想到捐款,心里自然就问自己,我捐的款,有多少可以到灾民手上,80% 还是20%,或者5%。有多少贪官现在正在盘算着那即将从天而降的救灾款和捐款,想到这些,就不想捐,然而,心里又问自己,如果都不捐,那灾民就什么都得不到,只要贪官不贪完,灾民多少可以拿到些也好啊,所以还是决定一定要捐。作出这样决定后,就在想用什么途径捐款最有效,想来想去,想到了个方法,那就是在加拿大募捐,然后将捐款全部直接捐到灾区受灾最严重,最需要重建的一所或几所学校。本人一人的力量有限,希望在此召集有志之士,我们可以请律师或会计师对我们的帐目公证和监督,我们对捐款人唯一的许诺就是全额款到那些学校,召集人不留名,一概使用加拿大华人的名字。
    • 担忧得有道理。但是最终事情还得依靠当地人来做,钱到了学校的账上不意味着就用在该用的地方。缺乏监督机制就意味着腐败,可强化监督机制也意味着另一种支出。我宁愿选择比较有公信力的机构(比如RedCross),让他们行使他们的监督职能。
      • redcross Canada--redcross China--redcrose Sichuan--Redcross Ganzi--Redcross Wenchuan.如果每个机构收取12%管理费,在不被任何人截流的情况下,可剩60%。
        • 不会到县级吧!这个时候说“如果每个机构收取12%管理费”不合适,最好查清楚Redcross的运作方式再说,无端的猜测没有意义。公信力是日积月累形成的,遇到危难的时候,人们自然会想起他们。如果这个时候有几个热心人说他们要亲自把钱送到灾民手中,恐怕大家不会相信。
          • 不收管理费可能吗?我也知道,这个想法比较天真,但是只要你愿意去做,一些简单的想法便是最好的。
            • 如果嫌这些机构不够好,建议你找一个灾区的家庭直接寄钱给他们吧,这会是一个不花任何管理费的方式。但是谈到公信力和管理方式,我想你不会比那些正规的机构做得好。
    • 这种时候, 说那腚疼腰疼的话, 让人感觉挺没劲的. 想捐就捐. Red Cross应是可靠的,且网址早已被置顶. 你要等把你所说的那种贪官全部抓住, 再捐?
      • 抓不抓,咱管不了,咱是在想怎样有效地捐款。
    • I feel people could act on their own first to help out others they already know or close by. I will ask my mom and my best friend in Chengdu - a primary school teacher to visit the ruined families in person and give the money to them.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛It is good if one individual can help a few families. Things get stuck when one wants to do a lot. My co-workers ask me to go home in person, but I would rather save the ticket money towards the help.

      I have revised the letter to send to co-workers for those who want to use it as an example. Others should revise the letter according his/her unique situation -----
      I am sure you have heard about the catastrophic earthquake in Sichuan Province yesterday. According to most recent media release, “the official death toll in the Chinese earthquake rose to nearly 12,000 today and 18,000 people are buried in quake-hit city of Mianyang.” Many lives are in danger right now.

      Most of my families and friends are in Chengdu, Sichuan. Bad news regarding dead and missing people arrive one after another. Heavy storms and rains that came after the disastrous earthquake made the rescue effort very difficult. The roof of my grandma’s house was blew away by the wind. Unfortunately, the villages those experienced the most damages are in remote areas where young people have immigrated to the cities to survive. Many seniors like my grandma who are left alone in the villages were helpless in this disaster. For those who survived, they do not have financial and handy help to rebuild the houses.

      Another serious problem is the quality of the school buildings. “Just east of the epicentre, 1,000 students and teachers were killed or missing at a collapsed high school in Beichuan county, a more than six-story building reduced to a pile of rubble about two yards high. The deaths were separate from another levelled school in Dujiangyan where 900 students are feared dead.” Many school building were poorly constructed with defective materials. It has been a long-time outstand situation but little effort was made in the past. Now the kids suffered with their lives and blood. Report said many school buildings crashed or had critical cracks after the earthquake. Better fix the building or rebuild the schools properly before the students can return to study.

      Not everyone can work as a doctor or nurse to save lives in China, but you can make your own contribution towards saving lives, rebuilding the houses for seniors in the village, and reconstructing the schools for millions of children in Sichuan, China. I am here to collect your donations and will send them to my grandma’s village and the ruined school in Dujiangyan that is 50KMs away from my mom’s home in Chengdu, Sichuan.

      Your support and help are much appreciated and will be memorized by the people. Act now for people in need and you will make a difference!

      Many thanks and best wishes.
      ------------更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 别想那么多了,也别为自己找理由不捐了,80%能到需要帮助的人手里也比没有好啊,这些组织也需要费用啊。不要出了几块钱,还要对人家指手化话脚。Canadian red cross , 指名中国地震(china earthquake),很容易的。
      • 我觉得,可以动脑筋的地方是,想那年还啸一样,政府可以来个1:1match;很多单位的捐款活动,也有很多时候采用1:1match的规则,不知道我们华人能不能争取得到?希望大家群策群力,一起动动脑筋。
        • 很多大公司都match。 你也不是什么名人,你能组织吗,有人响应你吗?到canadian red cross网站上一捐了事,你也不是捐个十万,百万的,用的着这么深思熟率吗,思考的结果还是不捐,这是我认识的很多中国人的结论。
          • 是呀。就算只捐5刀,就可以给出灾民买好多方便面了。
          • 多谢提醒, 差点忘了公司matching这回事.