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ZT:在伤口上撒盐,保守党议员西利尔应向四川人民忏悔 向中国道歉

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛迄今为止,见到攻击中国最恶毒的人:安省保守党议员Randy Hillier!!!

看看吧,Randy Hillier他都是用什么语言在攻击中国、诋毁奥运、鼓励ZD、FLG,都公开发表都是最最恶毒的语言:暴徒、恶棍、反人类。。。甚至在5月12地震的当天下午,还说“恶棍们举着禁声火焰的游行(Communist thugs march a flame of silence through China)”。

保守党议员西利尔应向四川人民忏悔 向中国道歉

近日网上看到一件奇怪的争论,那是安省保守党议员希利尔(Randy Hillier)向麦坚迪省长投诉公民与移民厅长陈国治,说陈国治不满他在“5.12”中国地震当日这个不适当的时候说出不适当的话,是曲解了他的原话,“很Stupid”(就此,记者还提醒他注意礼貌),5月12日当天他“根本没有提到抵制2008年北京奥运会,而说的是法轮功的事情”,要求陈国治向他道歉。


1. 希利尔是否说过反对北京奥运的言论?


3月19日约13时40分,希利尔议员首次在他的议会发言中提到中国。在他议会生涯第一次谈及中国的演讲中,他就率先提出了抵制北京奥运的呼吁。表示“西藏的人民没有自由”;“五十年前中国使用残酷武力侵略西藏”。提出“自由世界”要效仿抵制莫斯科奥运会那样,“除非中国军队立即撤出西藏,加拿大必须冻结(对中国)经济援助、停止学生交流计划、加快难民申请、并抵制中国奥运会(boycott the China Olympics)。”

4月9日约13时40分,希利尔议员指责麦坚迪政府逃避“为西藏人权而战”,反对安省经贸厅长前往北京。说西藏遭受集权统治,“残暴的罪犯和鼻涕虫(thugs and slugs)拒绝无辜人民的自由和正义”。说北京奥运的圣火变成了“暴虐和压迫的黑暗符号”。并邀请各位议员第二天与他共同前往中领馆前参加藏独人士的示威。


5月12日约13时05分,四川地震当天,希利尔议员指责政府资助的郁金香节主办方“与中国使馆联手”,不给法轮功参与;并说在奥运火炬传递期间省府向中国派出经贸团是“闹剧(farce)”。把成千上万民众参加的奥运圣火在中国内地的传递说成是“恶棍们举着禁声火焰的游行(Communist thugs march a flame of silence through China)”。

――难道这些言论真是像替希利尔 辩护的人士所称“与北京奥运会全无关系”?



2. 在伤口上撒盐








Mr. Randy Hillier: I always stand for freedom, justice and democracy. In the past, I have spoken for those who cannot be heard. I rise today, a voice for those silenced half a world away.

The people of Tibet do not enjoy our freedoms. Freedoms we take for granted are met with violence and the wrath of the Communist Chinese government. Over 50 years ago, China used deadly force invading Tibet. They use deadly force today to maintain their rule.

The history of the Moscow Olympics comes to mind. Then, as now, a cruel government masquerades behind the games for legitimacy. It is inconsistent to participate in an activity of civility and sportsmanship while China openly oppresses the people of Tibet. The Moscow boycott lessened Soviet prestige and muted Soviet propaganda.

As free people, we must encourage the free world to act. Canada must freeze aid, suspend student exchange programs and expedite refugee claims-and boycott the China Olympics unless the Chinese army withdraws from Tibet immediately.

I ask all free Canadians to join with me and lend your voice to those in Tibet.




Mr. Randy Hillier: As the McGuinty government pursues trivial matters which limit individual choice, freedom and judgment, they duck the real fight for human rights in Tibet, where the whip of a dictatorship prevails, where thugs and slugs deny the innocent freedom and justice.

In the Olympic charter, "Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles." Meanwhile, the Communist propaganda tour deserves a gold medal for their oppression, violence and intolerance.


Paramilitary thugs now escort the Olympic torch, mocking our ideals, our beliefs, our foundations. The Olympic flame, a symbol of hope and humanity, now stands as a darkened symbol of tyranny and repression.

No wonder the Olympic flame is not coming to Ontario; our Liberal ministers are going to China. With open arms, they embrace Communist China and its disregard for individual choice and freedom.

Tomorrow, I will once again proudly stand with those who strive for justice, democracy and freedom. I invite all of you to join me at the Chinese consulate tomorrow, where I will lend my voice to those ignored a world away. And I will not be alone.


Mr. Randy Hillier: It's interesting to see that this motion is being brought to the floor today, after the secrecy and the deception of these junkets in the past.

The Speaker (Hon. Steve Peters): Please, I'd just ask the member to use language that's parliamentary. I would ask that he withdraw the comment.

Mr. Randy Hillier: I withdraw.

To pass a motion and to call it a strong motion-this is a weak, fluffy motion of no importance whatsoever. To ask that constructive dialogue to be engaged in by the Communist Chinese party with the people in Tibet as they bring tanks in, as they use batons and beat people-and this government asks for them to engage in constructive dialogue.

You cannot have constructive dialogue when one side is so overwhelmingly powerful and the other side so overwhelmingly weak; when one side is willing to use force, when one side is willing to use violence and has no regard and no respect for freedoms, for justice, for any of our democratic values.

There is an opportunity for all western countries, all western democracies-provincial or federal-to demand that Tibet and Tibetans be treated with respect and that their human rights not be just a privilege granted by the Communist Chinese party.

For 50 years the world has sat back and watched oppression in Tibet and has done nothing. Our western civilization has spoken out in the past against other countries that did not respect human rights. We spoke out against South Africa and against Rhodesia. We have spoken out against many oppressive regimes in the past, and we took action. Those actions turned into results and helped those people in those countries. We must take action now, for when those Olympics are over, China is not going to treat Tibetans any better than they're treating them today. You can be absolutely sure, after the Olympics, that the Chinese army and security forces will take on Tibet with far more vigour than what we're seeing now.

The world spotlight is shining on the corruption and the violence of Tibet. We must shine the light brighter. We must not allow this oppression to continue. I ask this House to take further steps, to have the courage and not be fearful of China as a trading partner. Do not be fearful of China. Be a strong advocate for human rights and freedoms everywhere, for if we do not stand up and defend human rights in the free western world, then who will?




Mr. Randy Hillier: Tomorrow marks the 16th anniversary of Falun Gong, an exercise of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance. I invite government members to join with me; that is, if they're not too busy banning the Lord's Prayer or creating new nanny-state policies. Unlike those across the aisle, I am against the Chinese oppression of Falun Gong and Tibet.

Last week, the Ottawa tulip festival, in partnership with the embassy of China, banned Falun Gong. That is what the McGuinty government's China junket has brought to Ontario: state-funded censorship. This government gave the tulip festival $300,000, and with it they became the latest voice of silence.

I have watched this government embrace the godless Communists and mock our values with that farce of a trade mission during the Olympic torch relay. While Communist thugs march a flame of silence through China, I will welcome the human rights torch relay in the city of Kingston this weekend.

While this government freely chose to import censorship and export jobs, I choose to export the values of freedom, justice and democracy

While this government freely chose to import censorship and export jobs, I choose to export the values of freedom, justice and democracy更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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